Since none of you have a girlfriend

What are you going to be watching for Valentine's day Sup Forums? I'm going to put on 5 Centimeters per Second and fix myself up a romantic dinner of pizza and pepsi.

wanting a 3dpd girlfriend


>Valentine's day
Is this just a meme or do normalfags really celebrate this?

I celebrate that cheap chocolate.

It's my birthday.
I don't celebrate that either.

I'm going to eat cake with my waifu like I've been doing for the last 13 years. Only have 11 more months to go until wizardry.

This is how I respond.

I don't really follow the calendar, there is only monday-sunday in my world.

the days get longer, then they get shorter again...

Why don't we all work to improve ourselves this Valentine's day?

ponytail haruhi best haruhi

dead haruhi best haruhi

Why are you even planning this already? Valentines isn't until February.

>none of you have a girlfriend
That's because we're married to our waifus.

Madrid vs psg

>Since none of you have a girlfriend...
Are you sure?

Check the calendar bucko

I hope this is a joke.


y-y-you're still pointing your mouse cursor at the bottom right, right?

I'll spend it with Haruhi

shit taste

I'm probably going to read through a whole romance manga and feel like shit and empty afterwards since I will never have anything like that. Any recommendations?

I bet you prefer coke you pleb piece of shit



Only one who has shit taste here is you, user

Im going to be spending valentines cooking my waifu a wonderful dinner


>Celebrating chads chocolate day.

Well it's on Wednesday, so probably nothing, AFAIK only Boruto is aired on Wednesdays.
Why do you even care about Valentine's if you don't have a gf?

Pepsi is literally best girl.

Actually I met this girl on tinder and she's nice. Gonna have a date with her tomorrow.

Wish me luck because I'm gonna fuck it up somehow and be right back.

I don't celebrate fake holidays like valentines


we salute you, brother

Tonari no kaibutsu-kun

It is my favorite romance manga.
If you watched the 12 episodes anime you can start where it left off. It didn't cover even a quarter of how good this is.

Amazing taste.

Subarashi shekaii - not really love-love romance oriented, it´s more of a group of stories which can land very close home, chars are really human alike and there are some stories which involve romance, also it´s only like 20 chapters so you can eat it up on a whole sitting , I´d say go for it

I'm going to finish up Legend of the Galactic Heroes around that time, so I'll probably be drunk on Valentine's Day. Real way to watch LoGH is to drink when Yang Wenli drinks.

Get your blog shit out of here


>Implying I don't have a girlfriend

>Valentines day
You mean Ash Wednesday.

Why don't you like and subscribe?

What the fuck are you doing, user?

So /spa/ is still a thing

I need a gf. I can't be a wizard. I refuse.

Try compensated dating

>he doesn't wanna be a wizard


wait I said C U C K so why is that censored into KEK?

How new are you

I'm way older than you to the point where that word isn't censored. go back to tumblshit or something you pleb

>Since none of you have a girlfriend

Guess again fag, 2 years strong.

You're trying too hard.
Please lurk more.

Happy Birthday user

Is that her? Does she bang good?

pls dont lewd yotsuba

oh wait
i need sobriety

They really do, just like they watch the super bowl while claiming "I don't want watch handegg but my normie instincts drive me to participate in this great event".

>all these weak nibbas without at tulpa waifu
Step it up, koh/a/i

Enjoy your used up slut who no one wanted. If she's actually attractive, let's be honest here she probably isnt, then watch out she has a host of mental and/or emotional isssues. Have fun on your date user!

Watching anime, like any other day.

Working , then going home and lay in my bed. Maybe watch anime if I have a the will power

Yes she does, she's beautiful.

Also, her body is amazing

The only funny post ITT

Thanks lads

>being this denial

Hiro reinstated that filter?


i will try my best to ignore it

Watching K-On because K-On is the anime chicken soup for the soul.

>Try compensated dating

The fuck did something that?

It was always there. It's just active when you write in capital letters.



Stop being such a tsundere

Has anyone actually gotten chocolates on Valentine's Day here that's not from their family?

I don't believe in valentine's day.

It's not a thing in my country.

I've never received one but I have given one before. I gave some to my crush back in highschool but she didn't catch onto the meaning. She only got it when her best friend pointed it out to her but by that point I was already dating her best friend.

That's some manga shit right there.

I'm going to watch the Violet episode and wonder what's love with her.

less than 70% are not chocolate, they are candies

I'd watch that.

Kill yourself.

>in Japan you get chocolates from the girl who likes you, making one day out of the year it's the women's turn

>all 364 days it's up to us to approach a girl
>valentines day we have to do the same but harder

How do they get away with it?

I'll just watch what will be airing that day.

>from the girl who likes you
If you're not a cunt you get obligation chocolate. If she's the girl you like then you give her something good back.

It's not how it works. Women gift choco of different price range to meet social requirement then on the same day of next month, the receiver has to sent her gift. Its just a marketing shit like christmas

I'm going to forget that Valentine's Day exists like I do with pretty much any "holiday" that doesn't give me a day off.

Best setup, coming through:
>Leave a hoodie in the sun, or put it in the dryer for a few minutes for extra warmth
>Spray the hoodie with a little perfume
>Attach hoodie to a body pillow
>Fill the limbs and hood with rolled up old shirts and pull the drawstring closed
>If you like tits, fill a bra with normal balloons filled with water and attach that to the bodypillow underneath the hoodie
>Lay down and wrap your arms around it/position its arms around you
>For extra effect listen to some breathing and/or heartbeast ASMR
There is nothing more comfy. You get the full intimacy of being with another person without any of the downsides.


That's too much work, I'll just stick with my body pillow like normal.

It's really not. Adding the hoodie with limbs takes less than 3 minutes. Getting a bra, perfume and warming the hoodie might be a bit much everything else is easy.

I don't celebrate this holiday.

Gonna rewatch some old series with my gf while being comfy in bed. I just need to make her stop watching this years shit like Citrus and Darling in the Franxx like all the other plebs.

FRANXX made my gf horny. She wanted to fug hard after episode 4.
They love that romance stuff.

That's true. Doesn't excuse going full fangirl over some shitty series.

Yang we like sold me on brandy.
I even add it to my tea sometimes

When these user say gf, they're talking about 2Dgf, r-right?


Ofcourse user.
But not really. Me and my 3dpd do have a nice collection of buyfag merch and dakis with our actual 2d waifus that we fight over while calling each others tastes bad.

It's 2018, they mean their obese 3d otaku gfs. Oldfags are actually becoming normies more and more while we also have a bunch of normalfag newfags. The glory days are over bucko.

My school had a service where you can pay money to deliver roses/chocolate to someone.

guess how that went...