Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou

One last smile.

Other urls found in this thread:つくみず

Also why Tkmiz wants to resign twitter? what did she said that affected her job?

No, I won't believe it

how do we stop her? send a bunch of kick-pics?


better start saving up those twitter images

What does がんぼり mean?

Probably got tired of all the stalkers.

is she actually going through with it?
on a happier note, im trying to make a nuko plushie keychain. anyone have suggestions for facial expressions? I can't decide


what did she mean by this?

ガン掘り(がんぼり) means anal sex between men

>potato and weed from Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou

tkmz already deleted some media from twitter. My old rip was 326 image files. Today's rip is 288 image files

Tkmiz deleted all tweets from 2015 because Tkmiz sawつくみず citing them

oh so she didn't really mean it.

From when is your old RIP?

>I have 20 days
What did she mean by this?

And what did she mean with this?

>So as long as our consciousness is filled by our will, that is, as long as we are entrusted with the obsession of various wishes and the hopeless hopes and fears accompanying it, in other words, we are the subject of motivation As long as we do not have permanent happiness nor peace. Whether we pursue something or trying to escape from something, whether we are afraid of disaster or trying to earn enjoyment, these are essentially the same thing when we consider it inherently. Regardless of whatever form we intend to push the demand for, we will eventually be the same, but it is the concern for such a will that we are constantly satisfying our consciousness and moving consciousness. But without 40 peace there is no real happiness. Thus, the subject of motivation is

The motivation is?

>I sleep 20 hours a day

Probably some jap translation of Schopenhauer. Tkmiz is a fan.

I just checked
October 29 2017

Why are SEELE surrounding the spot where the shuumatsus died?

S2 when