
Why do people hat Diavolo? Is it because of the shitty translations it had back then?

Gappy makes me happy


Diavolo himself does not really make a presence until near the end of the story. His backstory is left a mystery & in a way, part of his character is with Doppio who can easily be seen as a separate person if you forget the split personality part. I see the appeal in that the few appearances he does make it has impact (like killing off half the main cast).

Diavolo literally did nothing right. He's the most retarded villain in the entire franchise and mainly liked by people who want to fuck Doppio.

Joshuu makes ME happy


Minor characters you really like?
I'd have to say I'm really fond of Enya.

based hairwindow poster

Mikitaka is pretty cool

>He's the most retarded villain in the entire franchise
Kira says hello.

Tell Kira I said hi, but I was talking about Diavolo.

Kira's screaming his name in the streets was pretty much his only retarded moment. Diavolo had a whole another level of autism. I can't think of a single decision he made that wasn't pants on head retarded.


based hairposter

I know part 4 characters were meant to be consumed by their flaws but even so Kira was mind numbingly retarded. Getting punked by a little kid of all things.

To be fair, that kid was really smart.

I want to corner little Hayato in the bath.

idk I love IT JUST WORKS huh?? character because of his split identi-what's going GOD FUCKIN -

I lov Diavolo. People who hat him should listen to The Court of the Crimson King and then summarily drink bleach.

Araki made an incredibly intelligent and subtle psychopath with Kira and then realized he had to make him act uncharacteristically stupid in order for the heroes to win.

Credits role

good post

I would do unspeakable things to Josuke.

It's so hot to think that he can't heal himself, only others. Imagine if you were to creep up in his house at night, and sneak into his room. Admiring his well muscled, tall, sexy Joestar genes body, you lick your lips and begin to meticulously tie him up. You aren't a stand user yourself, just a creep, but you do know about his healing ability and how it only works on others. You get to work on sedating him with the tools and drugs you stole from the hospital to make sure he won't wake up for a few more hours. Undressing him, you take another moment to soak in his gorgeous body, and think to yourself how handsome he would be if he didn't have such shitty hair. Still it's his trademark, so you leave it. You lift his strong, heavy body to place bandages underneath his defined arms and legs. Finally, you grab a bonesaw, and get to work with the messy job you came here for. The flesh, the muscle, the bone... It takes countless hours to cut through as well as careful application of more bandages until he's ready. It's well past dawn when you're done. You're so happy you can now take him home with you and he'd never be able to leave you or take care of himself, without arms or legs. He now fits neatly into the wheelbarrow you had used to carry your tools for the job. Since it's still pretty early, only a few people notice you heaving around a blanketed wheelbarrow back home. Of course you were careful to clean off yourself and the crime scene. Tomoko probably thought it was Josuke himself preparing for school. But he'll never go to school again. Now you have your own Jojo to love. Forever.

Credits have been successfully roled.

delet this

Part 5 is the worst part, and Diavole being the worst villain in JoJo is the reason it is the worst part.

HAMON BARRIER!! no hatefags of any kind are able to post in this thread.

part 7 is overrated
part 5 is the best

part 5 is overrated
part 7 is the best

your mom is overrated
my mom is the best

I feel glee at the sight of the man with deformed teeth

I'm hard.

Rocks are good people too!

I miss Doc

because the memes are real and brainlets STILL don't get King Crimson and he's not enough of a meme like muh Dio
he's fine but not on the same meme value level of Dio and the pillarmen, his motivations are too similar to Kira and he doesn't have any great scenes aside from stabbing Bruno among the pillars and the end sequence

why is this general so fucking ga- you know what never mind

what even are diavolo's motivations?

Too many to count but I guess Wekapipo, Mountain Tim, Waamu

Parts 5 and 7 are the best
Although part 6 is overrated

your mom is overrated

Part 6 is underrated you mean.

Still better than Shadow Dio who felt like just one more rando assassin.

At least Shadow DIO was present the entire time.

People hate Diavolo as an antagonist, but not as a villain. Araki built up suspense to a final fight between Diavolo and Giorno, and completely fucked it up with incorporating Silver Chariot Requiem. Complete let down.

All he did was spout vaguely menacing shit, at least Diavolo didn't neuter an interesting character from a previous part. Besides Diavolo was there dropping his bullshit quests for pretty much the entire time.

Doing nothing. Part 3 DIO is a pure wank character and just should have stayed dead instead of pulling the "oh my god he's alive!" shit again.

Please delete this

Post your stand ability and someone else will post its weakness.

>a stand that can capture and reconstruct sound waves (e.g. turn a word into another, or change a bird cheep into a lion's roar)

>a stand that makes you gay

Only gay for you

Y-you too.

When will you jojofags move on to a better series?

Reminder to never respond to shitty bait.

Why am I so worthless?

>i don't want anyone to know i exist and i'm the boss waaa
>also i wanna kill my daughter

>ten episodes of the same fight and nothing gets resolved
>DBS has worst quality than TV madoka
>more ass pulls than jojo

Everlasting climax.

>100+ episode anime has worse quality than 12 episode anime

I fucking told you not to respond to shitty bait, holy fucking shit.

>He excuses shitty animation even the 80s would be ashamed of

kys faggot

I'm gay

I'm a rock

I'm an island


That's gay.

No homo.

I really like how he’s played up as a badass mafia don, then shows up looking like a drugged out hair metal/punk band guitarist. A dude that wants to be forgotten about by everyone that sees him, showing up in a distinct shirt, with painted in leopard spots in his hair, that’s still a tough mob boss that causes a shit load of deaths is a weird character trait to me, like he won’t compromise his style. I love that even at the end of the part, we still know next to nothing about him, he remains mysterious. I mean, fans still debate if he or Doppio were the original person. The mystery, his weird fishnet shirt and hair spots, his relationship with Doppio, King Crimson, his obsession with being anonymous, all that combines to make him my favorite villain.

Doppio is cute as fuck though.

Didn’t mean for it be a wall of text, sorry.

>fans still debate if he or Doppio were the original person
let's get this started
who was the original person?

your mom

How does King Crimson work? Fuck that, how does Jotaro hat works??

I think Diavolo is the original, but that Doppio’s appearance is a young Diavolo, with a more innocent personality than Diavolo ever had. Doppio isn’t entirely a sweet, blameless boy, he’s still a mafia guy, but he’s sweeter than Diavolo.

I’ve seen people say Doppio must be the original because he has a first and last name, but I see Diavolo as being a pseudonym, like he changes his name every few years.

It works by assimilation. Hat gets put on the head, it gets absorbed slightly. His hair is parasitic, but doesn’t have quite enough energy to fully feast on his hat.

There's like almost no doubt that Diavolo was the original person. He's the one with the past and history and his previous self shared characteristics with Doppio. We KNOW it was him. Doppio is just some remnant or leftover.

Jotaro is for Jolyne!

Jolyne is for Anasui!

Jolyne is for Anasui!

It just works.

Anasui is for Milhouse!

*Why do people hat Diavolo*
They're dumb
*Credits role*

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure is weird

What makes you think that?

I prefer the female Anasui design so much more than the male one. Male Anasui is discount Diavolo with shoe soles on his clothes, Female Anasui is great with her spiky hair and gold necklaces, a style icon.

No wonder Jotaro doesn't want him marrying Jolyne, aside from the whole 'took his previous girlfriend apart' thing, he's got the worst outfit outside part 5.

Is it true that editors forced Araki to change Anasui's gender?

No, it's just a rumor.


So it was just another case of "Araki re-considered"

/jojo/ confirmed for full of normalfags.

I wish Anasui stayed female and just became a brojo like Hermes. The obsession with Jolyne was annoying as fuck.

Welcome to 2018, where every possible fandom is full of normalfags. I blame smartphones and Youtube.

That sounds like you're denying the truth, that this general attracts a considerably higher percentage of normalfags than the rest of Sup Forums. How many times have we had posts like "I only come to Sup Forums for these threads" or "I hate all anime except JoJo"?

>all the doppio cosplayers on instagram

My dick hard

Jojo threads are nothing but /s4s/ tier shitposting and circlejerking.

Why don't the mods just ban them already? It's not like we have anything new to talk about.

They tried, and failed

New chapter soon (in a couple weeks). The mods have been pretty active lately, deleting shitposts quickly. It looks like the shitposting has died down a bit. But I still agree that these threads have no justifiable reason to exist until something new happens.

Having more girls in the main cast would've been excellent.
Male Anasui is cute, he looks a bit like Diavolo, but prettier.

Jolyne is for Jotaro!

>Male Anasui is cute, he looks a bit like Diavolo, but prettier.

I guess. Never could find a source on any claim explaining the change, so who really knows for sure?

I hate to talk in /r9k/ terms, but the real normalfag invasion happened on Dragon Ball thread, have you ever been in one of those? It's basically mexicans who have never seen any anime except fucking Dragon Ball.

I'm going to refer again to Dragon Ball threads, those can be much worse and they have actual new content to discuss each week. Imagine what will happen once Super ends.