Where are the spoilers? Why is Isayama late this month? did he draw more pages or did he forgot about his manga because he is watching lot of movies?
Shingeki no Kyojin
Why are Marley mods deleting the thread?
BASED MODS deleting these garbage-tier threads
Still no spoilers? They should drop anytime now.
no delet pls
New 104th designs.
It's because He was knocked out by the graduation of the idle he loves.
So is this the same bullshit as last month, where leddit was holding the chapter for 24 hours in order to "translate" it?
No, spoilers were due today anyway. Any hour now.
Anyone can post Winslow No Spoilers pic?
Can't find mine for some reason
But we should atleast have the cover. I miss the koreans
The thing about the cover is that Kodansha themselves were the ones that used to post them on their twitter accounts to hype up the month's magazine.
They didn't do it this month or the previous one.
ledditfag here
We weren't holding them
YonkouProd was
A couple of months ago we didn't get the cover until the day spoilers leaked and that was before the official Twitter account posted it.
>Tfw no Kruger this month either ;_;
If he did, he would have made it known already.
It seems he couldn't seduce provider-kun this time
fuck them and their botched translations
Weren't they translating from Korean one month and got a lot of shit wrong? I vaguely remember something about a prophecy that wasn't anywhere in the official translations.
Who fucking care, as long as we got to look at images. Official stuff comes later anyway. It's not like a bottomfeeder like you can understand nip
Full spoilers in Japanese (anyone wanna translate?) but basically it mentions HANGE YASS:
This, I don't give a shit about the translation. I just want to see the chapter now and actually read it when it's officially out.
The title of the chapter is
後の祭り = Late Festival
"Late festival" other than Hanji is a place that all members are gathering
It's a war! (Lol)
Leddit have the chapter but they will dont post it until they translate it.
>"Everyone but Hange appears"
So Hange's probably back on Paradis for defence. Makes sense.
後の祭り can be translated as 'Too late!
Shut the fuck up we don't fucking have it ok?
We don't have the chapter. We just had a title.
I already posted everything we had here.
No!! last chapter was just a special case!
So literally nothing happens: the chapter
That's not how this works.
Okay so I came across this: Japanese Proverb
後の祭り Reading: あとのまつり (ato no matsuri) Translation: “The day after the festival.” Meaning: You’re too late / you missed your chance.
Purest form of shitposting
Can the spoiler come faster? I have a date in 2 hours for fuck sake
We're all waiting stop whining
What a garbage-tier title
Gomen nasai Reditt-chan
It was a little joke. Dont blame me
>Leaving Hanji behind because she is better than Armin
Makes sense but fuck, SL are boring
It's not my fault that this manga became garbage after the Sup Forums arc
Nobody cares about your made up shit.
>LEDDITORS are admitting that they are ledditors
The absolute state of these shitty threads
She's also the leader, it'd be dumb to send ALL your head people to enemy territory. Plus, if Marley did attack Paradis, it'd make sense to keep someone there just in case.
At this rate I will have to reveal my power level to my bf
>Not trusting Reddit
Shouldn' they keep the CT?
Dead thread for a dead shitty series
And here I thought leddit spacing was just a meme.
Seems pretty active to me. Thanks for posting!
Yeah I come from reddit so what?
At least I'm bringing the info I have.
If you don't want it, then I'll leave you whiny fags alone.
ハンジ以外は全員集合 = Everyone but Hange appears
Armin has to go and rescue Eren's ass. He's also good at negotiating and being tactical and none of the others are, maybe they were thinking he'd be able to convince Marley to at least talk to them. Or convince Eren to come back to Paradis.
If these text spoilers are true, of course.
>Snkfags are ledditors
In other news water is wet
>Yeah I come from reddit so what?
Well you see my plebeian friend, Plebbit is kind of shit.
Reminder that Hanji doesn't appear because she's recently had another baby and is pregnant and Levi insisted that she stay home.
Why are you so agressive?
Hange is with Zeke
Nope, only you.
Come on guys, let's be nice to our redditbros. At this rate am willing to suck anyone dick for spoilers
She's (presumably still) missing an eye. Remember what happened the last time they sent an injured commander out on the battlefield?
No she's taking care of the babies.
>leddit spacing was just a meme
It truly isn't
>Yeah I come from reddit so what?
The absolute state of snkfags
Good riddance.
I'm not asking for much, just stop doing the "eww leddit gtfo" bullshit when I'm just trying to keep fans informed.
>Yeah I come from reddit so what?
The absolute state of these threads
I never said she wasn't.
>Yeah I come from reddit so what?
Never come back
Fuck off Don't ruin these threads
Fuck off r-kun
t. Cancerous snkredditor
22 ips are from reddit except me
Go the fuck back
Just look at people's replies. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>that would explain the potty baby
I know is trolling but manlet should have just fucked her before going to Marley, they may no see each other again, I would like atleast a nice dialogue between them before separating
I'm sorry F O U R B A B I E S triggers you so much.
Fuck off
Just go away Reddit
Maybe he got her pregnant and she will deliver the baby just before she expects Levi to return but he doesn't.
You guys had a way different attitude last month when spoilers came out...
>No Hanji
Fuck, wait so that means that Historia came too? How will she react to Eren?
>I'll leave you whiny fags alone
Please do.
The absolute state of snkfags
She will go into premature labour.
>>No Hanji
Chapter is officially shit like every previous chapter
>Telling LHcuck to not be cancer
The more high she goes the more
blustering will be the fall.
Nah, manlet will return but only half of him
Wasn't on Sup Forums last month, you guys had it earlier than us or something?
Quickly, can someone post the bingo thing???
EH soon
>The only good character left in the SL don't show.
>mfw offscreened.
Maybe if the bottom half of him returns she can squeeze out something to make more babies with.
Are these the worst threads on Sup Forums?
Shit threads for a shit series I believe
You fucking faggots insulting the reddit poster.
If it wasn't for reddit you wouldn't get your spoilers and it'd just be you autistic fuckfaces circlejerking each other.
Would be great if you little virgins could actually appreciate us for taking the time to help anons get spoilers. :3
If she dies it'll be because she died in childbirth which is very sad.
the state of this board fuuuuck
Fuck off
>Samefagging this badly