


>more F bullying

Did Miko give Ishigami a 1 because of what happened in the previous chapter?

>more F bullying
That´s the good stu-
>cute hat
Perfect chapter, really.

She bullied herself.
No, it's because she's embarrassed to admit it's delicious. She says this directly to Fujiwara who immediately goes on to tell everyone else.

She's just too tsun to admit it's good
Ishigami doesn't give a shit about the points though, just look at that smug

why is it I like this character, but keep forgetting her name?

Why is everyone cooking for Fujiwara anyway? How'd she trick them into this?

The embarassed faces in this manga are the best. Just the best.

Seems like a fun chapter.

She is a politician with boobs

Iino started being tsun. This is no longer her being antagonistic, but genuine embarrased tsun.
And on that note, Kaguya got only a 5 from Iino. Isn't she supposed to be a prodigy in everything?

>turkish chef meme

The boys were gonna have a match over who's fried rice is better, Kaguya joined in in hopes of having her and Shirogane taste each other's dishes. Then Fujiwara barged in and took over as judge.
Iino says Kaguya's cooking is technically a 10, but thinks she missed the theme with her oyster fried rice.

>prodigy in everything
Did you see her trying to flirt?

>She starts crying with Shirogane's

What was it? Was it so bad it triggered her PTSD, or was it filled with "family love" or something?

It's a very simple and cheap dish. Since he is very poor, it's something he made a million times. Through the perfection he achieved, Fujiwara remembers his harsh financial situation and it causes her to cry out of pity.

Prez doesn´t deserve being this poor. Just watch, he´ll be creating a corporation bigger than the Kaguya´s after he´s finished with school/college.

Kaguya lends him one million Yen

>1 million yen
That´s probably her lunch money for the week. Also the only reason she´d give him that is secretly and to take her out on a fancy dinner.

aka's a memelord

Has she ever tried to flirt? She was doing a good job keeping the lovey dovey act in front of Shirogane in the early chapters, but so far she has never tried to flirt with him.

Prez will keep asking bread basket and butter to be refill while treat Kaguya generously

>Forgetting he's mega stingy about wasting his own money

Because in the grand scheme of things she's not actually that important to the story. All the other main characters plus Hayasaka have their own personal arcs, but Fujiwara is just there for one offs or gags. She might have taken a bunch of screentime in the beginning, but afterwards she's just a glorified side character.

she will have her moment like Ishigami

Top memes Aka.

>turkish chef
I always thought it was Johnny Depp

because you started reading Kaguya yesterday

He will turns that 1 million yen to hundred billion via coin trading.

C-cute chapter.

>Iino started being tsun. This is no longer her being antagonistic, but genuine embarrased tsun.
At this point I have to wonder if she really even disliked him at any point. I know she really does want him to stop breaking the rules, but it's seeming more and more that her apparent hatred of him is completely fake.

I discovered this manga a few days ago.
Why is it so good?
Anime WHEN?

Meh, it's a shadow of what it used to be.

I agree that at first it was better (I'm kind of mad that the autistic ploys were almost abandoned after a while, even if it makes sense because of the feelings developing).
Nevertheless, it's still very fun and cute.

> B-but my mind games
Fuck off, the Ishigami arc was god tier.

Maybe, but this far into the series I wouldn't bet on it, much as I like her.

That arc was well written, I agree, but as of now we have two "just confess already" couples, with one of them quite explicitly where Shirogane and Kaguya were in their first year, with tons of sperging chapters inbetween.

nah, I started reading months ago, around the point Iino showed up.
I seem to often be the verge of forgetting the President's name too.
I think I'm just starting to have trouble remembering character's names.
Though in Fujiwara'c case, I might be trying to remember her by her first name, which isn't used often. It's slightly weird that such a personal character's known by a slgihtly impersonal name

>B-but my mind games
But I LOVED my mind games

>just confess already
It's not at such a point, we're left wondering right now how they are going to get closer to each other in the first place
Is it going to be big or a gradual thing? I think they're going to get to a comfortable point before they find out how they've been looking out for each other

Agreed. I've emjoyed the recent arcs, but Kaguya and the Prez trying to outmanoeuvre each other early on was the highpoint of the series

> Prez x Kaguya
> Ishigami x Miko

Fuji is just a meme, right?

>have to choose between development or mindgames
its not fair

This beautiful calamity deserves a good, caring boyfriend.

I loved the mindgames, but the best parts were always when they put that aside to help each other or show their true feelings. So I'd say all of this development has only been making things better. Would still like to see the occasional scheme, though.

Well, there's still this this unresolved question since chapter 18.
It could have been an incredibly complex keikaku, she's a shameless politician after all, but is she really able to make up a complex strategy in such a short time?
What if the president intuition was correct?
Then again, this happen in chapter 18, so Aka might as well have forgotten it.

desu there's still mindgame shenanigans, it's just that the explicit goal of trying to make the other person confess has been lost.


When I read this page I had to watch carefully for at least ten seconds, because I tought the lower tip of the collarbone and that tiny bit piece of nightgown at the top (on her right arm) were her nipples.

That´s her shoulder, user. Contain those lewd thoughts just like prez does.


Fuji is the main heroine. Aka made it clear twice.


>not a baka hentai


I swear it was merely a mistake user.
I know that Kaguya is a modest and proper lady, she would never put such an indecent show on display, not even in those conditions.
Unlike someone else.

Who is more tsundere, Kaguya or Miko?

>shirogane is a good cook
is there any husband better?

Ishigami but Prez is god tier husbando too.

Looks like Aka drew Miko and then realized he was actually supposed to draw Fuji and kept the eyes

The only reason to date Ishi over Shirogane is money and the fear of being assassinated by the Shinomiya group.

But Ishi was shown to be actually good at getting women, sometimes.

zero women have show interest in him in this entire series. Meanwhile Prez with his normal eyes is bishounen as fuck.

As in "understanding what they think".

Iino. Kaguya hasn't been tsundere at all in a very long time.

Miko, Kaguya is just crazy.

Shit taste.

>preferring a neet over perfection


> Ishigami's face

I don't care how good of a guy Ishi is, he's still a creepy loser.

Wow that does kind of look like a blond Miko there.

Look at what you've done.

yuyu come back to the stuco and stop skipping out. I know you´re just playing your DS.

>implying a japanese person would play an american system
He's playing on his Sony PS Vita

What happened here?

Didn´t Miko take away his DS back in the day? And i think they played on a switch in the stuco once.

>Nintendo DS
>not japanese
Besides, it's just the best selling console of all times in japan.

What happen when you confess to Fujiwara?

Will she be like a puppy or will she crushed you like the insect you are?

She would do something weird to kill the mood before anything happens so you wouldn't even be able to confess.

Chika would be embarassed, Onee-sama would step on you, let´s not talk about what Moeha would do.

I can see that.

Some dirt on FUjiwara's face and upon misunderstandings, Fujiwara said yes with the brightest smile.

Then Ishi says that there's dirt in her face and Fuji realized what just happened

now I want to know

fuck off, ootomo

It looked more like a PSP

She took away a PSP, and he's also been shown with a Switch, Vita, and phone games.

Iino gave him a 1 because she was too embarrassed to admit it was good enough for a 10 but Fujiwara spilled the beans on her.


Whatever are you talking about, user? There´s nothing horrifying here.

>good ending
She'll fuck up her own ending, it's inevitable



His looks of realization are the best, prez a cute.

>yfw fujiwara wins the prezb owl

I love this moment because it's the moment when they both realize they're irrefutably ass-over-teakettle in love with each other.

I´m pretty sure Kaguya realized that after Fireworks already and Prez (maybe) went head-over-heels after his birthday present.

How cut-... i mean, bitch.

>we will never get even close to the perfection of this
I smiled like an idiot and cried at the same time at this.

I don't think it would happen, but they would be undeniably cute togheter.
They have a pretty good bond at this point, I think, and in theory it wouldn't be impossible for their friendship to become something more.
On the other hand:
>I don't want Kaguya to suffer
>this is a commedy so it won't happen, unless Kaguya's insecurities about Fuji being "shameles" aroud the president weren't some kind of ingenious foreshadowing diguesed as a joke
>the mother-son thing is very amusing, I don't want it to go