What is it with anime male character that makes them complete trash?
What is it with anime male character that makes them complete trash?
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OP is a fag.
Are you trying to bait me OP?
Otaku pandering
Kill yourself, underage nigger.
Konosuba is objectively shit, MC is a hardcore lolicon and abandons her
The novel was decent, the manga is meh, but the anime is bad. It removes all the depths the character have and make them one-trick, flat characters.
>one-trick, flat characters
So they're basically all Megumin?
There was no survivors.
>Yurishit isn't otaku pandering trash
Even Megumin has her moments in the novel, like when she gives Kazuma all her skill points so that he can force her to learn normal spells instead of putting all her points into explosions.
>Retards taking obvious bait
>didn't say it's not
KissAnime watermark
>more the half the posts are autists whining about non-important stuff
kek can't imagine her doing that based on anime
Fuck off
I haven't watched the Konosuba anime. Is it that bad?
it's alright. never was intended to be serious anyway.
Well, the novel is relatively serious.
Serious about maintaining the status quo with the groups relationships and stalling the plot.
>almost every volume has a general dying or a major character progression
What did he mean by this?
Are Kazuma and megumin dating by the book 10?
Don't they? They become a couple by volume 8, if I remember right. At least officially, there's still no mention of penis going in vagina.
my friend you have to grow up and start caring about more than just your ships, lots of other stuff happens to advance the plot
To be honest, all the volumes so far have been presenting the world. Even volume 10 is just an excuse to show another kingdom and build the Iris ship.
I never read the manga or book. Watched both sessions back to back. Really enjoyed it, I don't tend to finish many anime.
>I never read the manga or book
I won't force you, but you probably should. The novel is considerably more serious than the anime. Through if you liked the anime, you probably liked the light-hearted atmosphere, so you won't like the novel.
So actually, don't bother reading the novel.
Pigg/u/ go home!
I don't really get alot of time. Im not sure I will be reading something I have already watched even if its a bit different.
Though aqua's freakouts made me laugh, so it might be worth it for that.
If you don't get a lot of free time, then don't. First off, finding a good translation is hard (I had a lot of issue finding a good one for the Kumo story), and despite the novel being a lot more serious (with Darkness not being lol masochist xDDD), Aqua is still legitimately retarded in it.
they aren't cute girls.
>Having trouble finding the reedited version
Thanks man. You are a good dude.
T... Thank you senpai! I'll name my firstborn after you.
I watched and enjoyed the anime, would you recommend reading the manga?
The manga is similar to the anime, but so far hasn't passed the walking fortress.
back to Sup Forums
Manga hasn't caught up with the anime
If you want to continue from where the anime left, start from volume 5
Some things are omitted like kazuma seapping parties with Dust in volume 2 and others have been changed, like Hans' fight where kazuma doesn't die
The manga is okay, but it tends to focus too much on faces and doesn't show the background enough, so you're never sure where the action takes place.
>posts one of the better MCs in the last few years
I never got whats so bad about streaming. Why waste your time downloading the anime when you can just watch it without the hassle?
Don't ask. It's Sup Forumsutism.
It's like asking why you'd use a shitty Apple product just because it's easier and simpler
But streaming is easier and simpler
Not an argument.
>I never got whats so bad about streaming. Why waste your time downloading the anime when you can just watch it without the hassle?
I steam 100% of my anime. On my Wii U.
So far no ones made a valid argument in favor of torrenting
>Pepe memes get deleted
>This trash is still up
What the fuck mods
>So far no ones made a valid argument in favor of torrenting
>ITT: Streamingfags and contrarians that says Konosuba was meh or bad.
Just strawmen and insults.
Wtf the light novel is boring as shit
Kazuma is a faggot for not tapping Darkness
They're often beta, weak, forgettable and look the same. Self-insert trash
>a contrarian fag calling others contrarian
>whats so bad about streaming
Shit quality
Paranoid Sup Forums
They have dicks. Dicks are only good if you're a loli.
Successful Bait is Successful. Good work OP.
Ehh, it was pretty bad, at least the first season was, never bothered watching the second one.