isekai thread

Why are LH Translation's translations so eyegougingly bad?

pic related

Most of them aren't nearly that bad. Black Company shines for being super terrible even by LH standards.

I guess it's what happens when you try to completely corner the isekai market, you end up lacking competent manpower.

A new challenger appears!

I'm 99% certain, they just don't have any native english proofreaders.

While I can't speak for the moon->english translation, whether or not they're Google translate or not. The english translations are just filled with basic mistakes that screams.


>was translated from mexican fansubs to english
should change their name to Sup Forumsscans

Is there a more Alpha MC?

I like wortenia senki a lot but I'm still bugged by how much of a damn psycho the MC was on the first couple chapters. He's like 16 years old, he should at least show a little emotion when murdering innocent people with his bare hands.

It kind of feels like the author wanted to have a veteran mercenary as his MC but went with japanese highschooler out of tradition.


>skill collector


I get your disgust, but you'll be missing out on best daughteru if you quit because of that.

>finds out he can't go home
>cries in room for 2 days

It's nerfed to shit so the story is still enjoyable.
Also she loses her arms.

>Kidnapped and tossed into some shithole continent
>Find out it's basically impossible to return
>Reacts accordingly

Why is that bad?

Chapter 2 never

For like 2 seconds.

can't we have a daughteru isekai without
>skill collection
>status windows
>statistics & levels
>slave setup

Not in this timeline.

>teleported to another world
>kill everyone in the room and that poor dude who told him how to escape
>cries like a bitch and won't eat because noway home

he is just a psychotic crybaby

fucking truck-kun, you can never trust them

Also there's nothing wrong with this particular slave setup, she didn't willingly become some douchbag MC's slave because the author couldn't think of a way to have any woman interact with them.

>>kill everyone in the room and that poor dude who told him how to escape
Yeah, he should have just allowed himself to be enslaved by his kidnappers. What a monster.

Sure but he had no reason to snap the neck of an innocent science shota who was just working.

What's this? Seems funny

Google image search does work. Try it out.

He kind of did. He was in enemy territory and desperate to escape. It was cruel, but it was safer that way.

My problem with the guy isn't that he killed them, it's that he didn't seem to feel anything about it after the fact. Makes him seem poorly characterized.

Isekai Mamono something, I'm checking it out right now. Not sure what to think yet.

>mfw Fran evolves into a Heavenly Black Tigerkin

a skill collector isekai except spiders

>Not killin' shotas
Yaoifag detected.

She and master isn't even that OP because some locals are more OP and everything has bajillion of skills in that world.

I wish she would stay as a spider and travel around the world

I honestly don't even bother with Google image search these days if I can't find it on Tineye or Saucenao. It's so absolutely useless.

I wish she would stay as a spider and travel around the world

The white person in this illustration is Kumo-chan?

What's that?

Yaoifags would love that snuff action though.

Oh, a ranking system now. Well, that was to be expected considering all the videogames mechanics until now. This one trylu follows all the tropes by the letter.

I never get what game these isekai are referencing
I've never seen anything like that in video games


>I've never seen anything like that in video games

Did you ever play Megaman?
Or a Castlevania?

But then again, in those games the skill collection is balanced, while in isekai like ReMonster or Slime the MC becomes a semi-god after a dozen chapters because of completely overbroken skills that make them immune to everything, life & mana auto-regen, master of all magics and weapons, etc...
If anything, "skill collection" in isekai is not like collecting skills in castlevania, but more like catching a star in super mario: you just becomes invincible and run through everything.

The difference is that MC had those kill or be killed training sessions with his grandfather since his childhood. Facing life or death situations daily as training would make it easier for anyone to kill when truly faced with a grave situation.

He never killed anyone, though. I'm willing to accept his willingness to kill people, I'm not willing to accept that he can just shrug off having murdered a dozen of people with his bare hands with no emotional reaction whatsoever, especially considering the shitfit he threw when he found out he couldn't' go back.

its pretty terrible.

He never killed anyone in Japan because he never was in a situation where he had to kill anyone. It's like being a trained soldier who's never been to war. They don't have to kill just because they were trained to kill but when the time comes that they're in a real battle they'd be more prepared than the normal guy.

You say that like trained soldiers don't have terrible reactions to having to shoot their first guy.

>It's like being a trained soldier who's never been to war.
Yes, you do realize that trained soldiers still struggle with killing their enemies when they DO go to war, right? And this is with guns, not up close with your bare hands.
Having the skills and resolve to end someone's life doesn't mean it shouldn't affect you if you've never done it, especially when you end up murdering innocent people as well.

yea but thats because soldiers kill with guns but he kill with his bare hands. its different

Some do, some don't. Trigger happy /k/-fags are obviously delighted they can get some real actions, while others would just swallow the afterthoughts with booze. The army is filled with social failures, not every one of them are decent people with brains inside their heads.

Killing with bare hands is a thousand times more traumatic than killing with a gun, stupid.

Unless they're fundamentally broken psychopaths, they all do. What varies is how strong the reaction is, the problem is this guy had no reaction at all. And he isn't some k-fag who shot a muzzie 100 yards away, he killed a dozen people, including a young doctor, with his bare hands.

are you speaking from personal experience?

His grandpa was a psycho as well though with those deadly training sessions, and it likely rubbed off on him. I pity his female childhood friend when something finally does go wrong and one of them actually dies. Of course he got isekai'd before that could happen so..

Because unlike soldiers who's been trained with a gun, the MC was trained with swords and martial arts. It's the method he knows best and is most familiar with.

>female childhood friend
Granddaughter mage is going to summon and enslave her, calling it now.

What does that have to do with anything? He still killed people with his bare hands, which is still far more scarring than popping a little blurry dot in the distance by pulling a trigger.

Do you have brain problems?

Like what the other anons said. He's prepared and trained to kill people with swords or his bare hands. You expect him to go full retard and drop his spaghetti when he knows exactly what he should do in a survival situation with his life on the line?

>He's prepared and trained to kill people with swords or his bare hands.
Soldiers are trained and prepared to kill people with guns. They still have averse psychological reactions to killing people despite their training.

>You expect him to go full retard and drop his spaghetti when he knows exactly what he should do in a survival situation with his life on the line?
No, I expect him to react like he's some kind of human being and at least show some emotion about having killed a dozen people with his bare hands.

What was the reason why he didn't kill the big tittie knight and the guy who came to the world 10 years earlier?

The manga? Yes. the story by itself it's not really worst than other isekai out there. What makes it awful is the horrible art and the horrible pacing, making it easy to lose track of what the fuck is going on.

>They still have averse psychological reactions to killing people despite their training.

Not all people react to the same situation in the same way. Some people are excited to get their first kill, some people take it in stride, while normal people will have reactions like fear or trauma.

>I expect him to react like he's some kind of human being and at least show some emotion.

It is also normal for a human being to do things they normally cannot or would not do when they're faced with life or death situations. It is also easier for some people to rationalize doing those things afterwards because they know they did it for self preservation. It's similar to the logic that killing in self defense is not considered a crime.

>Not all people react to the same situation in the same way
He didn't react at all. That's the problem. And he's a 16 year old boy from peaceful japan, no matter how intense his training was.

>It is also easier for some people to rationalize doing those things afterwards because they know they did it for self preservation. It's similar to the logic that killing in self defense is not considered a crime.
Yes yes, again the problem isn't that he got over it, it's that he didn't even react or try to rationalize anything at all. He just didn't give a shit. That's atrocious characterization. And this being the guy who locked himself in a room for 2 days when he found out he couldn't go back home, so you'll have a tough time selling me the idea that he's a real sociopath.

If Fran becomes some furry I'm dropping this.

Unironically recommend me an Isekai that does the following :
+ Absolutely NO HAREMSHIT. No, dense motherfucker that is somehow the only male in his party of hot bitches doesn't count, he need some good bros too.
+ MC doesn't get involved in romances / actually has a decently written relationship that can logically transition into proper romance.
+ MC is actually competent and entertaining while somehow not being a Marty Stu.
I don't care how many bestgirls it has. If the lead is a badly written cocksucker that plebs can easily self-insert into then it's shit. I'm fine with anything that has the above pluses. Is Shieldbro decent ? I'm thinking of reading it to kill some time.

Works every time.

What should happen next?

Sounds like you're looking for Youjo Senki

It seems the problem is that you're applying the values you personally believe in to the MC.

The way I see it, it's just that the MC has a different set of priorities. To him, his family and home is very important so he'd be affected when he finds out that he can't go back. It's probably a lot more important to him than the lives of strangers who kidnapped and tried to enslave him so he didn't grieve when he killed them. Added to this is the fact that he was fully trained with assassination arts by his grandfather since childhood so he's able to take killing his kidnappers in stride.

>Trigger happy /k/-fags are obviously delighted they can get some real actions
The point of those descriptions is that those people are all completely nuts, unlike thebarmy which is filled with people that are at least sane enough to a certain degree. Killing another human is incredibly hard for most people as they belong to social species that has some mental blocks in order to maintain a society, therefore it will always be difficult at the first kill.

Unfortunately I have read it.Actually tried to be different than most of the fantasy shit and succeeding in it's delivery. 'twas a good read if you want military hijinks.

>so he's able to take killing his kidnappers in stride.
Which is bullshit, because human beings who aren't bugfuck nuts don't work that way. The MC values his home and family and relationships, so he's not a complete sociopath. Therefore, SOME reaction to his first brutal kills would have been only sensible. Instead he gave no shits about it and comes off poorly written.

The no harem rule is pretty tough, user. You're gonna have to make some concessions because you'll always have at least a few semen demons hanging around the MC's dick.

>It seems the problem is that you're applying the values you personally believe in to the MC.

I think that's the point. The MC's values are a bit abnormal no thanks to his psycho grandpa. His childhood friend expresses annoyance that their roughhouse training might go overboard. She probably doesn't know that the danger of them accidentally killing the other was an actual thing.

>The MC's values are a bit abnormal no thanks to his psycho grandpa.
Abnormal values are acceptable, that's why his being ready to kill his captors is fine. It's his completely dehumanized non-reaction to his first gruesome kills is what ruins it.

I have been wanting some well-written 1-on-1 romance for a while and I want someone to prove that can still be done. If I wanted powerfantasy haremshit I would read/watch something else. I actually like Isekai more because of it's lore/worldbuilding aspects.

He acted psycho because the circumstances forced him to.

First some old guy summons him and tries to control him, then he has to break a dude's neck because the latter saw him and would probably inform the guards (who at this point would've probably killed him).


He's not a complete sociopath but he's not exactly an average guy in an average situation either. First he's trained to kill. Second he was in a life or death situation and his survival instincts kicked in. Third he probably does have a few screws loose because that's the way he was raised since childhood.

There are probably more reasons but the most easily believable logic is that different people will have different reactions to similar situations and some reactions will be considered immoral or illogical to some people but completely normal to others. Let's just agree to disagree since we'll go nowhere with this discussion.

What about this reverse Isekai?

>he acted psycho

He probably already has some sociopathic tendencies.

>Falling in love with villainess
it's....better than average?

>Crazy Lich
He's a bit of a Stu, but struggles to manuever his Stu powers into a situation where it can actually be used.

the VRMMO ones oddly have a higher percentage of non-harems, but those aren't actually isekai.

>First he's trained to kill.
He's trained to go for the kill. He's never actually killed.
>Second he was in a life or death situation and his survival instincts kicked in
No one is arguing about his willingness to kill.
>Third he probably does have a few screws loose because that's the way he was raised since childhood.
Again, he wasn't raised butchering shit with his bare hands, especially not people.

>but the most easily believable logic is that different people will have different reactions to similar situations
He didn't react at all, which is why he comes off as poorly written and inhuman. That's what it boils down to, no matter how many excuses you try to come up with. No one is saying he had to mope about it for 2 days, but any kind of visceral reaction to murdering a dozen people with his bare hands, even if only after he'd reached safety, would have gone a long way.

>surviving the impact of a 100kg animal raming a pointy bone into his guts with enough force to project him a dozen meters away without being pierced through and through

Normal people in this isekai are clearly not that weak.

not that guy, but not reacting at all IS a big deal. "Different reactions to similar situations" entails HAVING a reaction. Distancing oneself is not the same not reacting at all, there is a subtle but important difference.

>this room full of people that might enslave me, better kill them all
>this shota healer might tell people where I am, better snap his neck
>some bandits are going to fuck some slaves, might as well kill them all
>this lady knight thats been hunting me and trying to kill me I will let her off with a warning

Doesn't help the old summoner had a sinister smile.

I vaguely remember the crying bit but the manga gave me the impression that he actually was a bit of a psychopath.

I have one that follows all your criteria: Nobunaga no Chef.

You cannot NOT react to killing someone unless you're a complete psychopath. Period. No amount of differing cultural values can totally stifle hardwired visceral reaction that human beings have to killing each other short of actually doing it over and over again.

Having no reaction is a possible reaction. That's why being stoic or indifferent is an real personality.

I know the MC of Wortenia Senki is kind of an extreme edge case but the current argument in this thread really applies to like 99% of isekai protagonists in general.

Most isekai protagonists slide WAY too easily into the whole DnD murderhobo lifestyle with little mental resistance.

Noted. More materials is always appreciate. Doesn't need to be fantasy fighting, my preference is large.

wonder how much she'll evolve

>That's why being stoic or indifferent is an real personality.
Being indifferent to murdering a dozen people with your bare hands when you've never killed before isn't a personality, it's a mental disorder.

Here's another cooking isekai-
Isekai Ryouridou

There's only 4 chapters out, so everything could still turn out for the worst

I specifically claimed that was not the case, so you're going to have to back that up. In case you didn't read, I'll repeat:

Being stoic, indifferent, distant, mysterious, etc. all
>are different from each other
>not necessarily someone with a few screws loose, and some of them are mutually exclusive to being a psychopath
>would still react in certain ways to murdering someone for the first time, just in a more subtle or delayed manner.

Nobunaga no Chef is not fantasy, but fights are pretty common, as it takes place during the Nobunaga's era.
Also, well, it's not really "isekai", it's "time travel". Still, it's a really good manga.

>I know the MC of Wortenia Senki is kind of an extreme edge case but the current argument in this thread really applies to like 99% of isekai protagonists in general.
>Most isekai protagonists slide WAY too easily into the whole DnD murderhobo lifestyle with little mental resistance.
Nah, the number isn't anywhere that high. Most a lot of isekai MCs are moralfags who supposedly adhere to "modern Japanese values" and wouldn't dare kill another human without first agonizing over it. Of course, buying another human as property is completely different matter, everyone in Japan knows that's par for course in isekai.
On the other hand a lot of isekai MCs have disturbingly little qualms about killing "monsters" that display intelligence near or even surpassing those of humans, even as they whine about how killing humans is bad.

Time travel is a form of isekai. Nobunaga no Chef is pretty good, from what I read. I should catch up on it.

Hmm, would that isekai cooking manga with the fenrir wolf counts as well?

If you're fine with novels, then Hakai Me no Yuuri. It has a pretty cute romance.