When your downloading a 30GB remaster of a 1991 native 480p 13-episode anime

>when your downloading a 30GB remaster of a 1991 native 480p 13-episode anime
Who else /rich/ here?

dumb frogposter

Based frogposter

EPIC post Sup Forumsrother!

Fuck off.

ih waw!

based dumb frogposter

Enjoy you're b&

Why rich?
My brother downloads even more every time he want to watch a movie, and my family is pretty poor in my shithole country.

I pirate 200GB of shit on a weekly basis

Fuck off back to Sup Forums, Sup Forums or Reddit dumbshit.

This, I live in a shithole too and I have no limits to my downloads. Sometimes I download a 10gb movie because it downloads faster than the 3gb version.

>bragging about having caps on internet
>calling yourself rich
Dumb burger frogposter

I don't even have to download anything because I stream all my anime. Get on my level

f/a/ggots got BTFO by based frogposter

How does that make you rich

Uncapped internet is common in 80% of the world

data caps are sadly pretty common in 3rd world countries like USA and Australia

How do you afford that?

>data caps


Mods wake up please

Flat rate

I have no download cap and a steady 250 mbps speed because I don't live in dumbfuckistan and I don't post pepes 5 years after the fact.

I was gonna support this until I realised that i'm a 3rd world sudaca and the USA controls us.

>having data caps
>bragging about it
Even dumber than the average dumb frogposter, congratulations

>when you're the only seed and you stop seeding