"This anime is shit because the story is shit, shallow and predictable"

>"This anime is shit because the story is shit, shallow and predictable"
>Anime has fanservice out the ass, a shallow predictable story and girls bending like stretching cats, rubbing butts with a cock lust stare and a beta self insert

How can Sup Forums have shit taste for over a decade now? You can't possibly defend this.

>serious contender for anime of the decade
>Sup Forums pretends its bad
fucking contrarian faggots

Who is this "Sup Forums" person that you speak of?

The people who yell harder on Sup Forums wins

This shit is literally just Evangelion. L I T E R A L L Y.

I don't understand the hype on here about this show. It feels like a discount Eureka Seven that just has sexual innuendos and fan service.

This shit wished it was even close to Evangelion in terms of quality. And Evanegelion is not even that good.

They story thus far has been really cute and engaging, hirox02 dynamic is perfect and it's great every-time they are on screen together.
No one really knows where they story is going so it's far from predictable, and this is still a trigger product so i can end up anywhere, all I know is this first 4 episodes have been amazing.
The make the fan service a part of the narrative so it's more then tolerable, and it's actually pretty interesting how far they take the gimmick. I didn't realize I would like this blunt presentation as much as i do.

Anyways not only are you're critism null and void they aren't even critics.
There's nothing inherntly wrong with a predictable story, only if said show hinges everything on that stroy, then it's an issue.

This show banks on it's cute mecha, and leading couple, that's the most compelling idea displayed thus far and they manage to make a moment or two every episode, they double down with all the allegories to relationships, it's doing what it's trying to do very well.

>Fanservice is uhh bad
There's nothing wrong with fan service, it's a staple in anime, especially not when it's an integral part of the show.

>guy sees girl nekid
>guy blushes and looks away like the low test soyboy pussywagon he is
>girl walks up to him naked cus she's a slut
>"lol you were watching ur such a pervert xD"
>"I-I'm not a p-pervert desuuu! >.

> that entire post
I see, so it's true. 2018 is the year of franxxfags being the worst fanboys rating everything with their dicks.

Nice strawman, retard. This MC is already more assertive than most, at least he wants to get into the fucking robot

They are worse then the DBSfags. At least they made a chuckle worthy meme once in a while

Ah a shitty non-response, what else could you expect from a brainlet.
Look, you clearly made this thread cause you wanted to argue, don't pussy out now.

People hyping this are shounentards and crossboarders

>Make thread hating on a show bating a response
>Get a response and user explains why they like it
>HAHA lol cancer wow

Really nice.

He's right. Just because he wants to get into the robot doesn't mean he's assertive.

I have been catching up on Darling in the cuxx, i kinda see where the anime is going, but it sure is not as fun as other trigger animes.
The problem i see here is because the other trigger ip's were more on alternate worlds were symbolism was só ridiculous that it became entertaining seeing People fight with scissors.
This reality of authoritarian regimes controling people's reproductive choices on a military rank system has been done similarly and with less fanservice, so you have references that contrasts with this silly world where Butt controls are needed for mecha pilots.
My point here is that Trigger should stick to cartoon parallel universes where everything is outlandish and with silly contraptions, instead of focusing on a more serious world sprinkled with silly cartoon concepts.

It means his pro-active, which is an excellent trait to have, his only issue in the beginning was a lack of confidence for obvious reason.

You mean like eva?

>/u/ still this much buttblasted
Can't make this shit up.

Fuck off.

> Lol it's like they're fucking but it's a deep meaning LMAO

Everything said in can be applied to any fucking series. It's the most generic response that talks a lot, but says nothing.
> muh dynamic
> no idea where it's going
> not predictable!
> fan service is good. It's interesting!
> deep meanings of a relationship. It's like theyre fucking in the mecha !!

The second and third episode should have been condensed into one. There shouldn't have been more than two Franxx, your run of the mill director/write can't handle more than maybe 5 prominent characters at once.

>anime of the millennium contender
>some fag on Sup Forums makes a thread bashing it

So deep