Precure Thread

Precure Thread

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Odeko faction stronk

I just started watching Precure happiness charge and I'm already addicted


Fuck off.

You've been sent by an evil power to carry out a nefarious mission. You walk into a building and you see this. What's your plan of action?

Install HD cameras throughout the building preemptively to film and record them during our fight. Then just peruse the footage later looking for upskirts and spatshots at my leisure.

Post moar, your doing god's work.

Fuck off

Give me the link. I need to RT that shit.

You first

Bukki is Beautiful!

>White gets thrown against a large wire coil
>Enemy drops an elevator with people in it
>most damage is real

>modern Precure
>nobody really gets physically hit
>bullshit magic fixes everything every episode for no reason

How do we chase away the moms

Age reggression episode when?

We need to chase spics like you off the thread first.

>only spics like to have good story and high stakes
So this is a comfyfag, interesting.

If Hugtan de-aged too because her power was stolen then maybe.

Wanna fight faggot? I will beat you up like Nagisa and Honoka beat up the monsters


Tell them to hump my ass?

Am I the only one who feels like the script for the first episode was bascially shitting on the character designer?

Have fun




Nagisa and Honoka will make a cameo in one of the episodes of Hugtto cheerleading alongside Yell. Screencap this.

Don't say unnecessary things.




I want to fuck the hamster

Embrace them kindly

Take out my pink light stick and start choreographing

Explain this image to me. What is its significance?

I want to rape Hime

Please don't

I want to feed Hug-tan.

no, the character design for Hana is supposed to have badly cut hair. it's intentional. also,not sure why they would shit on her considering she's probably the best character designer in precure and worked on a season that saved the franchise.

Record a porn movie of them with such heavy censoring the technically it might not even be porn.

Is it sunday yet?

I wish everyday was Sunday


Cure Melody had a flesh colored midrift, but you couldn't see her belly button. You can see Cure Yell's.

>episode where re-aged Hugtan has to take care of de-aged cures

y-you too


Welcome to the Himefag elite.

This is not right.



>bullshit magic fixes everything every episode for no reason

Fresh had the right idea about property damage.

>you couldn't see her belly button
Maybe she doesn't have one.

Fresh was serious and mature unlike any other season.

Morrissey please

*unzips pants*

>not even any slight hint of her vagina on the panties
Oh come on Haruyama.

Your reaction when it's revealed Bunbee is the president of the evil corporation?

I would support his dream.

Haruyama doesn't draw cameltoes. That faint yellowish tone though.

I would support him, Bunbee is literally me

Maybe not cameltoes.
Here's a recent example.

Precure her when

Never sadly

The things I'd do to this imouto.

There will be other precure other than pink blue and yellow?

Purple and red




Voices in toys
I don't have the link anymore, it was posted a few threads ago

>literally yes5 but with a baby

not literally Dokidoki

there was an implication in there

It's actually GoPri with Fresh

Kirakira did not deserve that ending

It needs at least 2 fairy fuckers to be Yes5

We probably will not get Bunbee, but be prepared to get Bunbuzz!

Fairy fucker #1
Fairy fucker #2

>Stalking cute girls
Okay that part is literally me


>6. Please refrain from posting catch-phrase or template threads.



But why?



This is wrong


Enjoy!! HaCha is so cute!! Hime is a cute brat, she makes my life laugh a lot. Yuuko is just a wonderful girl overall, with a wonderful body too. Megumi, she's precious but honestly kinda creepy with how positive she sees life, like what's wrong with her? Sort of indifferent to Iona though.