Can someone explain to me how Schrödinger "eliminated" Alucard in Hellsing Ultimate X?
Can someone explain to me how Schrödinger "eliminated" Alucard in Hellsing Ultimate X?
>Trying to make any sense out of Hellsing Ultimate
That's where you went wrong, user.
I think he was kinda like a ghost that existed everywhere and nowhere, Alucard also transforms into that when he absorbs him
The idea of shrodingers cat is to be everywere and no were at once and can go through any time and space like alucard has many lives inside of him
He didn't.
Schrodinger put Alucard in a state of existence and non-existence simultaneously and that cause Alucard to become a sort of ghost.
His power of existance/non-existance simultaneously had a weird fusion with Alucards extra lives that basically caused them to become individuals and alucard kind of collapsed on himself until he reduced his lives down to one.
Basically he made all of alucards lives question their own existance.
He split his being in a gorillion billion parts but Alucard just came back like nothing happened anyway. It doesn't matter.
Schröder switched to become manager of Nord Stream 2, an expansion of the original pipeline in which Gazprom is sole shareholder.
Long story short, he went "inside" Alucard, took over all the souls Alucard ate/absorbed and waged war against him in his own soul.
Eventually Alucard managed to kill everyone a second time restoring order and popped back outside.
Alucard had countless souls of the people he killed inside him. He used those souls as extra lives.
When Schrodinger was absorbed into Alucard, all those souls became like Schrodinger, meaning Alucard's seemingly endless supply of extra lives was simultaneously in existence and nonexistence. Or, in other words, he couldn't use those extra lives anymore.
Alucard had to kill everyone inside himself to find and then kill Schrodinger for good and in the process gained Schrodinger's ability to simultaneously exist and not exist.
In my opinion, the reason he had to kill everyone inside himself was because it was literally impossible to find Schrodinger while everyone inside him was also in a state of existence and nonexistence like Schrodinger (or something along those lines). It is a lot easier to pinpoint one slippery fucker when he doesn't have countless people to hide behind.
>Alucard had to kill everyone inside himself to find and then kill Schrodinger
He killed everyone except schrodinger actually.
simple, Kamakazi Racemixing
Thanks for reminding me, it was ages since I finished Hellsing. He needed to find Schrodinger in either case.
what a waste of a qt
Kinda that too.
He was a main point of Akucard's life for ? 30 years? That's better than any rapecaliph would wish
What was Schrodinger's motivation? Like he's potentially immortal and omnipresent unless he decides otherwise, did Millennium manage to implant some loyalty when he was created, or did he just have nothing better to do?
He was a nazi what is any nazi's motivation? country.
More like where the fuck Schrödinger came from? Fucking German experiments.
yeah I thought it was kinda obvious. Catboy= poison.
I don't remember this being mentioned anywhere, but it makes sense. Somewhat. It is not like he could've killed the cat inside him even if he wanted
when will cute boys dress like this again?
Figured it was something like being in "superposition" (apparently not being able to interact much with the world in this case) until the wave function collapses from "observation", in this case meaning being self aware of yourself, including all your souls.
>"""killed""" by schroedinger
>loses his portable army
>but in exchange he becomes a reality warper
The nazis weren't bright.
for his smile and his dreams
Pretty sure it might still have happened since Anime was inspired by Disney.
But Walt disney was basically hitler
But not THE Hitler.
Walt Disney was right and gave us the classics
jew disney gives us shit cartoons and ruins starwars
with heeb-sama you lose