How will Ichigo ever recover?
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>How will Ichigo ever recover?
No, she will commit suicide soon.
Is that a reference
Ichigo is prime breeding-material and anyone who would choose Zero Two (who WILL betray Hiro) over Ichigo is a faggot
guess im a faggot then
Just you wait, anons. Zero Two is a trap. Everyone is trying to warn Hiro
Oh. It'll be a trap alright when she introduces Hiro to Tyrone Jr.
It's okay. She still has 196.
Can we talk about how cute Zorome and Miku are though?
no, she could pierce the eye of the baby with this weird boob
Now you're beginning to sour your sweet taste.
Her body is perfect how it is
no, she could pierce the baby eye with this weird boob
that's the most stupid and pathetic fan art i've ever seen
DFC is superior. Hiro is a faggot.
The cutest!!
They're are quite cute.
>I don’t know why Hiro is so repulsed by me. It doesn’t make sense. I do everything I can to appear attractive to him. I dress nice. I am sophisticated. I am magnificent. I have a Franxx, a Delphinium, well, nicer than 90% of the people in my plant. Um, you know, I am polite. I am the ultimate lady. And yet Hiro never give me a chance. I don’t know why.
what's is this fucking japanese obsession with redXblue brawl?
He made the most correct choice of his life.
Post your reaction when 02 and Hiro have their first real loving kiss
W-Why not me?
Get hype
No hype for a visual downgrade.
Is this the greatest love story ever told?
White dress is for marriage. Means she have found her darling.
Blacks are like people from Philadelphia. Their greatest heroes are fictional.
That's wrong, though.
02 was shown to be equal, if not outrank even Nana and Hachi. While Hiro's group are only cadets
Kill yourself
And now she is his Honey. So we are seen ordinary american comedy series. With stupid jokes, lazy darling-husband and getting-fat-wife.
>Pats still btfo
Since it seems likely she's joining their squad, rather than the other way around, I wonder how that will work.
She'd technically be the leader if 02 gets officially moved to the plantation though.
>Philadelphia gets a REAL sports victory eons later
they were like cave creatures subsisting on the afterglow of Rocky
What is up with all the
spam? Is
out of fashion now?
manlet doesn'tdeserve her
6666 is I think either the Chinese or Korean version of wwww
u cant give black people anything without them making it into some shit
>t. ichigo
Why does this post read like a Trump tweet
666 means awesome
www is 233
Oni is superior. Hiro has great taste.
because you are deranged
Too much smug.
>Oh, that old picture, darling? That was my younger years... Before you.
I figured it out, it's the emphasis on WILL and the Shatner-like pause in the middle
Look guys, the discarded specimen has resorted to falseflagging!
You ok user?
I know, the real thing is so inferior to 2d it made my skin crawl.
I guess reading too many of his tweets over the years has influenced my shitposting style
I'm not seeing it. Crazy user letting his delusions get to his head, SAD!
user goes to Sup Forums, sees Sup Forumsposts, AUTISM! Many such cases!
>How will Ichigo ever recover?
By wining.
>DitF threads are now nothing but waifu wars shitposting
It was a nice run I guess guys.
It's spelled "whining" when used in this case.
Who is she wining? Will there be dining too?
Honestly I am getting tired of this, Ichigo doesn't deserve to be bullied so bad.
Plus, remember what happened after episode 2 when we made fun of Ichigo getting cucked?
Before people were actually discussing the show, along with jerking off to 002.
Now it's just 002fags and Ichigofags yelling at each other and calling each other fags.
You can't win when you were never a contestant.
MC reedeemed himself.
Ichigo has yet to do so.
Anyway, back to discussing the plot, will hiro really die slowly or is he part dinosaur?
Who is papa and why will Zero2 betray Hiro for him?
Am I having deja Vu or did this exact exchange happen in another thread word for word?
We do not know yet who papa is. He clearly is not the one who made the robots.
It's stupid, all girls are the best but Kokoro will be the best of the best, mark my words
It's just endless circles of shitposting until the preview and Saturday, so it's possible. Not that I'm complaing, Ichigo needs bullied
It is the first time I post in a darling thread, I am the one who mentioned hiro maybe having dino blood.
Why does pink hair girl bully other girl?
I see this anime in the catalog all the damn time.
Whether or not Hiro is part Klax is anyone's guess. All we know is he doesn't seem to be aging, but then again Mitsuru didn't either.
Blue tried to take Pink's man and failed horribly.
Stop posting, Ichigo.
Stop, just fucking stop
I don't care what you say, Mitsuru is still way more alpha than Hiro.
New manga chapter when?
He can't even handle Zero Two, thus beta
"Childhood Friend" waited too long and the "Sexy Transfer Student" called dibs first. She tried to get him back but couldn't get him hard. STS was extremely smug about the whole thing.
He's garbage. Ikuno deserves a less shit partner.
Ichigo is too cute. Would hug and comfort her.
Wow just like literally every single anime that has every achieved the slightest bit of popularity and involves more than one female character.
Betabitches always lose. Stacy always wins
When will they learn?
So why is she about to jump from the bridge in the ending? Is it just for aesthetics or will the bullying get even worse from now?
Holy fucking shit BTFO
She is really cute, I like 002, but Ichigo is top tier too.
All the bullying has given Goro the chance of a lifetime. He can finally step outside the shadow of Hiro and confess his love to Ichigo. The two of them will then have sexy time