Sora Yori mo Tooi Basho Episode 6

How many dicks has Yuzuki taken in her life?

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>that dildo
Nani sore?


Obligatory reminder that Megumi defenders are not to be tolerated on Sora Yori threads. If you see a single user trying to defend her actions then be kind and report him to the police.


I can see a toothbrush and a pencilcase, but where's the dildo?

>making a general from the last thread
fuck off

Look at this smug bitch being all smug and shit!

She was only trying to warn her friend from getting killed by a psychotic idol.

Even looks like giant packaged turds.

Under the kendama


I tried to warn you about Shirase's intelligence

Only her mother's.

Durian is the new pudding

>not bringing any spare underwear
>spending an entire trip to Antarctica with just one pair

Guess we now know why she didn't have friends before.

Losing my passport abroad is like my nightmare.

She'll just borrow Shirase's.

I want to smell her smelly panties when she comes back from Antartica

They sent all of their stuff in advance. They're only taking stuff that they need until they reach the boat

>Not bringin a dildo everywhere you go

I wonder what happens when they're on the bleed in Antarctica.


Why can't I read. Let pretend they're under her shirts or something. Or maybe she going nopan

>one pair of underwear for a trip to Australia
Still pretty bad

It's fine, there's no bears to attract.


Nail File

>Frozen period blood

So this episode definitely cemented Shirase as best girl, right?
>best legs
>best tits
>canonically beautiful
>sexy thigh highs every day all day
>best reaction faces
>purest motivations
>quirkiest personality
>will throw away her life savings for her friends without a second's hesitation
she may be the best girl in all of anime actually

Cherry snowcones

She could still put it in.

You could put a lot of things in. That doesn't make her a lewd girl who owns a dildo.

If you like autistically, stubborn girls.

No. It makes her a lewd girl who masturbates with anything

Up to and including dumb autists like Shirase.

I like that this show is not all tits like so much else.

No less than 50. Not counting handjobs.

+Reasonable Wisdom
+Hard-working, independent
- Not having an attractive body
- Short posture
- Slight anti-social

How much bread have you eaten in your life?

Is it just my dumb shipping brain or this scene is quite sexually charged?

Hinata-chan prior to her AV debut filming.


I thought the same
you could cut the sexual tension with a knife

>forgetting you placed something important in a safe spot
>finding after you needed it

this is a bad feel.

Are you stupid? Literally to the right. It looks like a penis.

Bitch ruined the show for me.

Plot twist: When she wanted to take some money from the bag to pay something, how could she not see Hinata's passport.

>ywn be sleeping next to Kimari and she cuddles with you in her sleep and sleeptalks about how much she loves you



And then there's this. What are they trying to say here? Why they making it like Shirase is looking at Hinata's crotch.

>that one doujin where he asks her to teach him about sex

Would you?

violet evergarden thread 150 is making fun of us again

I do that all the time. I feel like killing myself every time, but I never learn from it.

I'm anonymous so I may as well share.

One time in the alps of France, I nearly lost my passport in the stupidest way possible. We'd stopped to eat near a set of steep banks that lead down into a river. We were leaving the next day so I had my backpack all packed and ready with my passport and everything. I set my bag down against a log and we started to eat. As we did, my bag slooowly flopped end-over-end down the bank as we all watched and fell into the river at the bottom... It then started drifting towards a pipe that lead out, over the edge of the mountain. I was so utterly bemused, I just kept eating my sandwich instead of immediately chasing after it, while everyone else panicked and tired to snag it out of the river. It was just so dumb I had no idea what to do.

By contrast, Shirase and Hinata are fucking hyper-geniuses. I very nearly stranded myself in France, with my backpack flying off the edge of a mountain... Because I didn't have anywhere to put my sandwich down.

So wait, they changed the tickets back AGAIN and got the one mwillion yen back, right?

Also yes. Oh god. This show is just too real sometimes.

Kill yourself.

Just your dumb shipping brains, there was zero sexual tension.

Let them, it's all those poor guys have left.

The girls are alright, except for Hinata who is fat and unattractive.

Dumb shipping brain.

She was probably so emotionally charged when grabbing her million yen envelope to change the tickets she didn't notice then. And she didn't buy any dumb souvenirs unlike Kimari and Hinata.

Good episode, Yuzuki is a good tsukkomi to even out the dork trio.

SEAfags, are that fruit actually smells that disguisting?

>Is it just my dumb shipping brain
Yeah it's that.

Ho ho ho, Kimari works in Geylang for money.

And that's why you put something important at place where you often look. Also bundle it with lot of stuff, so when it drop or not in your bag, it very noticeable.


> Your country will never be featured in a normal anime
Will you stop ignoring us if we give your fucking islands back?

Garbage thread, you shall receive notice from my lawyers.

>enter room
>see this
what do

She's bound to have a mental breakdown in the later episodes, huh?

it smells like rotting sewage

I'm gonna say it right here right now:
Only imbeciles lose their fucking passport.

Technically she didn't lose it though.

That's how durian actually looks like. It looks like shit and it smells like shit. Taste pretty nice though

Only imbeciles don't know where their passport is at all times*

When you watch the scene in context it doesn't look like she's looking at her crotch at all. Mostly because she wouldn't be able to see it from where she's at.

I didn't want this feel

turn around 360 degrees and fug

>they are wandering around Antarctica
>Shirase sends one of her messages
>they hear a ring
>they find the frozen corpse
Calling it now.

>last Episode
>Goodbye お母さん

The ringing's coming from a penguin's stomach.

They perfectly captured the feeling of trying to hide something that's gone wrong from the others in your group.

>Prease changi fwor person

Correction: cute imbeciles.

I would be very surprised if they actually did find her frozen corpse. I would also be impressed if her phone stayed on for that long.

Who gives a shit?

They perfectly captured the feeling of everything because the show is fantastic.

Hinata's sense of pride cemented her as best girl in my eyes, her looks dont matter.

I love that the real Hinata started coming out the moment she was removed from her comfort zone and placed somewhere unfamiliar. The cool 'mature one' act came apart real fast.

That airport clerk must have been like.
>What the fuck are these 2 Japanese teen fucking talking about? Please take your squabble elsewhere!

This is exactly what's gonna happen and it's gonna be sad.

Probably not the worst thing she's had to deal with.

Shirase's butt is a miracle of the universe.

Dont be an idiot. She's mature and wise because if whatever happened in her past.
And if you dont think that her descision to let them all go without her is incredibly mature and selfless, that you're retarded.

>last episode
>Goodbye お母さん
>Shirase puts her phone in her pocket and cries silently
>phone rings
>she picks it up
>reply from お母さん
>"You have done well coming this far, Shirase."
>Shirase turns around
>Mom is standing behind her, wearing a makeshift seal-skin suit and a harpoon made out of pengin bones
za endo