
So they're actually going to fuck now, right?

Other urls found in this thread:

She will fuck with him, but that's about it for now I guess.

we already had:

>double handholding handjob
>stolen first cheek kiss

looking at this pace, the next step in the next chapter will be urethra defloration

Where the fuck is the SM? It's literally just teasing. What is 774 doing?

someone post the "art"

Nagatoro is a shit tier character



Will he be the only one though?

Well if you're as hung as senpai then every other guy is a downgrade.

Do girls really dress like this or is this /fa/ autism?

Non religious Arab girls dress kind of like that here

some, but not really all that many.


i like you

t. senpai

There's a reason she's gotten more aggressive since the "groping"
Senpai just assumes he's about average.

am i the only one that saw 2 merchants

Why is there no doujins of her?

The next chapter will be set in a fantasy world right? Is it just Senpai dreaming or is he drawing a new manga?

Too pure.

Trying to make money.

774 wants Nagatoro to stay pure.

I hope other artists respect his wish

it'll probably be more of this

What expression is she trying to convey?

Come on, he just can't tease me like this! Even Misty had 1000 cocks stuck down her inner throat cumming all at once!

>an entire doujin series about various girls from different series having their way with senpai in front of Nagatoro
I like it.

You can really tell when it's american prime time.

Its ok when the guy fucks tons of girls though.

So this is basically Takagi except the girl is both meaner and sexier?

creed to other user

except this came first

It looks like stuff I've seen in stores for girls to buy except the weird bandage looking thing. I guess it's meant to be a bodysuit, but it looks like bandages.

Takagi is way sexier.

Don't you have a forehead to rent?



>Being this delusional

What the fuck is this shit?

I don't get it someone explain, i know nothing about artist cause i only know him through this. But from you guys i learn he makes alot of fucked up porn

If you want SM just check out the original stuff. It had some ballbusting

This is meant to evoke a fanart where nagatoro is tied up and gagged in the background, and has to watch as her senpai has sex with Takagi.

mate I am very "familiar" with his "other" works and i don't get what the fuck this is either.

Been a while since I've actually seen it posted, so here.

How does this
Remind you of this

are you serious or just a complete newfag?

just saying thats kinda retarded

This your first time in a Nagatoro thread?

well user was originally made in november gradually people got a little bored and creative so they added some abstraction then some more, this appears to be as far as it's gotten so far >168124894 of course we all wonder where it'll go next.

Well, this is not a function, as both curves are:
-blue: f(x)= x^2 + 5x + 6.25
-red: g(x)= -x^2 +5x - 6.25

If you really want to draw a single function which could resemble that NTR pic, then it would actually be like pic related.

>the next step is a white page with equations on it

if you can't visualize it without a graphical aide you are a brainlet.

Just post a pic of an algebra book

like this?

>From cute to cucking to calculus: A Nagataro story

New chapter when?
Started reading yesterday.

It's doujinshi.

Piss off

There's more

Good lord what massive faggotry is this?

Next week, fantasy chapter.

>At first I was thinking to make it a cover of a more evil feeling, but in the direction of mildness that it is hard for the first-time person to pick up

Nanashi, please.

That chapter feels like it should've been at the end of the series. What happens now?

Time skip to wedding and bullying during the reception.

It's kind of hard to blame him for soft-balling it to get those sales up. I read the originals recently and it'd be a hell of a thing to replicate the sandbag chapter and make readers like either protagonist.

So when is MC gonna do something manly or cool that will kinda show why Nagatoro likes him?

I enjoy the dynamic, but I'd like to see him do something kinda alpha either now, or in his past that made her like him.

shes for facesitting

He drew her well. Nagatoro has a moist clam for art.

>something manly
maybe but the guy is a fucking twig even nagatoro is stronger than him, if he try something he might end end up fucked up in an alley
>why Nagatoro likes him?
he have passion in what he do

>playing tabletop with your waifu
What kind of character would she roll up? What kind of system would you have her play? Would you play GURPS

Since we are aiming towards abstraction you could post a rotated hyperbola, then just the equation.

The "two in the pink, one in the stink" I understand. But I don't get the snickers bit. Am I getting old?

It`s a reference to one of the old image sets.

I agree with this man, you faggot are trying to force this shit into another LOSS meme, thing like this or pic relate are fine but the other bullshit in the thread is just force shit that kill the joke

I wish

God i wish that was me

I need to see Nagatoro as an adult/older teen immediately.


are you telling user to find a real jk?

your inside jokes are stupid

for a second I thought this was supposed to represent her flesh fangs


No it's going to get popular then drag on forever with zero development until it stops bringing money to publisher and gets promptly axed.

>still making him cry
good shit

I want to provide, procreate, and protect Nagatoro!


whoever drew this please fucking draw more

>thinking that means 57% of americans are cuckolds

>america is 56% white
>57% likes cuckhold

It all adds up


someone please draw 02 fucking senpai

She is supposed to have tanlines.


>into femdom
>not into feet
It's an abstract kind of feel.

I want Nagatoro to step on me with expensive heels on.

I'm into femdom as well, and for a long time I also didn't care about feet.
Even now, I just like the idea of being stepped on by feet or having them shoved in my mouth. There's nothing erotic about the appearance of feet though.

What would their love making sessions be like?