ITT: Existential questions

ITT: Existential questions
Why do traps appeal to us on an emotional and sexual level?
Why is Astolfo so cute? And are they really gay?

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Speak for yourself faggot



The Jews did this.

Sex is nothing but put your dick into a hole. Astolfo is so cute who gonna care about his gender.

>not wanting to fuck traps
Are you gay?

Kill yourself.


>Why am I a faggot?
Lots of reasons OP

kill yourself fag

>character is a trap
>artists draw him with boobs

No u!

Oh, be nice.

>>>Sup Forumsrules/1

Taboo. Also Astolfo is garbage even by trap standards and you have shit taste.

Nah, long pink hair and hyper+edgy personality(which makes people's dick even harder) and being drawn with eye hearts = hawtest trap

Sup Forums is full of people who want to be / identify with the cute girl, so the identification is more intense if the girl has a penis too.

All the same signs of female beauty as other anime girls. Completely unreproducible irl with facial/hip structure etc. Voiced by a woman and acts cute and feminine. Has a moe taboo trait just like tsundere, femdom etc that ads excitement for the sex starved Sup Forumsnon.
It can be both gay and not gay depending on the individual and what they like about them. Traps are a very blurred line where it's impossible to tell if you're gay or just a hentai addict needing novelty.


You're mentally ill. It's that simple.

speak for yourself faggot

dude traps lmao

The fact that finding out a dick was included makes you exited seems like a personal issue, also dont use a >us outside /d/.
Also yes its gay but thats fine. we still accept you faggot.

Craving for dick is not anime.


Did someone say gay?

Traps are shit tier.
Femboys is where it's at

Because you think they are easier. They're guys and must be as horny and desperate as yourself. Right?

It has to do with how our brains are wired. Loads of studies show shemale porn as being one of the most popular types watched by straight guys. The sight of an erect benis near a naked female tends to trigger an involuntary competition response which makes the viewer get an erection too. The reasons for this are based on evolutionary psychology. Most straight porn shows the girl and only the guys benis. Both parts add to that type of porn. It's really not inconceivable that straight guys that like that kind of porn would also like when the benis is part of the girl. Mentally they still see the girl as a girl and the benis as just a benis. Not part of a man or anything.

This might shock you but not everyone wants to get fucked in the arse by a big and manly dick, at least not heterosexual males. Now go fuck yourself, literally.

Trapfags want to do the fucking though

That's what they trick themselves into wanting.

also the guys who want to fuck a passing trap/tranny and say they want to "feminize" the trap for them by fucking them.

Can you disgusting Trap niggers not use Redman?

it's the same shit, you sodomite.

What if you want to be the trap?

traps are just lolis with penises.
People who like them are flat chest lovers in denial. Traps are just seen as more acceptable than lolis so they flock to that.


Straight Trap or Gay Trap?

Astolfo and Felix are low tier trap.

I found a blonde trap who is 16 or 17 who looks like a average 16/17 year old.

but hideri is portrayed like a 13/14 year old.


Every time, these faggots leak from /lgbt/ and ruin the threads with 3DPD blogging

Don't post 3DPD here.


if only she looked younger and was shorter she'd basically be hideri

Fuck off.

Don't equal faggotry with pedophilia, you disgusting homosexual.

The only people who like traps are unironic weebs aka Sup Forumstards and failed normalfags. This shit was always mocked on Sup Forums but not anymore since we've been invaded by them.

Just let it be remembered.

>The only people who like traps are unironic weebs aka Sup Forumstards and failed normalfags.

3d straight traps are essentially fucked since everyone thinks you're a man in a dress wanting to rape lesbians and molest little girls in bathrooms.

trapfags, everyone

You sound new as fuck, you've never heard of the Bridget meme?

To me I knew about Watarase Jun on the early 2006.

They don't. Just to a certain group of fags like yourself.

Why does his head transform into a Talking Heads album?

Oldfags grew up and stopped going to Sup Forums

meanwhile newfags who came here because of Sup Forums and especially Sup Forums being in the headlines. get upset over traps.

>The only people who like traps are unironic weebs aka Sup Forumstards and failed normalfags.
There are many problems with this statement.

And 2chan even got Josou board.

It's not "Loads" of studies, its one meme video by a couple of puedes with no methodology trying to force a bunch of hypothesis that went viral.

fuck what was this called, I vaguely remember reading it years ago

Technically true.

Something something Adam. He's got magic eyes that make people horny.

Very gay indeed trap

Male brain + cute + dick = perfection

fuck thats right, thanks user

not an argument


Yes it was an argument.

If I want girls near erect penises (of their own) I'd go with futa.


Flat is for gay people

Face first.

He is a meme.

Sasuga Astolfofags

I'd imagine most trap lovers are a 1 or 2 on the Kinsey scale. Whether this makes the hentai itself "gay" or not is an issue of semantics.

Femboys are the legit gay version of traps, where they're drawn the way really feminine men actually look and not just as flat girls with dicks.

>being so straight you'll fuck anything feminine

The problem is that Aristotle's argument falls apart at the point he says "to love trap-women, to the exclusion of other women"
In the category of trap-lovers, trap exclusivity is not the norm, but rather the exception. The appreciators of traps are generally lovers of the female (female) form as well and to them a trap is female with exotic features of masculinity that enhance the femininity by juxtaposition similar to the ways in which a boyish or sporty girl is attractive when their femininity is brought to the fore.
Aristotle would be correct in saying that those who exclusively admire traps are gay as the rejection of the female specie is a de-facto exclusive acceptance of the male which is, in fact, homo.

So Sup Forums tell me what do you like more, a boyish trap or a feminine trap?

>posting 3DPD
>comparing a literal jew to an asian chad

Are you guys still around here?

They do not. You're just gay or bisexual.

Because you're gay. I understand appreciating the feminine features of a trap, but actually wanting to fuck them and preferring them to real girls? You're a bona fide faggot

This, but unironcally.

Western stuff, sure. But Japanese traps is just Japan being Japan.

Because she is a man, you are afraid of girls and you can share more common interest with a trannie.

You're a fucking fool

Because you are attracted to men, you homosexual!

Japan is still under American occupation.

The deviancy excites you.

>Why do traps appeal to us
Not us, just (you) and rest of your degenerate faggots.

I can't get enough of Astolfo, I really, really, really want to kiss him and fuck his ass

Japan being occupied and Japan loving traps are two separate facts.

Remember that Kabuki theatres once had actress, which caused all sorts of scandals. The scandals didn't die down after actresses were banned. It's only after only old man can play the Kabuki that scandals dropped to minimum, and even so, not entirely.

>Greek essentialist pseudo-science
Not a winning argument.


It's not an argument at all, it's a meme, a goof, a gaff, or a gag if you will.

>This shit was always mocked on Sup Forums
Sup Forums loves Bridget and Jun. Newfags don't get this.

nope not gay at all