Holy fucking shit

Holy fucking shit


Best scene in my favorite anime. Everything was executed perfectly.

A shame that KyoAni has gone so far downhill. At least Maidragon was pretty good.

I didn't cry at this scene.

k-on? more like GAY-on

or you could even say just OK-ON

Carlos would be a shounenfag ironic weeb

same, it made me smile

so do people like this show unironically? or is it all one big ruse

Yes, it is sincerely a masterpiece

but user, it was only mediocre

I know. Can't believe how bad it was.

True it was fucking shit.

shit indeed

i watched it because of memes - same as any other anime. it was cute but yui was a dumb and annoying slut.


Someone should edit their shirts to say NTR.

At least 2 of these three people came to Sup Forums after 2014. Likely also underage

Shit is shit, doesn't matter the time period. It's even worse if it was rotten all the way from 2010.

Don't you have a DBS thread to go to, Pedro, Pablo and Horacio?

w-which one am i ?

>underage because they don't understand the complexity of pic related
i bet you watch digibro videos to get your opinions

oopsies forgot the pic :3

You're clearly Pablo Hernandez Sanchez

hi digi nice hairline

oh o-ok

Yes. It's my favorite show of all time.

You were the ones who brought up ecelebs, not me. More proof that K-On haters are Sup Forumsermin or Sup Forumsack crossboarders.

It was only mediocre to you. Going up to someone who has one opinion on something's quality and saying "No, actually the show is (my opinion on the show's quality)" isn't going to change anyone's mind.

Why does the amount of hate this show receiver per thread always correlate with the amount of crossboarder llingo and posting mannerisms?

Oh my god, what's wrong with their arms and legs?!

