Finally watched all of Berserk (1997)

Finally watched all of Berserk (1997).
I feel raped, but in a good way.

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how would you rate it

Read the manga, from the beginning.

It takes literally months if not years between new releases.

Also the anime jumps right into one of the arcs, if not two. (Volume 3 or 4 in the manga?)

Not OP but I liked it, it was really solid, too bad ep 1 is literally the ending to the entire series. The rest is just a build up to explain why everything went it did.

The 1997 anime is the best way to experience Berserk. It adapts the only good arc and improves it.

What's wrong with the other arcs?


It could've been a little bit better, it could even be remade to be less dull, but was indeed the best berserk we had.
Except all of it.

8 or 9 out of 10
Generally great, but not really a complete story, so hard to give it a 10.
At least they found a climactic place to end, it won't give you closure but it WILL leave you feeling violated.
Animation is fairly good and the soundtrack is great (except for the OP and ED for some reason).
I kinda want more, but from what I've heard the manga goes downhill later on and will probably never get a satisfying ending, is that true?

There is alot to be frustrated with later on, (Magic and cheap plottwists) but it’s in other ways much more interesting to follow what’s going on with the characters the characters that do not surroud Gutts. Short post but I have to sleep, bye

>Except all of it.
fucking secondaries, I bet you got to know about it from the CG anime too right? Black swordsman despite being a bit too edgy sets the world of berserk, shows us what the protagonist is up against and how cruel that world is. Lost children is by far one of the best written arcs

>I kinda want more, but from what I've heard the manga goes downhill later on and will probably never get a satisfying ending, is that true?
I don't like the change in tone and what they do to Puck post-conviction but it's still worth reading the manga for the beginning Black Swordsman arc, Children of the Mist one of the best arc, my personal favorite, and Conviction

still the best

I think what makes the 97 anime so great is the music. The music in it invokes many ranges of emotional feelings as you watch it. But that's the genius of Susumu Hirasawa

Fucking tard

Good, now read the manga.

I was being a bit cruel, but the anime arch is a perfect closed loop, there are interesting ones after that, but when you get to naked loli witch wanting power armor dark knight dick after the super skilled one legged pirate swordsman, well, i think something went wrong along the way.

>except for the OP and ED for some reason
The OP is not my favorite, but I think the ED is great. It suits the melancholy atmosphere of the series.

Fair enough, but Lost Children, Conviction, Black Swordsman are 10/10 (maybe not BS). Even some of the bullshit magic parts are good. The Golden Age is far better in manga too.

Nah the anime was better because itgot rid of the pointless Wyald fight

>what they do to Puck post-conviction
I'll never not be angry. I don't think we've seen him in non-gag form for a long ass time.

>pointless Wyald fight
Fuck you. The Wyald fight was top notch and showcased Guts growth. It was peak Berserk. There's also development with Guts going out of his way to fight to the death and prove he can take on the monsters Zodd talked about.

He has been appearing in non-gag form more recently I think. He's just still as unimportant as ever thanks to the over-inflated JRPG harem and Miura's lack of fucking direction

>Black Swordsman are 10/10 (maybe not BS).
I hate when people keep referring to Black Swordsman as
>filler bullshit
>hur dur Miura said it was messy therefore you have bad taste if you liked it Some faggot told me this on previous thread
It was a great hook and introduction for me, made me want to know what the fuck happened to Guts' past that made him who he was, and everything about the Slug Baron arc was great

I mean it's not perfect, you could do without Puck's "BERSERK" line and Guts fucking the Apostle. The rest is fine, and Guts torturing the Count was kino.

the part where Guts on was on the verge of unconsciousness and then it flashes back to him training and talking with Erica about how he would be able to fight monsters or something was pure fucking kino

stop using this word

From what I have read the manga is supposed to be pretty fucking good and it's also one of the highest rated mangas on MAL of all time, so take that as you wish but I think it's a pretty good sign that it's a decent manga.

Watch this

then watch the movies
then read the manga
then play the ps2 game

and only then if you realy fucking liked it, watch the 2016/2017 anime

I can't tell from the trailers. What 2D:3D ratio would you give the Golden Age movies and the 2016 season? Like 2:1 or something?

It eventually becomes less grimdark, but its still pretty dark.

But yeah, it'll probably never end at the rate its going.

I would give it a 0/10. To answer your question though, I would say there's more 3D than 2D, and the 3D is extremely jarring and terribly done. Besides that, the editing and pacing are awful. Just don't bother with it unless you've already read the manga and watched the '97 anime, and are prepared to suffer.

That's disappointing. From what I've read, I could skip the movies because they remake the 97 anime, but the lure of watching new animated arcs may be a little too strong.

The movies do have higher animation quality than the show that adapts the arcs afterwards. It was a theatrical release after all.

Really, you kinda gotta pick your poison, since the original anime was also kinda low budget and did a lot of cost saving tricks to pad it out.
>They got the VAs for Guts, Griffith, and Casca back for the movies all these years later

So neat

i dont know if i get sad or aliviated they are not dubing the 2016/2017 anime

Probably for the best.

Besides, basically only Guts would be reprising anyway since Griffith is almost never around and Casca is retard mode forever.

You should watch the new series to feel what it's liked to be raped in a bad way.