
Request or draw Sup Forumsrt here.

Other urls found in this thread:


Requesting Ryuko Matoi in these clothes (left), and in this kind of pose.

Requesting Anna and Sophia as Valentine's themed succubi (Red and black lingerie colors preferred) sandwiching Tanukichi between their lewd buxom bodies similarly to this image i.imgur.com/UalZodC.jpg . Creepy licking lips, uncomfortable caressing of the poor betamax's hair, or other rapey content is good too.

Requesting Akko getting a headpat and kiss on the forehead from Andrew while blushing like crazy.

Can I please have this colored correctly?

Requesting Bocchi in a microbikini or a bikini that's too big for her.

Requesting Hanayo Koizumi being lewd but cute.

Requesting Altair making a cute peace sign

Previous thread.

Yes but why

Requesting Nena Trinity doing naked dogeza.

Requesting Kanan sleeping on the beach.

Requesting Nagatoro dressed as T-elos

Requesting Fumino Serizawa wearing a catgirl outfit.

Requesting Annie, turned into a black girl (please don't ask why) and craving for Okuma's BJC

Requesting Madoka getting molested/undressed

Hands only is fine

Requesting Rin and Nui feet fiving one another.

Requesting the "ultimate waifu" with Rachnera's spider lower body, Akeno's upper body and wings, Witchblade Masane's arms, and Asagi's demon form head and skintone

Anchor if artist is continuing

seconding this.

Name of manga ?

Requesting Yoshida dressed up as your favorite Disney princess

Requesting Senketsu going ahegao on Satsuki's perfect blood. Bonus points if Ryuuko reacts to it.


Requesting an image like this one but with Hiro and Strelizia

Requesting Yuzu actually getting her hair cut.

Requesting Uzuki with angel wings and a halo please!


Uzukifag is a lucky dude.

That was fast! I'll be looking forward to it

In the spirit of my first and many more Valentine's Day with my dear Tessou, I would like to request her happy holding a (Calorie Mate style like) ammo box of .600 nitro express and with the other hand offering a peeled cartridge showing that they are made of chocolate.

Requesting Naraku in a Golisopod mascot costume

Requesting Sylvie making chocolate for me or handing me a chocolate heart.

Requesting this dated meme (Mega Milk) with Annie (End of series black top and blue booty shorts preferred)

Requesting cute pics of this version of Laura.

Requesting feedback on these shapes.

requesting Ruri in a modern idol outfit

Looks pretty solid to me. Maybe /ic/ would be a better bet? even though /ic/ is full of shitposters just like the rest of this place

Requesting Akko with a dunce cap.

alternatively requesting one or more Yuru campers in Tsukumizu style (like Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou)

How do you do clothes?r

Put a lot of V's around until something almost makes sense.

This pleaseeeee

Requesting Brass as a stereotypical Mega Level Digimon

/r/ing speedy speed boy contemplating his existence

learn fabric, I'm a novice too but there are several common ways folds happen you should learn.

You're moving in the right direction by trying to understand how the form looks in 3d space. Proportions, foreshortening and ananatomy are off but that's fine, those'll come with studies and practice.
Right now crit doesn't really mean much to you, because it points out specific mistakes you can fix. You have too much ground to cover for any specific thing to focus on, just keep truckin with the fundamentals and the hours upon hours of practice will eventually rear their head. As long as you get yourself to draw every day and have an idea of what you want to achieve with practice, you're golden.
That being said, quantity >>> quality when practicing, especially early on. Pic related is the kind of sketch spamming that works for me.

He has some pretty substantial lips. Or defined.
May I draw him eating or drinking something?

Learn how clothing folds work. The moment you grasp that and how it works spatially, you can draw all the clothes you want.

>how do i learn X
>you learn X. Once you have that down, you can draw all the X you want

God I hate foot fags

I'm the OR of the request and I hate other footfags too.

Requesting Raphi in the cute outfit with the sandals on the right!

Requesting more drawings like this with Seo.

Thanks. I want to learn more about anatomy but I'm not sure what to do exactly. For grinding is it more helpful to deconstruct bodies into shapes or copy random poses? As of now I'm drawing one-two pictures like these everyday before adding details.

Seconding this

Stop doing this.

Requesting anything with feet.

Not sure why you’re mad about me wanting to see Naraku wearing a Pokémon costume.

>As of now I'm drawing one-two pictures like these everyday before adding details.
Real talk, if you're serious about getting good at art, that's nowhere near enough. You need to start at two hours of practice per day, not because that's enough but because that shouldn't be hard to do if you're serious about art. Then work your way up. There's no way to get even remotely okay at art without putting in thousands of hours over the course of months/years.
I don't want to discourage you, but art is a skill like any other and it takes time and dedication.
I'm starting to regret drawing that

I just like Emergency Exit being a fitting joke

Not that guy but two questions if you don't mind. How do you determine your goal for practice? I'm not even a month into learning fundamentals but 'learning' them seems super vague since they seem to be something you never stop working on. Is your goal just 'get better' or is it something concrete - i.e. learn how x works intimately.
And on the topic of quantity, does only mileage matter or is it correct mileage. I've always heard learning something wrong the first time takes longer to fix than taking it slow and learning it correctly but most every decent artist has just said draw as much as possible to improve. Does it really not matter to get it at least somewhat correct?
Sorry for the essay questions, your art is good and IC just fights over whether loomis is relevant instead of answering my questions.

I wonder if he/she does too.

how far is the fabric from the actual body?

it is fitting.

Requesting it include Wakamatsu or else.

Requesting Deku and Ryuko holding hands.

Requesting dramatic showdown between Haseo and Kirito.

Sorry, I actually practice 4 hours. It's just that I also study perspective, which takes most of the time.

Requesting Kino soaking her feet in a cold stream after a long ride on Hermes.


are you doing this on purpose?

>Overflowing big gulp in one hand, 3 pounder burger with bacon and melted cheese oozing out of it in the other, horking it down and almost a quarter of the way into the burger, staring at it in disbelief.
>"What am I doing with my life?"

D-doing what?

Requesting this honey badger meme but with Hitomi from Killing Bites

>but 'learning' them seems super vague since they seem to be something you never stop working on.
You never stop working on them, ever. You improve when your understanding of fundamentals grows enough to adapt something into your style, and I can only speak from experience but that's what improvement is always like. Speaking of which, /ic/ is sort of right with the whole
>muh style
business, because you'll grow your own style by finding what solutions to problems come naturally and stick with you. You should never conform to some idea of what style you want to have.
>Is your goal just 'get better' or is it something concrete - i.e. learn how x works intimately.
Ideally it should be both. You have the vague long-term goal of 'learn anatomy' of whatever. It's not supposed to be a tangible goal, it's a guideline for short-term achievable goals that move you in that general direction.

repeatedly posting feet requests to try to get a reaction

You should focus on hips, shoulders and spine and build your anatomy off of those reference points. For example, right now your hips arent really defined and that area has no definition. I would consider more loose/ gestural drawings to define form then refinement to define anatomy.

What the fuck!? I only posted the Kino request.

if you insist

Are you okay?

Request 店長 (right) pours a saucer of milk for nude catgirl Akira (left).

Seconding this

And done.

How do these shoulders and shoulder connections look? Also been trying to reduce my pen pressure as it's a bad habit of mine. I'm the guy you did the Devilman request for and I still thank you for that.

are you?

> I've always heard learning something wrong the first time takes longer to fix than taking it slow and learning it correctly but most every decent artist has just said draw as much as possible to improve.
I could spam the thread about this but I won't, what it basically boils down to is this: Try to find a mentor, be it a teacher, an artist peer, a random artist youtuber like sinix, whoever. Expose yourself to guidance from as many places as possible, and keep everything that makes sense. Aside from that, don't worry about learning things wrong because it's not THAT hard to relearn and it's much more important that you grow your skillset and discipline.
Use /ic/ for resources, links and to read what the occasional pro that wanders in writes.

Somebody please give the world the cute anime girl version of A Clockwork Orange

I am, but you seem upset.

For those working with clip studio paint, what pen/size do you use for your lines?

you assume wrong

lol that’d be hilarious

user, tell me what's on your mind.
Why did you think that my request was meant to bait a reaction?

Requesting Hachirota Hoshino from Planetes piloting a old car around the earth orbit.

Droogs or Ludovico?

because all of the requests and seconding reads like an attempt to get people annoyed at footfags

Why was my funny spam the weird looking lesbian manga. I want it to win cuz it looks interesting. Can wee please make it win also why you making fun of me I have a mental disability.

Requesting a bunch of lolis sticking their feet in a frustrated looking anons face and asking if he is upset

You should always draw a rough sketch what the body looks like underneath the clothes in another layer first, then think of where the fabric goes
>Sorry, I actually practice 4 hours.
It's my bad, a fellow artfag gave me shit about assuming you worked less too. Just the fact that you're practicing 4 hours per day is already great. Mix up grinding fundies with drawing stuff you want to draw, don't get lead astray by /ic/'s GRIND NOW DRAW LATER mentality. Also what I didn't mention is that you seem to get that shoulders can move around a little in their sockets and that's a pet peeve of mine when critting and I love you for it
You have the structure of the shoulder itself down, the next thing is how the muscles connected to it contract/stretch when it moves around. Which Devilman request?

>to get people annoyed at footfags
You say that like people didn't already find footfags annoying.
They're very annoying.

I assume he meant the one from the last thread