Post cute Mikis

Post cute Mikis.

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My filename is where you belong


OP, you're suppose to post more than 1 pic





>canon bush

You posted the cutest Mikis I have in one picture

A non-disgusting MikixMiko fanart? Not a fan of the pairing but I was tired with tumblr cancer

Pure christian girls are like that. But not commenting on nips so puffy that they cause your nightwear to overhang is a crime.

Miki a shit




How Miki find patience to deal with this crying hobbit? They'd turn him apart on my high school

>What is fiction


Impaled Miki best Miki

>no bra
what a slut

best uniforms


Smug Miki

his moe uselessness activate her maternal instincts

s-she is so cute.. i hope nothing bad happens to her in the series (I still haven't watched it)

Even the most outrageous setting needs some basis on reality or else it fails on connect with the audience


>Even the most outrageous setting needs some basis on reality
You need to stop, right now. You CANNOT be that fucking stupid.


what does it say?

Will we get doujins?



There's going to be an Akira x Miki one, apparently.

I read Violence Jack and now I want RyoxMiki. Help.


>vanilla Miki x Akira
There's hope in this world.

They're childhood friends and live together under the same roof

80s Miki is best Miki


Miki is nice, plus power of childhood friends.

I want to make a Hey Mickey reference but I could never look myself in the mirror again if I do. I'll just say good Miki

I am glad she is getting love .

Grimmoire Miki is so damn lovable, it's hard to resist.

Man, I really want to read the rest of this...

ywn be strapped down and tickled by a smug anime girl like miki
Why even fucking bother living bros?

What a cutie pie

We must be strong and carry on.

(but she would even protect you too; maybe we should give up)


I'm in love, Sup Forums. Akira is an unforgivable faggot and doesn't deserve her.

She also punches her brother sometimes though. OG Miki has a lot more faults.

It's slapstick comedy. Manga Miki is flawless.


I guess. She's also pretty mean to Akira at the start too. I know she's teasing, but still.

The only part of devilman that actually spooked me.

I adore and respect. All versions, each had something I like.

>You did it, didn't you?
is she saying he got laid

I like her from the OVA

It still hurts...havent hurt this much since steins;gate with suzu.

so cute

Is Grimoire worth a read or is it another shit Devilman adaptation?

They are super cute here. Akira was super cute too.

I don't think it has been fully translated into English yet, so I don't know. What I read I liked.




Look how tiny he was before he got the demon boost. Like holy shit .

It's doujinshi.

pencil necked geek. but i think he was shorter than ryo in the manga too

>It's doujinshi.
Oh look, it's that guy.

Wow dude, your understanding is incredible, you must be like the less special child in your autismo class.

it is just funny that she is so happy about getting cucked



me too, akira... me too

Manga Akira >>>> Crybaby Akira
I’d rather Akira maintains a bit of his wimpyness than his incessant crying

OVA Akira is great all around

Too bad there won't be any lewds of pre-DEVIL'D Akira.

I marathoned the series yesterday and was not lurking at release, how does Sup Forums like the new Devilman?

I think the first episodes were great, especially the horror element, episode 7 was terrible, the animation was emabrrassing, and the ending was kinda disappointing, the usual idealist do-goody view is so typical for sheltered Japanese.
I liked the OST and some imagery.

Overall enjoyable I would say but a little disappointing, a wasted opportunity.

Also nice reference in pic related.

She's teasing him, it's not like she actually thinks he had sex. Your special is showing.

Reference to what?


>some psychos got to bang this before they killed and mutilated her



Damn shame they made their friendship so unequal in Crybaby. Akira knowing what he's getting into and still deciding to do it is better than him stumbling into possession like a dumbass because he uncritically believes every word his beloved Ryo-chan spouts.

They did not rape her!! O-Only her corpse!

Oooh that pool, it didn't even cross my mind that it could be a reference to something outside anime. Now that you mention it I get the joke on the Sora Yori thread earlier today too.

There's lots of references in this anime.

Agreed. As unintentionally funny as this page might be, it really helps to show there’s so much more at stake. “Sociopath” really wasn’t the best angle approach Ryo with.

I wish we got to see more moe Akira though before he changed over.


I think there will be a few, but not as many, no.

I like a man that cries, but it does get a bit cheesy.

Grimoire Miki >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> other Mikis

She made Akira and those girls die by being a chuuni bitch

I kind of have to agree. I can't wait til the whole thing is out in English . It's worth it just for her.

She didn't know. My sister and I almost burned down our house one time when we were young..


Hurts my heart,.

>some psychos got to bang this before they killed and mutilated her

Did we see the same anime? She got stabbed in the back, then fade to black. What ever happened after wards is only in your head canon. What we know ultimately happened, is that she was killed and cut to pieces. Crybaby is its own rendition of the Devilman story so what happens in Crybaby is only canon in Crybaby, the original manga is its own piece separate from Crybaby with different characters.