So I want to raid the Crunchyroll anime awards Best Manga Category as they put a Yuri Hentai on the list. I want to spam it so that it becomes the winner. Its called MY LESBIAN EXPERIENCE WITH LONELINESS. We Gotta spam it We just gotta. Here is the link to the inbox
Crunchyroll Anime Awards Raid
Cool story bro
Not your private army.
The gay Bara manga is better.
Fuck off retard, we're not your personal army.
You sound like you didn't even read the book.
>Yuri Hentai
>Actually one of the best translated comics this year and a strong contender for the winner anyways
Pretty sneaky, Art Comic user, but you can't fool me.
Fuck off retard
fuck you faggot
The absolute fucking state of Sup Forums in 2018
It doesn't even qualify as erotic.
>Crunchy roll
go back there please
How does Sup Forums manage to do it?
Kill yourself you absolute faggot
>best anything
Especially when In This Corner of the World is on the same list.
Rule violation.
Raid is codeword for giving unwanton attention to crunchyshit.
I wouldn't vote for that piece of garbage even ironically
>nobody wants to do anything epic anymore
Fuck you guys, I am going back to Sup Forums.
>Voting for that when I can vote for GOLDEN KAMUY
>user posts about it in a discord
kek'd what the fuck
Voted for Phos as best girl, boy, hero and villain.
Because that was funny the first time.
>wanting to vote yuri for the "maymay" and not because yuri is great
I think its funny i did it so manytimes already lol
i think its good for the meme and yuri is gunch
>Thread is still alive
The absolute state of nu-Sup Forums mods
It's actually a fairly well-written manga
I don't think that's a hentai
owo really itt is?
Fuck off nigger faggot
>yuri hentai
Did you even read it
>voting on some shitty crunchy poll
i might as well post OP's discord tag
I think if you read it, you'd change your mind. There's a lot of talk about mental illness in it, and some pretty intense introspection. I saw a lot of myself in it and I'd definitely rank it as one of the more influential manga I've read.
It's definitely not hentai.
Fuck off faggot, we aren't your fucking army and do it yourself if you care so much about the normalfag awards. Also get out.
It's pretty good soo
nice falseflag tho
>struggling mangaka finally lands a hit
>outs herself as an awkward lesbian with a mom fetish
Wonder how her family handled that one.
I knew that manga attracted the Tumblr and normalfag types, but not that it also attracted literal retards
There was an image posted here where her mom tweeted "be careful with STDs" at her or something like that
I have a mental disability so i take offense to being called retard. u are the superr etard for calling me that. I thought it would be funny cuz owo hentai. I need to actually read it now since it has mental illness talk. What else has mental illness talk, DEBIRUMAN
Isekai yourself tumblr.
didnt she say she was actively hiding it from her parents and blindly hoping they wouldnt ever find out?
i mean its no Sonic adventure as it seems good but not amazing. GIVE IT YOUR BEST OH NO!
Go away.
It's a pretty good manga.
She got more or less kicked out of the house and now lives in an apartment. She's also tweeted about contemplating having her family name legally changed.
This was by COOL, right? So is cool-sensei a girl?
How does Sup Forums do it? Even with all it's flaws it still manages to maintain a level of quality far above the other media boards.