Now that yaginuma (the director of recovary of an MMO junkie) has been publically denying the holocaust on Twitter...

Now that yaginuma (the director of recovary of an MMO junkie) has been publically denying the holocaust on Twitter, has your perception of any the show changed?

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Don't care.

I mean I watch tome cruise movie after this.

What people do in their private lives does not affect my enjoyment of their work.

I like stranger things even if all the cast are rampant SJW faggots.

>japanese like nazi


I like it even more.

what happened?

How could those two things possibly be relevant to each other? People need to learn that there are more things in life than politics.
Expect ANN to write a piece on soon thanks to

Baka gaijin are going to harass him now

I bet they'll pull his show off of CR now.

Wew. I like him more now.

>publicly denying
>on Twitter
This is ridiculous.

i still love the show. mmo junkie is not just yaginuma. its the original manga, it's the anime staff, the writers, the voice cast.....if yaginuma is a piece of shit idiot that doesnt change that a lot of other great people came together to make a sweet show.

Weeaboo progressives can't deny Japan's love of Nazi cosplay forever.

I want to watch his works now.

Yeah, he should have directed Youjo Senki instead.


>if yaginuma is a piece of shit idiot that doesnt change that a lot of other great people came together to make a sweet show.

So denying Nanking is fine but denying the Holocaust is not ?

It makes me respect him

His direction was average at best and he could have easily been replaced so I enjoy.
His involvement has nothing to do what so cute and charming about this anime.


You should hate the author for permanent hiatus instead.

Apparently it's a reference to a French kids book where the dude asks someone to draw him a sheep or some shit. I'm not a baguette though, so if anyone can actually explain the joke that'd be nice.


>netjuu no susume
More like getjew no salary

I didn't like the show much, haven't checked the source material but I doubt I'd finish that either. This isn't enough to win me over, doesn't make his works any better.

No, because I'm not a hysteric SJW.


Who gives a shit, fuck off to tumblr or leddit.

> b-but people can't kill that many people!
When did the human dream die?

>yfw Because of his nazi faggatory MoriMori will never gets a S2.

I love it even more

>French kids book
The Little Prince, you uncultured burger fuck.


I'm a bong, not a burger, and I barely even remember my own books from when I was a kid.

Don't blame me, I went to Sup Forums and grabbed them from the inevitable thread there.

No but seriously doesn't it raise any eyebrows that this is considered a crime in some countries?

Like you would think the truth could stand on its own and didn't need to be legislated. Really makes you think.

Fucking based.

wtf I love cakeblobs now?!

“To find out who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”
Or in this case, even question. I hope the nips disregard this ANN tantrum and let Yaginuma keep working as usual.

> I hope the nips disregard this ANN tantrum
When have they ever regarded ANN? When has ANYONE ever regarded ANN?

It doesn't affect the show to me but when i read through what he was posting on twitter most of it didn't even make sense. Low-tier Holocaust denying
Does he think there are no pictures of concentration camps or gas chambers? I'm not an expert but i'm pretty sure they are open to the public to tour.

Fair point. As long as all of Reddit and MAL don't start waving their virtual pitchforks, the nips won't probably even find out that there's some sort of "outrage".

Is pic related Yaginuma grandpa?

Based japan


No one denies concentration camps existed. What people question is the veracity of the narrative that the 6 billion (as well as some 4 billion russians, poles, gypsies, political prisoners, etc that no one ever talks about in addition to the 6 trillion) were systematically executed via these "gas chambers" with body counts numbering in the quadrillions

>MC's bf is blond guy
>she embrace her role as a stay at home mother to ensure the futur of honorary aryan race
>Family, values, childbearing hips
>Somehow Sup Forumsnon get surprised the author is a nazi
anta baka?
image related

theres a new number being thrown around
Anyway gas chambers are not a super technology like he thinks it was just cheaper than bullets

I wish to breed with this völkisch gal

Literally /ourguy/

>implying he's done anything wrong
I'm sorry but the fact that a number of countries will jail you for denying a "historical fact" and if you ever question it equates to social suicide really makes me think. Can you name any other subject so taboo? It's almost as if someone doesn't want you questioning their narrative. Anyway he directs anime real good and nips have a boner for Nazis and give zero fucks about Baka gajin, this will probably have little to no effect on his career.

There are quite a few conspiracy theories questioning the number of Holocaust deaths, though I don't know if any of them completely deny its whole existence.
However, the whole problem here is that people aren't even allowed to question the given information about it. You can question things like whether the Earth is round or not and no-one will mind, you'll just look like an idiot and that's that. But when you question the Holocaust, people literally start rallying against you, and regretting that they watched a show you helped create.

Nanking was totally justified though. Chinese are insect

He killed millions

no it isn't you dumbass. It's the worst and stupidest manner to kill lot of people. Anyway there is all proofs that there was only about 2 millions jews in europe (nazi occupied) so he didn't kill 6 millions.... sadly
you're the idiot. ANIMAY UBBER ALLES

>denying the lolocaust on twitter
Balls of 10000 times folded steel

How is transporting them across the continent, building "death camps", feeding them, then gassing and cremating them cheaper than just taking them out to a field not in another goddamn country, gunning them down and burying them on the spot?

Also keep in mind, each one of these camps had to kill like 10000 people every day for the numbers to add up.

>I'm not an expert
>but i'm pretty sure they are open to the public to tour.
they aren't
why even bother to burry them? They didn't in poland. 60 000 real jews perished here. Thanks god.

10000 a day? They did kill 30000 a day though.

Wtf I love this show now

Stop making these threads on Sup Forums

FUCK YOU. Anime is Sup Forums. We post anime if we want.

t. You on the picture

30000 people. Oy vey that's wrong my grandfather survived those nasty horrible death camps and he said they were killing 60000 a day.

israel should be nuked but yaginuma made the stupidest arguments in the stupidest way possible.

Fuck off from this site, anime belongs everywhere on Sup Forums t.Sup Forums

morimori-chan is our girl.


Could it be that the auto translate is making it nonsensical to bakagajins? Also keep in mind nips aren't repeatedly bludgeoned with media and classes on how this was the worst atrocity ever. Also they were their allies. Also still they committed some truly horrorific atrocities themselves. Truly the 11s are the masterrace

Pure coincidence.


Well I guess I have to watch this now.


>60000 a day
And that's just the jews. They were killing upwards of 40000 reprobates and undesireables a day as well. Can you believe it? 80000 people a day just because Hitler didn't like them

hysteric is the best insult for sjw and feminist, because "hysteric" comes from the word "uterus". it has been known since ancient times that women have this kind of unique behavior.

What the fuck?
german people works a lot, and very effectively.

Now I like it even more, based nip
Lily-san best girl.

I don't care about the tweet itself but I look forward to the potential e-drama

They used inmates as slave labor, it was very important for german industry and agriculture.

The first few years of the holocaust were performed by specially formed units, most of the people in them were negatively affected by constantly murdering innocent people so bigwigs like himmler started looking for "humane" methods that wouldn't make so many german alcoholics

It is not an established claim that every single holocaust victim was killed in a gas chamber

holocaust denialism doesn't make sense. it usually boils down to deniers being conspiracy theorists who hate jews

The director of the show tweets, it's not any more related to that. you haven't looked at some directors twitter page to see what they're up to?

ANN is staffed by Jews who got butthurt over Dies Irae. NEVER TRUST AMERICAN "JOURNALISTS".

Why do women think it's there responsibility to publically shame anyone who disagrees with them? Seriously, if this ANN bitch writes a hit pathetic.

>Twitter drama about politics

Who the fuck cares

>implying Japs care


my brother

>Uses "conspiracy theroy" to discredit arguments of your opponents
>bullshits with no historical evidences
>exageration (slave labour)
>muh hate
t. You

>It is not an established claim that every single holocaust victim was killed in a gas chamber
You yourself are a holocaust denier

anti-semitism at the fundamental level requires on to believe in a top-level jewish conspiracy that extends to dirt farmers in poland, its a narrative for weak thinkers

He's not white so they won't give a shit. I've gotten banned for so much as suggesting something, but Japs get a pass and can post poorly censored porn all day long. And I'm not even white, mind you. I assume Twitter doesn't moderate non-English discussion all that much

Arabs are semites. Phoenicians are semites. Stop using that word.

>ad hominem
you makes me post a Sup Forums picture now

Anime is the only form of entertainment that hasn't been corrupted by the Jews, feminists, and cultural marxists.

There are currently 15 million Jews today. I wonder (((how))) their population bounced back so quickly after losing 11 gorillion

[netflix intensifies]

Polish are top level scum who lie and steal for fun

no, you cannot force my language


doesn't mean much. The fun fact is to see how much jews there was before and just after the war. I don't have the picture but there is more after the war (not in poland, of course, in the whole world)

Going to jail for denying a "historical" fact doesn't make sense. You have literal faggots claiming Jesus didn't die on the cross for their sins and yet they aren't persecuted for denying historical facts. Also quick question shekelstein how'd your grandparents dodge the oven?