Waifu Rate

Look if your waifu is trash or good taste

>Simple and caring
im ok with this

Even more proof she's perfect.

>multiple waifus
Saged reported and traced.

>best girl not even on the list

She would have to be on there twice.

>doormats that high
top kek

Yui should be much further to the right, Rem/Rin/Honk further to the left

>furthest one on the depth and development scale

But it doesn't say if you're waifu is shit or not. What a shit chart. Kill yourself OP.

My waifu would probably be on the upper end.


Sup Forums is fucking dead

>Asuka has more depth than Rei


By if she can wear bikini/scantily clad.

>not being glad that Rei isn't at the straight bottom, dead next to the Weird category


Would Yuuko be Strong Mature or Caring?


Is there no way to escape the death of Sup Forums?



Thanks for making this. I'll be sure to pay a lot of attention to it.

Oh nice, the resident ape arrived.

What if my waifu is Sheila?

sorry my bad


>strong and mature

Pick on.

> 50% of these are garbage anime

Any geass or eva girls are automatically shit tier.

>arbitrary y axis
Your likability is low


>a girl is automatically bad if the anime featuring her is bad

I never understood this logic.

Please ignore this thread.

yeah, why wasn't Kanbaru included?

I don't know, on one hand she is Strong and Mature but then again she is Bitchy, Violent & Inconsiderate. She's definitely in the middle of the bottom one tho.

Can't tell if bait or not!



Isn't Rei's whole thing that she literally doesn't have a personality?

Well, I guess I have shit taste then...

Ah, a wonderful work of satire, indeed.

I thought everyone hated best girl, but I'm so glad I was wrong!

>No best girl

The fact Misty isn't on this chart immediately disproves it.

Violent and inconsiderate yes, but bitchy? When?

(if by "bitchy" you mean she's annoying and complains a lot)

Mine is not on your shitty charts, what now?

No, Rei's whole thing is that she's a clone of Shinji's mom, so she gets some personality and development but not a whole lot

oh man you spoiled it for me thanks dude

Did you just call Yui bland? Take your scattergraph and stick it up your cunt op

But Kirino is one of the most caring and mature girls in this chart, all she have achieved in life have been due to her nice personality and determination, having a grudge against someone doesn't change that and mostly what changes throughout the series is both Kirino and Kyousuke point of view towards themselves, hell, even the whole Life Counseling concept was brought up by Kirino in a try to understand and solve things between her and Kyousuke, without Kirino initiative they would have never solved anything.

>Madoka has basic personality
Her personality was crying every episode and saying IT'S NOT FAIR GIRLS until 10 where she became God and fixed everything because fuck you. She's the most poorly written character in the show.

>An unknown character
>shitty charts
Sure she is a shit character