ITT: Favorite DragonBall moves/attacks

Also we laugh at all the pleb shitters that like Final Flash

The Solar Flare has to be the greatest move in the whole DBZ universe.

Instant Transmission Kamehameha

The way they activate solar flare was always pretty cool

wan tan dan

Hellzone grenade

Final kamehameha


Dodon Ray

The thing Nappa did (other than dying)

Flying and solar flare
Two moves everyone stole from Tenshinhan

>Solar Flare
>Hellzone grenade
>Dodon Ray

Why did Goku never teach instant transmission to anyone else in DBZ?


Same reason Yugi gave Joey Time Wizard

Stardust Breaker
Instant Trasmission Kamehameha

Original Kamehameha.

Destructo discs

Shin Kikoho

fucking rip meme

Human Extinction Attack.
The idea of just casually exterminating everything on the planet instead of destroying the whole planet is stylish. Kid Buu was a chump, Super Buu was a thousand times more fun.


That one was fucking cool.
Also Kienzan.

Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well.

Special Beam Cannon desu

All of the cool attacks that could've been used strategically got shelved by Toriyama for generic energy blasts.

Destructo Disk

Everything Tenshinhan does.
Seriously, Crane School martial arts has some top tier moves.
Also Mafuba and the android barrier.

special beam cannon
instant transmission kamehameha
what ever the hell is

in no particular order

>Crane School martial arts has some top tier moves
This, also Yamcha's move are top tier too.

>sorry tien i'm going to use your technique
goku is such an autist