Will there ever be a successful yuri anime Sup Forums?

Will there ever be a successful yuri anime Sup Forums?

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but Princess Principal sold well?

>Princess Principal
>sold well
You can't even pick one...

OP, you read my fucking mind, I was just thinking about making a thread with a Kaze-san OP. Do we know when the theatrical OVA is coming out?

*Kase-san, sorry

Fucking love Kase-san. Wish it got a full cour. Also Hana to Toshi. Can't really discuss stuff like that on /u/ because they're all a bunch of degenerate sexual deviants that are obsessed with shitty nsfw fanart with fully exposed nipples.

Does YuruYuri count?

Also did you mean Hana to Hoshi? I can't find anything called Hana to Toshi.

I am hoping this will be successful.

Yeah I meant Hana to Hoshi, my bad. I mistyped and had auto submit on.

Already was.

>Does YuruYuri count?
By OPs definition, yes, but he obviously meant something with a more serious romantic focus.

Yuri doesnt really extend itself well to anime.
I doubt the audience for yuri is big enough to offset the costs of making it an anime.
I also dont think there are any good manga thats long enough to adapt

All yuri anime are successful in artistic measure.

The trope has always been the crazy lesbian stalker will never have her feelings returned. Honey will never return Natsuko's feelings she will die a lonely perverted virgin.

It's coming out toward the end of June

What is successful? When they introduce their partner to their parents?

Why do you hate to see chick's thingies? You gay or something son?

Isn't the main anime market consisted of dudes? How could they hate 2 chicks making out without some fartknocker blocking the view with his schlong? I mean, even animes with actual boys dressed as girls sell really well, how come real chicks don't sell? I mean, they're real chicks and stuff, what could be hotter than that. Are they gay?

If I had to guess its because there is no one to self insert as or maybe people are just uncomfortable with the idea of girls loving girls
I also dont think there are many that are written well and it might put off people trying to get into the genre

you guys forgetting something?


lol, that takes me back to elementary school.

Manga is better.

I have forgotten that Lily Love is a thing.

Man, subtext yuri bums me out. I remember the bit at the end of this scene where the music stopped and shit and it was great. But then it felt like the rest of the series was girls hanging out. I'm not against that or anything, but Hard Yuri is where it's at, man.

Meduka Meguca.

Kyouko's autism ruined the whole series.


That needed to be serialized and not a one-shot

>It's coming out toward the end of June

Pony Canyon are probably gauging the success of the VA to determine if it gets a full TV series

They're also somewhat hinting Anime Expo


I think it was the perfect length, likeable characters and didnt overstay its welcome
thats why its one of my favourites

A lot of people are what i call semi-bi. They want to see a dick in porn, they want to see a guys chest, legs and face. But they wouldn't jerk off too yaoi porn.

It sold better than anyone expected.

>Kyouko's autism
She's like the exact opposite of autistic.

Hana to Hoshi is a fucking master piece.
Favorite Yuri manga ever.

There already is

But Natsuko did win the Honey didn't she?

You can argue that it's an anime with yuri rather than a yuri anime, but you can't argue it didn't sell well unless you had ridiculously high expectations.

Fuck Chika should have won, she loved Haru even when Haru was fat.

Chika is the childhood friend.
Face it, it's an auto loss.

Swap swap anime when?