>Honey is also another word for darling

How deep is the rabbit hole? Have we found out why the robots are called Franxx yet? Friends?


you forgot

The robots are called franxx because the Dr Franxx created them. No big mystery there

French Kiss

except they pronounce it zerotsu

They're Franxx(enstein)'s monsters

Well Strelizia is a flower.


She's actually Hiro's onii.

How long till they realize Hiro is too much for her, and she slowly gets drained by him? Climaxing where she is too afraid to make eye contact with him

>Darling in the FranXX

>02 = Oh-Ni = Oni

Am I the only one who noticed that everyone's name is a number pun? Yet people only point out this one.

>my darling
>my honey
we cheesy 1950s romance nao


The names are puns because Hiro created them. he didn't name 02

Isn't that how Hiro made up the names?

Perfect. When do they hit the town and go dancing?


That's because she's the only one that doesn't have a name yet just a code.

Cute Oni

looks like you forgot something

The dub is passable

Adorable Oni

I did that on purpose

Does she want to be his imouto?

>Have we found out why the robots are called Franxx yet?
hmm females have XX chromosomes right ? This probably explains why all of the mechs are female

this would make the show 1000% better.


I came here to say this.

Brothers are demons according to japan ?

haha. you'll die for this.

>Oni -> Honey
I think that's reaching a little

>cute grills touching eachother while changing
Do girls actually do that? Cause thats fuckin weird

But Oni like honey.

>he hasn't done gay shit in the locker room

I don't get it

locker time = bro time

So does Winnie the Pooh

I can't wait any longer bros. I need to see more of her

yes, all the time

I can't bear to see her get BTFO like that. And if that isn't bad enough, Sup Forums has a field day bullying her and that makes me sadder
This show is not kind to me


>French Kiss
>OP song is Kiss of Death

The Frankxx will be their deaths!!

lmao you never touched your bros in the locker room? Sometimes you give them a slap on the ass, sometimes you rub their abs, maybe wiggle their dick and catch them off guard. It's just what bros do, my man.

I'm talking about 02 you dumb ichigofag. Worst girl.

You should've posted 02 then

that guy isn't the one who made I am



When is Hiro going to give 02 a name?

02 reminds me of a Wasp

>Loves honey/sweets
>Extremely dangerous
>Resembles a bee at first glance

Episode 6 since it seems like the first quarter is going to end up with a bang.

Before the first cour ends or at the end before they both die.

>02 reminds me of a Wasp
>Loves honey
>Resembles a bee


wasps invade beehives and kill all the bees and use the honey inside to feed their young

just like how 02 invaded and is going to make Ichigo babysit her and hiro's kids

Shut up Muses

Retard can't read


I this the eva of our times?

>he never sucked his bro dick as a joke
Try it, user. It is fun.

It's better.

Just hit me, the XX from franxx is probably because women have two X chromosomes, which lines up with the robots having female appearances. Unsure about the fran part, maybe a shortening of fraulein?

No emojis

its symbolism actually means something this time around

Cocona a cute


I love 02.

"Zero Two Hiro"
"You know you like that"
"Zero Two Hiro"
"Just like that"


>very ffast franxx blocking at hihg speed

The XX also stands for kiss, like how XOXO means hugs and kisses. So FranXX would be pronounced Fankissu which sounds really cute when a nip says it. Not as cute as boku no darling but you get the idea.

I'm really liking this series so far, but I'm dreading the near-inevitable downward suffering-spiral post cour 1. I just want the darlings to be happy.

Along the Oni-Honey references, this is some deep shit

When will Dr. Franxx show up to give us more info about 02?

Was this Hiro controlling the action or 02 here?
Or both?

The pistil becomes the robot and the stamen controls the pistil.

Both of course.

>tfw I'm just waiting how Ichigo is going suffer next week
I don't think this is healthy but somehow I want more of it

>In Japanese versions of the game tag, the player who is "it" is instead called the "oni".
>It is a 1986 horror novel by American author Stephen King.
>Before a timeskip happens, the underage protagonists must have a gangbang as a rite of passage.
What did they mean by this?



Me too. We'll probably get some more cuteness before everything gets out of control.


hiro sounds like hero


here's some info: she's used goods

Ikuno is cute.

Where is our Dendrobium Franxx blowing up the dinosaurs to save the Plants?

It looks stupid and there's too much forced het. If it was yuri, it'd worth a watch for the lezzing out at least.


How, people are het by default

Spoiler that lewd shit user

>Loli is a bodytype, not an age. Any guy into petite little cuties is a lolicon.
No. Proportions matter just as much as size, or a garden gnome would be the same as a Barbie doll.

Oni Onee-San~

Too bad. This is Abe's will.

fuck off and watch citrus then if you want lezzers

be careful friend, i was banned earlier for saying that

t. butthurt fag

Post proof. Also I bet she tastes like cherry T-rex.

You have five minutes to convince me this show is not an animated Pacific Rim remake, go