Who is the best mom in anime?

Who is the best mom in anime?
Not necessarily the sexiest, but the one with the most ideal personality a mother should have. Pic highly related.

that one maybe

or the blonde sniper in Kekkai Tensen (though the best parent ever in anime is her husbando)



Why are you posting the mom that convinced a loyal girl to NTR her own son?


>letting your teenage daughter go out in the middle of a big ass hurricane or what ever that has made the entire city seek shelter

anime scenario sure she is "based" but in any realistic situation this is just poor parenting. should had dragged her by the hair if she needed to because for all she knows she would be pulling a sayaka and risking her life for some crush.

rossiu did nothing wrong type of thing

>he doesn't like kissable lips

I love this anime, and I agree with that, it was really a forced thing. Could have been done better

fixed it for you.

Putting that poor decision aside, her base personality is pretty idealistic for a good parent

I agree.

Junko was a shit parent who said/did whatever was most convenient for the plot.

All the best moms I know died horribly.


Rosa literally did nothing wrong.
Maria a shit.

>lifting half a ton of gold with one hand
pretty good mom

Single anime moms are the best anime moms

Stop typing like a nigger.

Not even the best mom in the show (Enigma is)


If you ignore the wolf rape, she's pretty good.

What other mother has defended her daughter's husbando from sluts? You can't name a single one!

Yup. Failure confirmed. She could have gotten a coma grandson.

I think you are getting your kyoani shows mixed up as enigma was in a completely different one

She went all out and made a character-themed lunch.

Doesn't she neglect her kid and even lied to him all this time?

Meme is my ideal mom figure, and if my mom had half the personality that Meme had I would never need another woman in my life.

She looks like 11. That body proportion ain't right.

So she could be with her own son

Moms belong to their sons


The entire cast of Madoka look underage.

She is like a mother.




I came here to post this.

Soon to be a grandmother. heheheheh

I don't know. Leaving your baby daughter just for your passion (adventuring) doesn't seem motherly.


>hating on W I D E

Strong indypendynt breadwinner with a cucked house husband

Made highly illegal yokai pact for parenting skills.

Develops eating disorder from guilt and raises a timid beta son

Well that's every character in madoka

Wide is love and life. Blessed be Ume-sensei.

this but unironically

Nah, she knows how well she raised Madoka to be good, and Madoka herself showed calm reason and determination despite being slapped. I think anyone who tries to criticize Junko from some meta perspective is full of themselves.



The only correct answer

Ara ara with the glasses on, stone cold fox with the glasses off.

Chigusa is pretty top tier.

>here sone, I bathed and dressed your loli,

Best mom, and best scientist! Faglord Kagato just ruined everything.

She was testing her dumbass if she really liked him do you think just telling her to go out with other man would make a difference, she didn't really like him, she's a good mom.


Best at traumatizing her kids maybe.


The hurt and hopelesness that she wears on her face, its so familiar.

>shitty feminist
>raised her daughter to be a retard

she's shit

you monster


I bet hatefucking her would be amazing

Will they fuck?

No. Only sleepovers where they doodle all night.

Doodle each other's cunt with their tongue?

Probably this one.

Stop. Wides are not for sexual.


>Who is the best mom in anime?


She's not a mother yet cause Yabuki blue-balled us with that sham excuse for an "ending".

I don't disagree, it's glaringly obvious with the minor characters.

It's a 12 episode show with an ambitious plot to tell. Of course they won't waste time with dialogue that doesn't move the plot forward. Either they use every minute as they did, or they would've ended up with a rushed ending and pacing issues.

That's cool, as long as you admit her mother is a naked plot device.

She is for the most part, although her discussion with the teacher gave some characterization.

Best mother in Jojo.

Kind, gentle, and loving, but also proud and strong-willed.
Fell with love with a great man who was torn from her just as they were beginning a life together.
Raised a son, adopted daughter, and a grandson.
Apparently even Dio respected her.


Alcoholic, but I suppose that's her only fault, other than regrettably being the sole breadwinner and therefore missing from many moments in her daughter's life.

She wasn't having alcohol problems was she? Only drinks a few times

Had the best daughters too.

Remember when you watched episode 1 of this show and you thought it was going to be interesting? One of the bigger let downs in the history of me watching chinese cartoons.


This one is good.

Bzzz! Bzzz!

Wait when did she have kids?

This one?

It's a huge spoiler

Maybe her?

Isn't it heavily implied that she cheats on Madoka's dad; or am i miss-remembering things?

The most likely mother to have successful offspring.

The one willing to let me make her one.;_;

Dude, she literally allowed her middle school daughter to leave the shelter half the city was in because of the natural disaster happening outside. She was a terrible mother.


>Dio respected her
I'm not so sure about that.

The Russian queen from Hina Logi.

Since when? I don't remember this at all.

because they are underage ???

Entire cast including the mom and dad.



Madoka's family is perfect. That's the whole point.