Why are Dragon Ball tards so triggered by the fact that Goku can't beat Superman?

Why are Dragon Ball tards so triggered by the fact that Goku can't beat Superman?

because man of murder is unjustice alien who walk free from murder

because they want their japanese hillbilly to be stronger than our western hillbilly
also because superman is strong while also being a good parent

>Energy permeates through an infinite void

>Can't even lift the book of infinite pages

ScrewAttack sucks, Goku wins.

Depends on the Superman desu. There are some he can trash and others that can trash him.

I'm not sure this is an actual thing

Which Superman? I'm fairly sure he could beat the 90s cartoon Superman. I'm equally sure he couldn't beat high end comic Superman.

>spic this upset over a fictional character battle

Geran is superman ir he were an alien so I think he can.

>while also being a good parent

I don't see superman on this list.

Alien X from Ben 10 > Silver Age Supes

>Goku Negro

Superman's power fluctuates wildly. On a normal day in a normal series, Superman's not that strong.

>A man of mexican heritage isn't permitted to talk about which of two characters would win.

ScrewAttack LITERALLY just reads their wikipages.

>hurr durr, Superman wins becuz he has no limitz

Cell Derado is still the best name on that list.

and even then Superman still has limits

Goku dies, he keeps training in the afterlife.
Supes dies, he needs sketchy writers to bring him back to life.

Hey Sup Forums, Sup Forums here. Just to put it to rest, yes Goku could pretty much beat Supes in a one on one fight, assuming of course that we're talking about base main-line Superman. The problem with western superhero comics (and DC in particular) is that so many people have written for each character that the powers and abilities for said characters are essentially in a constant state of flux. Superman has been portrayed as being stronger than average to literally destroying entire universes with a single punch. Something like Grant Morrison's All-Star Superman shows much more strength and power than something like John Byrne's more stripped down Man of Steel comics. Contrast this with Goku, who has had one writer dictate his journey and strength for the character's entire existence. Compounding this is the fact that Superman isn't even the strongest entity in the DC universe, several of Jack Kirby's New Gods (and Darkseid in particular) can all easily defeat him in a one on one fight. If we were to take Superman as he is currently portrayed in the mainline DC universe, then he most likely wouldn't stand a chance to Goku. He's strong, yes, but he can't destroy a world with a single blast or call on the strength of everybody on earth for a spirit bomb or some shit.

>tl;dr Goku can beat Superman usually, but it depends on which version of Superman

I'm just baffled at how you disgusting spics care so much. Filth like you were literally uploading blog replies to screwattack to convey your rage.

Goku cannot beat pre-crisis superman, no matter how much your tiny spic brain can't accept it.

In power level wars like this, you always just assume it's the most powerful variation.

If we're talking about a Superman with non-infinite strength or speed then Goku shits all over him at this point

A superman with limits to combat power at this point loses to Goku

But Goku beats every Superman except Cosmic Armor and Strange Visitor

>why do you subhuman spics care so much about some shitty fanfic
>gets butthurt over spics making shitty fanfics
Did the poison filled burgers you eat lower your iq that bad?

I didn't ask any questions, Pedro. Hardly a shock you were stupid enough to interpret one however.

>current supes

Rebirth Supes isn't that powerful. Guy got trapped by Savior and was not able to get away.
Jon Kent, however is what Gohanfags wish gohan was.

Not an argument

DC 1million's goldy is another possibility.

I didn't know Jon Kent was Blanco.

Batman is the best parent tho

I mean Supes powerlevel is all over the place. Heck he gets beaten to death in one comic.

>Cosmic Armour
>Strange Visitor
Not even superman

Zero feats, we really have no idea how strong 1M is.

Cosmic Armor is indeed not literally Superman, but Strange Visitor is Clark.

This too but only because of his manipulation powers imo. Especially as Herald

>Strange visitor
Wasn't that a chick?

He's foretold to destroy the world according to Tim

Could a manga Hakai that reduces things to dust defeat him?

What did you expect me to argue? Your mindless shitpost ?

I don't think you know what constitutes an argument, Pedro. This is precisely why you're stupid.

Any Hakai, supes doesn't have Ki

Speaking of Heralds, wasn't there that one crossover where Supes was a Herald of Galactus for a while?

could ui kogu dodge superman prime one million's attacks?

Goku is stronger than the strongest Supes.

I knew it! There was a superman v goku thread on co
Now its on a
I called it in that thread too! Full circle FULL CIRCLE!

Shut the fuck up.

Even silver age the sneazer of galaxies?

Because hes the underdog in all this. Goku is popular but his popularity for the rest of the world only stems from the start of Z in the 90s. Superman has been popular world wide since the 60s or 70s. When the first superman movies came out.
Plus have you been on co?
They get so triggered by this they throw a shit fit.


Im off back to co!

Typing out boards like that should be a bannable offense.

>Cosmic Armor
Not Superman btw, it's a mech piloted by Superman and Ultraman.

>Using the /reddit/ list