
Kiriha is back. Flutefags BTFO.


Oh gosh, I bet she will look gorgeous.

well she's going to come up at least, i don't think you can call it coming back just based on that



This is my face right now. It's almost exactly like that feeling I got when the sensei in Yasashii Sekai no Tsukurikata chose to leave instead of take responsibility.

What am I looking at here?

Remember when this manga was good?

She got a design change and everything.

Flute being kill is fine, but bringing Kiriha back in the middle of this arc/fight would be dumb

He was talking about his flat.

How does that floorplan make any sense?

Can we stop killing fan favorites for a second

Don't believe it, until I see it happening (and sustain until a happy ending).

He could easily kill her again.

I am guessing Flashback for now. Or 1-3 chapter cameo through sheer willpower?

Apparently Kiriha was sewn back together by the needle guy.

I really like the dynamic with flute. As they see more eye-to-eye and have some mutual goals.

Would she (offer to) tell him her true name? (But he'll refuse anyway?)

Would she confess / propose? Does she even like him? Are they friends? More than that? How deep is their trust?

(Has anyone translated the text in the stream chapters regarding the sigil?)

This would need to be done on a per-thread scale (reforming the threads and weaving them together).

Simply sewing it back together would get you a obi with all those seams.

I liked Kyouka a lot. She had a good dynamic with Kazuya. Kiriha coming back doesn't fix that.

Being a magical needleperson apparently makes that possible.

well i mean, if it's magic, you ain't gotta explain shit.

Is the manga good or something? Because I couldn't stand the anime.

I just thought of something. What if the next arc is about Kazuya growing up and out of Kiriha, and his focus is on Kyouka and her recovery from this point on?

>Couldn't stand the anime
What didn't you like about the anime?

This manga is great.

>What didn't you like about the anime?
I found it to be lazy ecchi

Isn;t there a japanese thing about fixing broken ceramics with gold?

I mean, I know that Flute is way worse off than a few cracks, but Kazuya with his cursed power might be able to do it.

Japanese apartment design its retarded beyond repair.

I'm starting to think that, instead of a needle, this could be a loom-shuttle Tsugumomo.

I could easily be wrong, but it would make sense. Guess I'll know one way or the other, sometime in the next few months. If anybody has actually read the pertinent pages, I'll defer to them.

What? The anime's ecchi wasn't even good. It was just pure shounen.

It wouldn't work. The only reason Kiriha can get revived is because there was a tsugumogami with powers that could fix her.

Anime was a faithful adaptation. So you wont like the manga either.

But what is that circle on top? The front door? The bed?

I can sort of see he has a balcony and a bathroom?

Front door.


Where does he sleep?

Do you know how threads are made?
They are fibers connected via overlapping and twisting the thread.

>Loom shuttle
That would make a lot of sense.
But the loom does not create threads.
Oh well. Magic cloth repair might fly as a special skill.

I wonder how much research the Author put into this. I wonder if a neuro surgeon could have repaired her.

What about the other one? Recast and retune? Or simply reforge and retune?


Like, how did Kazuya and Kyouka fuck up so hard when they were so in sync?

On his desk.

Story ~++

How was the sword fixed?

Maybe he contemplates quick ways to fix her? Where he should run to immediately, throwing the match?

For the last time, his blade wasnt fucking broken, just the hilt.

There is no fucking way kiriha is actually back. It's probably a flashback.


Ascension is controlled possession.
It seems Kazuya took over by sheer force of will (and anger). Flute being angry seemed to help this, probably gave him an opening.

I guess she basically allowed him to take over.

The anime was fine but adapted the first 30 chapters which are by far the worst part of the manga.

The sequence of events goes:
Kyouka and Kazuya have a Dark Ascension
Kyouka collapses from exhaustion in the mental world and vanishes
Kazuya is shocked when he exits the fusion and is holding Kyouka's shattered body
Madarame laughs and then attacks with 6 big hammers
His attacks are blocked by an Obi Weave and Kiriha looks back at Kazuya


A fair price.

Worth, honestly i didn't care for flute as much as i did care for kiriha and kukuri.

Either would be plausible, so far as I'm concerned. Kazuya's amasogi-generating abilities haven't reappeared yet; that would be my first bet.

It's all down to what Hamada has in mind. This one feels like A Hard Lesson Learned.

A cheap as fuck price. It's like getting a yacht for $1000.

Please no.


she deserved better, she deserved love

I dont like girls with short hair so Im fine with this.

I honestly hope they find a way to fix her.
I was starting to warm up to her.

you gay monster, she was a good tsundere in a world of trash

Breaks over, we back boys

shut your nigger mouth pedro

She's back.


Are we sure this isn't just a dream sequence just like when he talked to his mom.

That makes no fucking sense.

Can kazuya just use both?

This stupid tournament arc really turned everything into shit, huh.

It isn't, he's using the same clothes and everyone around them are surprised.

>good tsundere
Doesn't exist.


This is so cheap and unfulfilling

Is this better?

What exactly did he even do? He doesn't have evil power like his mom, so what the fuck happened?




I don't like this. Why here and now?

>hurr durr no senseeee
Wait for a few chapters, plotfags.

Maybe he carried the obi parts as an amulet or something and the cursed ascencion did something.

I finally got around to watching the anime. Kiriha is almost exactly how I thought she would sound.

>He doesn't have evil power like his mom

He got way more evil power in him than Kanaka.

Nope, Shinobu (needle) sewed her back together.

remember. this event was forshadowed

>remember. this event was foreshadowed
I just hope is not bait of the author

This and the curse power in ragemode.

>Kiriha is back
Fucking asspull.

No. Please, no. I don't want to pick up this manga again. It has been far too long. Fuck, don't.

No he doesn't, he has mystic powers

Your mistake was to read Tsugumomo for the plot

He's litterally a "cursed child".

He still poses for his own manga?

It would be pretty funny if it's just his delusion born out of despair and the next page or chapter he gets hit by the attack and blacks out instead.

> she didn't even get a chance to piss herself one last time before she died

do it faggit, theres no brakes on this train, you literally cannot escape.

Hamada-sensei is quite a manlet, isn't he.

It's not even double-weave. How is it supposed to stop Madarai mallets.

Flute died as an object. She can come back to life

But what if it's a different tsugumomo, born from the cherished kiriha confetti?

I really wish Yoshi would stop streaming spoilers 3 months before a chapter even comes out. Fucking hell.

She'll get her love all night long once she revives.

This really is hell

>But what if it's Kazuya and Kiriha spiritual daughter?

Nobody forces you to watch the streams or be in this thread.

Yeah and nobodoy forced me to be on Sup Forums to see Kiriha in the OP from catalog and nobody forces me to go on the internet, its just really irrelevant with the topic at hand.