Post Anime deaths that truly tore you up inside

Post Anime deaths that truly tore you up inside

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You know, this chapter in the manga was shaping up quite beautifully. Ace's final "thank you" was great. I was tearing up -

And then Luffy went Yakkety Yak Puppet. It ruined the moment and I had to laugh. Sup Forums did too, don't try to deny it.

Luffy's retarded face ruined that moment.
He's a little TOO expressive when it comes to shit.

Truly heart wrenching

I remember reading that chapter for the first time and being furious at Ace for being such a fucking moron and getting baited with such weak bait. After everything Luffy went through to save him he threw his life away over some petty taunt. Good riddance.

Subaru's second death in Arc 4

>trying to protect Petra from Elsa
>Elsa tosses kukri knife at them
>Subaru holds out arm to protect Petra
>knife splits his arm in two up the middle from the hand to the elbow
>knife goes out of his elbow and hits Petra in the back of the head anyway and kills her
>manages to get away when Frederica distracts Elsa (who also gets killed by Elsa)
>Subaru decides to kill himself next to Rem on his own terms
>When he opens the door to her room, Beatrice teleports him into her library (after he failed to find her earlier)
>Decides to kill himself by biting off his own tongue and choking to death on it
>Wakes up and discovers that he didn't actually die and Beatrice just healed him, with half of his arm and tongue missing
>Beatrice teleports him back to Sanctuary only to find everyone mysteriously gone
>eventually eaten alive by the Sizeable Hare

How the fuck can one man suffer so much?

This. Ace was a piece of shit and deserved death.

from villainous mook to best girl and then this, fafner was a constant kick in the teeth

>cooler older brother dies because stupid younger brother was about to get killed

I fucking hate this so much. I hated this in Tengen Toppa and I hated it in One Piece.
Though I dont hate Luffy but he is still a stupid shit and I cant believe he actually goes back to being a dumbass after Ace's death.
Thats just bad writing to me. Theres no way shit like that wouldnt change you forever.

>being furious at Ace for being such a fucking moron and getting baited with such weak bait
I figured he was mature enough to walk away from Akainu's taunt. He can control himself enough to not avenge all the bros that died right in front of his eyes trying to save him, but can't control himself over an insult to WB?

What's with all the One Piece getting posted here lately?

Naruto and Bleach ended so the fanbases needed a new series to follow. The current state of One Piece threads clearly shows this to be true.

LOL luffy's big mouth. Ace is not bleeding.


... his time stopped at age 33.

Misato in End of Evangelion.
Also kamina in gurren lagann

This is my favorite single anime episode of all time. Its my favorite anime in general but Ep 1 is really something special.


So no ones gonna bring this death up.

I actually dripped OP because of how ridiculous this scene was, holy shit it's so bad and forced


Major episode 6 was some heavy shit.


thoses dolls in the doll anime. suiseki?

best girl

Nobody cares you autistic idiot. Re:Zero is garbage.

I couldn't bring myself to feel sad about this because Ace went from cool, interesting guy to a literal emo.

>" I hope you don't mind me barging in like this. In spite of the profession I've chosen, I've never actually made a confession before. It's these times we live in. I did what it took to protect the children at any cost. That's how I always justified my actions. I took many people's lives, all that time believing there was no other way. My sins are so heavy. Too heavy. Too heavy to ever atone for. And yet, somehow I feel happy, at peace with myself today. It really can be done. Once you stop to think about it, there are plenty of ways to save everyone. Why didn't I ever listen to him? Why didn't I see that before it was too late?"

Merry death is way sadder than Ace

Not that user but re:zero is fun dude.
I mean it's not perfect but it was a nice watch.
Stop being so jaded please!


She was perfect in everyway





That's because that's a thread ender.

You know the whole time he’s gunna die. But when it finally happens, here come the feels

fucking this



Kinda funny, because my friend spoiled me this death YEARS before i watched this anime, and yet, somehow, it managed to make me feel sad for days

This hurt like a motherfucker, too.

rofl that fucking face. who the fuck takes this shitty mango seriously?

Misato's reaction to Kaji's death was the one that fucked me up.

>holy shit it's so bad and forced
This describes a lot of sad moments in OP. It gets tedious.

Rezero was total shit. Subaru is a dumb faggot that can't even figure out he revives until his 4th life. Also it's really weird how he likes the crazy bitch that keeps killing him.

wow spoilers much?

I legit cried like a bitch when that scene played. Good thing I was alone in the house.

Stop talking like that

Kind of intense when the commander said

>"I was shaking because I wanted to kill that girl. Her crying was annoying."

How did she even know he died though?

we all did, user, we all did

She could glean that he died/was going to die through the message he left on her answering machine, it was pretty telling in terms of what he was expecting to happen.

It'll probably never get an anime, well outside of the movie that didn't do so well, but his death was great and sad. Spoilers for Shin-Angyo-Onshi a great manhwa that is worth the read.
His anime death is pretty good, but I found the manga version to be better, plus its probably the most iconic page from the series.

the magician didn't return

That's nothing compared to Merry's death.

He truly was a Jesus after all ;_;

This episode was a hard hitter because i had a dog that died from natural causes and, like that episode from Futurama, only seen it once and that's it.

To this day it's the only anime death that made me cry real tears

2009 me is still conflicted over this. She was a royal piece of shit, but I still cried.

She was somewhat more sympathetic at the end, given how she was raised and manipulated her whole life, but it felt like one of those things that just had to happen, she was just too fucked up to ever really understand why what she had done was wrong or to ever be able to atone for it.

>you went to be by your master's side didn't you?

dogs are cruise control for suffering factor x10

Cried like a bitch

Rip Brain. Gone too soon.

his mouth being open like that robbed the scene of any power it could have had.


good input. I hated her (after riku especially lmao), but I definitely did feel pity for her, given her upbringing. Being alone in a tower for god knows how long with basically no human interaction? it would fuck anybody up.

you hate the main character for being dumb lol

Im sorry. Im sure this is better in context but as an outside I can't even begin to imagine how Im supposed to take that face serious on an emotional level.

>Be coward who tells tall tales to impress some sick kid who thinks you're awesome
>Her looking up to you gives you the courage to push past your fear and fight tooth and nail for someone else
>She dies anyways. Not to the enemy, but to some stupid disease while you're off finally creating a true story to share with her

They'll get their happy ending.... one day.

this lizzyboi when he died. I cried. I am talking about number 43 lizard warrior.

I'll post anime death that made me very happy instead

The New Jersey death in Black Heaven hit me hard, man.

The closet I got to feeling tore up was probably from Ulquiorra. I really liked his character and wanted to see more development between him and Orihime. The death that pissed me off the most, though, was Nejis. Why the fuck was he the only main character to have died in that war? Fucking bullshit.

Tear you up inside you say?

Wolfwood, rosette, kamina
Kamina not as bad though because he lived on in our hearts.

But you arent learning the lesson that kamina left behind. He lives on in simon.

You have no excuse at this point

Nooo goosh gooosh

Just when I thought this manga would provide something approximating closure, it provided one more punch to the gut.

The death of an era

Imagine being such a pissfag to cry to that retarded face.

That looks so stupid. That face is retarded.


Is Akira covering himself? I dun git it


Does manga count?

I cry like a little baby, every single time

I know the nigga's been death from the inside for ages, but I still cried like a lil bitch

Pretty much any of the Mc deaths in S7.

You mean this?

Fuckin this

That manga enging was too much, damn it Kumeta




This guy get it.