Did Shikamaru win big?

Did Shikamaru win big?

He won the best girl, so yes.


>great girl
>second to the Hokage if not the mastermind
Pretty much, yes.

Yes Temari was the thiccest and most womanly and also the coolest and most badass

>abusive as fuck
>best girl

I swear all the pairings in that shitshow feel so forced

I feel like a lot of the characters from the original series got into really boring marriages. Naruto and Hinata's marriage seems non-existent. Naruto is a workaholic who is never home, while Hinata takes care of the kids. Wouldn't be surprised if Hinata is/eventually cheats on him; though it would be out of her character to do so. Sakura and Sasuke truly have a stupid marriage, not even a marriage in my eyes. Sasuke is NEVER and I mean never home at all (at least Naruto goes home sometimes I'm guessing) Sakura might as well be a single lonely mother, and I would expect her to cheat on Sasuke, even though she's obsessed with him.

Temari is clearly abusive and hot-headed, and Shikamaru seems disinterested in his marriage and son. Can't say much for Choji's marriage since we haven't seen much of it, but for the most part I guess his marriage worked out. Same can be said for Sai and Ino's marriage as well. Temari didn't even fucking marry anyone, as for as we know she's some single woman in her 30's, or she's married to some no-name guy. We still don't know who Lee's wife was, but as far as we know she isn't in the picture anymore, so kind of a shit marriage as well. Not sure if he was ever married to someone, could have just had a kid with some chick and then she dumped the kid on him.

Really when you think about it a lot of the characters went on to have shitty marriages; it was cute when they were teenagers and young adults, but then when the actual marriage happened it's like all their relationships and love went down the shitter.

This. This is basically what I was saying in my super long rant. All the pairings were forced and the characters don't seem to really give two shits about each other. I guess at least with Hinata and Naruto there was SOME romance built up between them.

>Can't say much for Choji's marriage

black ninja chick was all about marrying into a prestigious clan if you go by the anime. choji just wanted a cute chick who'd cook and fuck him.

they created a cute kid with a strong personality and none of choji's hang ups. i think this was the most successful marriage.


The thing about Naruto, Sasuke, and Shikamaru is they are all shinobi and have ambitions of their own. They never seemed like the type to settle down and start a family. Not only that but none of them really have that much chemistry with their wives. Hell, Sauce tried to kill Sakura.

Shikamaru's dream life was to have an average career as a ninja, settle down and have two kids, first a daughter then a son with a plain wife. He got the opposite of what he wanted which I guess is there to show how life doesn't always go the way you expect it to.

The only reason the characters all settled down and had families was because Kishimoto got a call

Ironically, Shikamaru and Temari was one of the only ones with any development, even if it was tiny.


Temari always flirted with Shikamaru after their face off in the chunin exam
Also she saved his life from sound girl

He likes it

Temari never flirted with Shikamaru

>Temari never flirted with Shikamaru
And that's why you're still a virgin.


13 year old narutard spotted

W-what do you mean

>it was cute when they were teenagers and young adults, but then when the actual marriage happened it's like all their relationships and love went down the shitter.
just like real life, really makes you think

>He thinks 13 year olds watch Naruto

>people that weren't born when Naruto started can post on this board

Fuck off Narutards

This, of course they're not "cute", the characters are adults now. It's every day mundane for them. This is why young love and the pursuit of relationship are preferred to adult love and the relationship itself.

No, it's because Kishimoto is bad at portraying compelling marriages. He just wants to show marriages for reproductive reasons and to sustain a family working obsessively. He mostly avoids other obviously existent emotions and makes the idea of marriage undesirable.

It's not his job to make marriages desirable. It's a action comic for boys.

Or simply that is his idea of what is a marriage


English dub Temari makes me cum.


I'm anime-only peasant so I don't know if it was canon, but after the timeskip she berates him for still being Chuunin while she was a Jonin and most everyone else was too.

My rampant shipping ass took it as a sign that she even gave a damn enough to show concern at his rank that she was interested, but couldn't unseat her pride enough to get with a lower ranked ninja

>So many designs that are 10/10 yet the only ones who get doujins are Sakura, Tsunade and Hinata
This fucking sucks

Could've had better


The best girl was Ino. Everybody knows that.

but Shikamaru was like 17 and she was 20,thats creepy or desperate by Temari to show interest on a teenage Leaf Chuunin

This is true

damn Shikadai sucked on *THAT*?

She'd have made a good crush.

They still all needed to have kids in order for this next gen shit to keep going.

>people need to have kids so that we don't run out of people
So just like real life then

rlly makes me think

>tfw no gf/wife or offspring.

After read the manga and watch the last arc of the anime I presume that this pairing had the most natural relationship.

Temari was in many missions and Chunnin meetings with Shikamaru along the series since her teenager days, and suddenly, when became adult, she realized the person who was with her everytime.

Temari wasn't the type that Shikamaru idealized in his youth, but was similar to his mother in the strict part, so it fits.

Hinata practically never showed much in manga, Naruto only talked to her about fighting, Neji, or searching Sasuke and suddenly she is the protagonist pairing.

Looks like more an 'one-side' relationship than true love.

Sakura and Naruto looks a good relationship starting from Shippuden, when Naruto grow up as a character, but Kishimoto had other plans for the two.

Temari is ultimate wife material

Not as big as Naruto did.

MILF Ino = Best

He dates that girl from Ninja Cat village or whatever

>Sakura and Naruto looks a good relationship starting from Shippuden

Sakura was still madly in love with Sasuke and was still completely turned off by Naruto

I think Naruto quit liking her that time she pretended to like him

There was two windows for NaruSaku to happen. She could have licked her wounds and resented Sasuke after he knocked her out cold following her confession and then came around to paying more attention to Naruto, or post timeskip after he tried to murder both of them the same thing could have happened. I would have bought it at either of those points, but she still has feelings for Sasuke.

After those moments if it had happened it would have been complete bullshit.

NaruHina is less bullshit, but you have to drink the movie kool-aid with those scenes they injected of them being childhood friends. The anime had been shipping them hard even pre-timeskip with some of the fillers. I do wonder if that had an effect on the fanbase and some of that noise got to Kishi and he decided to hook them up. Would have been FAR better if they aired everything out after the invasion of Pain

Naruto won best girl and his kids are GENETICALLY superior to his friends

you cheeky bastard


WHo on earth got impregnated by Lee

it get's worse


Choji got a growth spurt to achieve bear mode, good for him.

No one he just happened to find a random kid that looks EXACTLY like him for no reason just like how Gai found Lee

the real mystery is rather Gai has a bloodline technique that allowed him to create the ultimate clone, one that would never vanish thus Rock Lee was born and then Rock Lee Jr.

Weren't Lee's parents nukenins who got killed by Gai?
Or did I make this stuff up in my head for some reason?

Temari got one of the best doujins. Outside of Ninja Dependency, I can only think of two others, that Tsunade one also by Celluloid Acme, and Howling Dog by Sahara Wataru that nail Kishimoto's style as closely. No, the girl who really got fucked over is Ino though Sakura's are also pretty shit and off model (mostly due to Wataru's ghastly art oddly enough; I had to double check to make sure this is same person who did Howling Dog).

The Last was peak designs for everyone, those should have been the part 2 designs, it's a shame we couldn't have them around longer

Never liked her trough the whole series but at the end she just suddenly turns into this amazing waifu 10/10