Pairings that should've happened

Pairings that should've happened

You're not wrong.


Did she live, I honestly cant remember with all the craziness of the ending.

Ichigo and that part time boss he had in the Fullbring arc was canon ship until Kubo fucked it.

Imagine the sex

She lived.

The Fullbring arc was a mistake in the first place. Kubo couldn't do much to make it worse.

A million times this.

>When people started shipping Orihime with Ulquorria

The fact that Kubo actually went out of his way to dismiss it was painful.

A shame she was sucking and fucking Urahara every night.


Nigga you wanna talk about wasted potential?

>Introduce a character that everyone liked
>Never see her again

Fucking Kubo

I will never forgive him.

Why do shitty tsuns always win?

I didn't like Nisekoi at all, but I was rooting for this pairing for a while, until I eventually realized it wasn't going to happen.

She's more formal than she lets on.

but muh beauty and the beast seembohlogee

She showed up again with Grimmjow, although she didn't do anything.

Chicks ship the heroine with the bad guy every time. Every. Single. Time. It's like some some mental disease that affects the whole gender.

Yoruichi is for Urahara and Urahara alone and maybe Soi Fon

Both Tatsuki and Yoruichi went out of their way to push Ichigo onto Orihime, they frienzoned themselves/were never interested. Rukia did it too, although not as blatantly as the other two.

>yfw you like bad ass chick warriors like soi fon a lot.

kubo is a fucking big ass hack who copies fashion magazines and has shit poetry but he makes great
>ara aras
>regretful old men
>yankee thugs
>class reps

tbf I think Tatsuki just stepped off after how wet Orihime constantly was for Ichigo, otherwise she'd probably have gone for him
>tfw if Kubo wasn't a hack he'd have made her an actually interesting character and not thrown her in the background
His character design was great too
He's an amazing artist, but a shit tier writer

>karen hinting

was that an editor san thing or kubo thing?

im a sucker for ss

when did you stop caring about ichigo and prefer the many more interesting side characters?

The Bounto arc, when he was being a needlessly whiny faggot the whole time
To this day I still haven't finished it cause of how goddamn terrible Ichigo was

urahara is gay as a maypole, and about a hundred years deep into the freindzone. Yoruichi and Urahara was nothing but soifons paranoid delusion.

I always had a soft spot for Naruto and Tsunade, but my favorite was Naruto and Anko