>S2 adds new harem member who ruins the show
What's her name Sup Forums?
S2 adds new harem member who ruins the show
Other urls found in this thread:
die frogposter
pepe le poo
How does Sup Forums do it?
Frogposter doesn't belong here.
Fuck off.
die frogposter you dont belong on this board
It's ironic that OP is discussing Anime and will be the one the mods target rather than these retards with a chip on their shoulder
Don't you have someone to call soy on Sup Forums or some other epic facebook tier meme?
How does the retard do it?
Maybe he shouldn't have posted the reddit frog
where did you acquire this perception of which people post pepe and which people do not post pepe, and how is it so fucking warped and unreal?
there is pepe on perfectly fine and reasonable boards like Sup Forums and Sup Forums.
the origin of pepe paranoia on this board is the most vexing and mysterious internet hivemind diarrhea ive ever seen. somebody needs to seriously study it to understand how humans can be brainwashed,
yep, so much worse than telling people to kill themselves like an edgelord
Normalfag board, post normalfag cancer meme.
Seems about right
Sup Forums has been with Pepe from the beginning and has seen his downfall into lethargy. Pepe used to be a fucking happy frog, but then became sad and now is just simply pathetic.
Sup Forums realized that the best thing for Pepe now is to let him disappear.
Sup Forums.org/rules#a
>All images and resulting discussion should pertain to anime or manga.
nice reddit spacing faggot
Yeah, bro, let's all post our best rage comics memes while we're it!
nice forced meme, now go back you too.
Now she's Anime
Sup Forums
Still too cancerous but it's an improvement, I guess.
I want to fuck his cute boypussy.
Satone Shichimiya
>dumb frogposters
Lurk for 2 years before posting.
Make it double
Nice anime discussion we're having here fellow Sup Forums sekrit klub member!
honestly she wasn't the problem
Rikka was awful that season
are you ok
Here's a pity reply
At least post anime related frog.
Haha epic thread OP, nice frog meme
But check these trips!!!!1
Don't worry guys, I'll just banish the frogposter to the shadow realm.