Darling in the franxx ep 5

what do you expect?

More healing of course.

SOL before everything goes to shit in 6 and 7

Now that the forced drama is over...a terrible plot about something stupid.
Oh and hardcore yuri pandering between the two chicks without dudes.

Plantation 26 and rival squad.

>the two chicks without dudes
Did I miss something?

hiro and 02 sneak out on date to city, so we can see how they live on those plantations, ep ends with introduction of new squad

I expect it to slow down a bit and for us to see the immediate consequences of Hiro and Oni FranXXjacking Strelizia, possibly some reactions from the other parasites, both in terms of Hiro piloting well with Oni but also the fact that they ignored orders and rebelled, which looks to be unprecedented for them. In terms of main plot progression, I expect one of 2 ways:
>Dr. FranXX intervenes and saves their asses for research purposes, keeps them on P13
>Hiro is added to Oni's squad and pushed to leave P13 and the others (he already has the same red color tag on his suit like the guy who dies in the first episode)
We might also get to the Kissing, which would mean new character introductions, though I'm not sure if it will fit here or if the episode ends with P26 coming into view or something.

>p13 en route to meet with p26
>26 = 13*2

Since we already have artwork of 02's suit in white like the other pistils from P13, it is certain that she will stay there.


SOL episode.

Dr Franxx being relevant

obligatory beach trip episode where 02 takes hiro to see the ocean

SD episode

I wish but that's not happening

You are one greedy fucker arent you? Ep 4 had whole cour worth of that, now suffering is sure to follow.

Deepest lore.

>what do you expect?
What do I want?
More lewd Miku

>what do you expect?

Fights galore. Lots of ass shots, breasts shots and girls in sexy poses. Also drama and a bittersweat ending. How's that for a program ?

There is no more ocean

Why Genista is so cute?

So what you’re saying is that waifus are like imaginary friends, but with benefits.


002 and Hiro getting chewed out for disobeying orders but ultimately get to join the rest of the parasites

Ichigo getting super mixed feelings about the above

Mitsuru's PTSD getting triggered by seeing 002 around

Goro doing something for once

Kokoro doing something for once

If there's a fight 002 gets her new white pilot suit

02 flirting with Hiro even more than she used to and more jelly ichigo

beach episode

APE now has data that confirms Hiro can pilot with 02.

02 already has an assigned partner from Plantation 26's squad. 02 does not want to ride with him, and Hiro insists for APE to let him ride on Strelizia with 02.

APE decides to put the two pilots to the test in order to decide which one is the best.
02 goes berserk and slaughters the other pilot and we finally see what happens in the cockpit when she does so.

Also, we are introduced to the other parasites and there's some good old Ichigo bullying.

I bet 02 is going to get a whole lot less friendly at some point. She already showed a bit of it in the bath, and we've all seen the promo art where her shadow is not very reassuring.

>More Ichigo Bullying
She's too pure to not get bulli. As much as I want to 02 get bulli too, it'll will only be fun if Hiro's the one doing it, and he's too meek to ever hurt 02.


Let me hear it, Sup Forums.

they better not asspull another reason that's not beaurocratic to keep him out of the fucking Franxx



Yup, I do agree with you. In addition to artwork we have the cherry flower scene in the first episode which has Oni in a P13 parasite uniform, so it certainly looks like that's where she ends up. The road to getting there may or may not be winding though.

I love you

The other characters to stop being fucking jobbers.

It's been ten and two thousand years since I first loved you.
Eight thousand years later, I yearned you even more.
In one hundred million and two thousand more, I will still love you.
On that day, through my torment I began to hear the music.

>02 already has an assigned partner from Plantation 26's squad
No she doesn't, in the last episode we saw APE talk about finding her a new stamen. That was before Hiro's tour de force with her, I doubt APE won't be taking that into account.

Yeah you're right, APE was looking for one and Hiro conveniently proved he can do it right when they needed a new stamen for her

Stop stealing all of the screentime!



It's her show. She can have as much screen time as she wants!

t. Ichigo

more smug oni

There's another little thing I noticed too. The dead guy from the first episode has a red color patch on his uniform, Hiro now does too but it was white before. So that's Oni's color, but I don't know what to make of Hiro having it so early. I'd have expected him to get it if they had been assigned to each other, but that didn't happen.

Rate my ending
>final battle of the series
>Ichigo dies heroically so Hiro and 02 can fuck wildly enough to transform strelitzia into it's ultimate form and defeat the klaxxocore or whatever it was called
>to honor his friends death, Hiro and 02 name their children Nigo, Sango, Shigo, Gogo, Rukogo, and so on

That's probably always a safe bet.

alright fuckers listen up:
the partner system for the FRANXX is entirely pointless
literally our first introduction to Dr Franxx is him groping that OL, he's obviously a perv. Zero two says the Dr mentioned you'll pilot better if you're a bit of an Ecchi Hito. He purposfully designed them like that just because.
The shows "the robot was ur mom" moment is when they all realise that they've been making these kids fuck to drive the robots for no reason other than to please the whims of some old lolicon

I love Ichigo.

Ichigo is a good team leader

>final battle of the series
>Goro dies heroically so Hiro, Ichigo and 02 can fuck wildly enough to transform strelitzia into it's ultimate form and defeat the klaxxocore or whatever it was called
>to honor his friends death, Hiro, Ichigo and 02 name their children Niro, Sanro, Shiro, Goro, Rukoro, and so on

>that pic

the last time ichigo ever smiled


She smiles in the last episode, right until 02 grins back

Dr. Franxx is a fucking legend if that was ever true, which it's sadly not going to be.

I can't believe that for once, someone wrote a pro-duty character sympathetically. Usually they're fanatical, boring, or stupid drones.

Who are you talking about?


Her only genuine smiles are while shes in the robot

This homewrecking cunt.


I want to see Hiro and 02 actually dance.


She never had a darling. She never had a Hiro.




>caring about Miku when there's 02, Goro and Ichigo in the show

I'd never forget about Miku. She's second best girl and she shipped Hiro and 02 first.


she has the cutest voice


She's the cutest.

Poor Ichigo
>Hiro answers your call for help
>pure joy
>as you see that smile, remember exactly whose ass handles lie firmly in Hiro's grasp

>not the fish seeing as 02 catches Hiro with her mouth

Yes, but she's not. She just doesn't want her friend entrusting his life to some incubus weirdo who licks people.

>robots have mouth and teeth
This is awful.

it's a digital display of the girls face

drawfags get on it

I don't think I've seen a version like that.

Of course. She's too proud to accept Goro's headpats outside of it.

Just noticed pic related in episode two when they were eating breakfast and Nana came in. Zorome must really like Nana's Nanas.

Fuck you too.

I like it. Robots can look smug.

It's good that she's getting used to playing with her pussy. Hiro isn't doing it any time soon.

How come no one bullies Ikuno? Is it because she has already been defeated by life?

Satanic manlet has a pretty good taste

Second cour shit.
Nobody can be that good as Hiro being as lazy as they are.

Ikuno and Mitsuru can go die in a fire for all I care.

When they stop having club meetings and get their asses into the training robots

biting is not the solution to everything. 20 bucks says the more experienced pilots use martial arts- you know, like human beings do.

Her partner is shit. She doesn't deserve any more crap.

That's a pretty rude thing to say about leader to be quite honest.


Am I the only Asukafag who prefers Ichigo over Zero Two?

Miku makes me ERECC

you had it easy compare to that megane girl

That's just garbage taste.

When they get their asses handed to them by the Plantation 26 Franxx squad, they'll have to get their shit together.

How tall are you?