Mad Chimera World

>Set in a ruined world overrun with chimerical creatures where the female creatures eat the males. Two creatures explore the land: Usagi, the elder sister, protects her brother Mitsuki, a curious chronicler who is able to read the books in their secret hiding place to know that the world was once different.
>By Seishi Kishimoto

Chapters 1-3 have been translated so far, why aren't you reading it, user?

Seems interesting.

>When you live in the shadow of your borther for too long

>implying his brother isn't currently burnt out and hated worldwide by NaruSaku fans everywhere

>NaruSaku fans

That feeling when the other ship is canon and the NaruSaku fans rioted. It was beautiful.

>implying this is not how fame works

But they're both girls?

Yeah, what a careless mistake in the plot synopsis... they're clearly two girls... haha...

Mad is an understatement in this.

> the evil female and male pairing that looks like dadruto and hinata in the headshot in chapter 3

Maybe I'm just seeing things because there's no real resemblance after the introduction

Seishi Kishimoto, the creator of this, and Masashi Kishimoto, the creator of Naruto, are brothers, and they both have a very similar art style. So you're not far off, exactly.

>very similar art style

>your brother creates manga famous worldwide and familiar to all
>you flop repeatedly and have to turn to porn

They are twins actually.

I would be amazed if anyone could fap to this

There was a thread about this manga some months ago and it reached post limit in like two hours.
Really hot manga, god bless Seishi.

Why you post the same shit in every seishi kishimoto related thread?

If someone want to translate it, the first 10 chapters are in spanish
>ma nga/mad-chim era-world

there are multiple threads about this guy? O-Parts wasnt even talked about when I was a kid

I speak spanish but I don't think Japanese > Spanish > English translations are a good idea so I'd rather wait.

No. He's dressed as a girl to avoid being raped then eaten. It's a really shitty manga about metaphor for how women use and abuse men. Perfect for Sup Forums though.


I don't understand what are you trying to imply here, user.

Sick fucks.

>come to Sup Forums
>whine about sick fucks
Why not just go back to the safe space you crawled out of.

Never heard of it but the setting sounds interesting. But does it lean as heavily on AoT as the art suggests?

>But does it lean as heavily on AoT as the art suggests?
Not really sure what you mean by that. The antagonist right now is completely normal-sized.

It's more about philosophy and biology than porn, really.

But also porn.
I do wonder what exactly earthworm was doing. Ate a guy and then... Checked out own fabulous ass?

Just some good old fashioned anal vore, user

He was going the other way, though.
Truly it is a mystery. Poor earthworm girl. She was just thirsty.

The fuck is a "Mangadex"

Batoto's replacement (for now, anyway)

Does the spics have more chapters avaliable of Mad Chimera Wold?

Yes, I believe they're up to 9 chapters. This series just got picked up in English not even a month ago.

I neo Batoto really that bad?
I haven't had the chance to use it yet.

It's missing a lot of stuff and follows aren't working right now.

>Amputee QT
>Monster girls
>Forced mating rituals
>Tits and ass everywhere
Why is his borther the one that is famous again?

Whoever just tried to tag this series as "Gender Bender" and hentai, fuck you.

where did you get that pic?

From one of these threads around 4 month ago I think.

Seems interesting

>first page
>uuugh I'm gonna give birth


When you gotta go, you gotta go

The manga is utter shit but this fight was rather enjoyable even without knowing the context.

>MC is shouta
Noice. I hope this not gonna get axed.

It gets pretty hard to discuss manga series like these when faggots like you just read ahead straight into the raws without understanding what's happening for "muh fights", "muh cool action scenes". Go watch Boruto or something, you fuck.

by the looks of it he's actually a lovecraftian tentacle monster thing so i will be surprised if he won't end up tenderly loving his own sister in every hole at once by the end of the series

I can fap to the scene where the chick masturbates for her brother

I guess you could call AotT with more variety in the monster design
and more rape and vore (does that count as vore)

This thing is certainly going some places.

I don't know, perhaps that series is rather new so far

Better than that "other" manga.

What the fuck did I just read? Why did I fap so hard? Christ I feel shame and remorse.

what other manga?

You know it. THAT other manga posted here a few days ago.

to be honest; I don't
must have overseen that

Better yet.

I too haven't seen it but now my interest is piqued

Oh, cool, someone actually bothered to translate it. I checked out the first chapter and could barely understand anything with my shitty knowledge of Japanese. But it seemed unusual at least.

Maybe he is talking about this.

I burst out laughing at this page. It's something right out of a gag manga

I laughed my ass off because of how much he resembles Sato from Ajin.