Hunter X Hunter

>/Our Goddess/

First for Togashi being a hack for introducing another nen borrow ability.

I love Cammy!

All hail Cammy




Based cammy

Wait, they can hide them but they can't see them?

I knew it, she's a fucking slut.

How the fuck did camila knew how her nen beast works ?

but then what was that jelly fish looking thing in her intro?

I thought it was a bunch of boobs.

Who did it better?

use your head, brainlet. princes who can use nen (benjamin, tse) can hide them.

Cat is her nen ability. The jelly fish is her nen beast/guardian.

Cat is her Nen ability or Nen beast?


It's boobs that turn into cats, or something

But they still can't see them

>pampered prince is now suddenly a nen master that can revive herself after death
Seriously, Togashi?

Cammy knew Nen and had a Hatsu all along. Her Hatsu is revival by sucking up other people's nen, it seems. We dont know what her nen beast does yet

Yeah, but now other nen users won't be able to see them.

wait for a translation of the script

Just wait for based Sale Sale being a nen master. He'll redeem everything.

Shit, so camilla was able to kill meruem then ?

This ability seems broken.

So basically she was charging head on against Benjamin expecting to be killed so her Nen Cat would kill him

The way this arc is being built up is really fucking interesting to me. I like all these characters and the Nen Beasts, it's going to be quite interesting seeing how different this arc will be in comparison to the Chimera Ant arc.

I was just wondering how they could hide their nen beast when they can't sense it, but I guess they're affected by whatever nen their princes use.

Is that her hatsu? I'm curious of how useful it is to know both nen and have a beast.

We still have yet to fully understand her ability, there might be some restrictions to it, but for now it seems it could

Her hatsu is a cat like nen beast (念獣), the jelly fish is her guardian spirit (守護霊獣) from the pot ritual.

Can't wait for cammy to die so the mommy poster can die as well.

The question is, does the person who killed her automatically die no matter what? If so that's ridiculous.

Otherwise, you could just tie her to a chair and kill her 100 times over and be done with it.

Camilla doesn't even need Meleoron like that weakling Knov.

Honestly though her ability probably depends on the injuries and the how strong the guy whom she does the SUCC.

Wait, is it zetsu or In?
Zetsu means the beast should completely disappear, whereas In should just hide the beast, making it invisible. Which one is it?

>An ability that revives the user
What is this bullshit? What happened to fucking costs? What's the catch of her ability to be that useful? Ben's ability seems more reasonable since it requires a constant supply of guards being trained in his school but it still seems like a low cost for having a permanent power added to your repertoire compared to something like Chrollo's ability.

1.All princes are pampered.
2.It was never said she doesn't know Nen.

I'm looking forward to being able to read it all in one go. I keep forgetting small details from week to week.

No. She doesn't have the ability to kill him.

Our Queen is immortal, Benjamindrone

Having Nen and a Beast seems great. Not only a hatsu, but a guardian with its own special abilities watching your back at the same time. Sweet deal honestly.

Well, Benjamin can only have one ability activated at a time. Chrollo has the bookmark and stuff.

That wasn't her beast but her nen, we still don't know her beast's power.

>Her Hatsu is revival by sucking up other people's nen
So after O MY RUBBER now everyone gets powercreeped to be immortal with the stronger nen after death bullshit.

I've been reading on and off and have been looking at spoilers every now and then and the tone of this arc looks pretty damn interesting. All the Princes and the concept of the Succession War sounds really great, reminds me a bit of Battle Royale.

>1.All princes are pampered.

Benjamin is not. He is a soldier and lives like a soldier.

Will die like a bitch thought

Seems resource intensive. The beast might end up killing you if your supply runs too low since you can't control its actions directly.

>Camilla jobs to some nerd

Ben's is more bullshit

Camilla's is reasonable as it requires death, meaning she's fucked if they just capture her. Like they did

Well, dying sucks and is usually painful. I guess that's kind of a restriction.

You're right though, it's too powerful to not have some other conditions attached to it.
what if she becomes uglier each time she revives

It seems that since o my bookmark nen anyone can add whatever ability he likes whenever he likes

Hisoka didn't get stronger and Camilla's ability has death as condition.

What are the requirements for switching abilities? Can he go back to an older one if he wants? Eh I need more details to judge his ability then. Cammy's ability however is broken as fuck.

More importantly if even some random slag and a clown can figure out ressurection nen, then why is Meruem still dead?

Yeah, it's a really cool setup with all the intrigue and players. I suspect the pacing will be a lot better on a re-read.

Not going to lie though, I still catch myself going "wait who is this guy again?" every now and then. There is a lot going on.


Everything makes sense now. Camilla is using her hatsu strategically to know Benjamin's ability. Cam doesn't feel fear because she's basically immortal

Everything is going according to keikaku. Cummybros.

Musse uses zetsu and says that her jelly fish won't show up since it uses her aura as food.

wat if this ability has a restriction like it only works in members or personal from the royal family ?

That would fix this,

who's team benjamin here?

Considering the beast is attached to their life and actively protects them, I don't think it would kill them by acting on its own. Who knows though.

Death ultimately becomes meaningless with an ability like that so the cost wouldn't even work anymore. Costs are about personal feelings, if she rushes headlong into death to trigger her power then as a cost, her death is jackshit compared to the benefits of killing her adversary and reviving her.





This. That's why it makes sense for Benjamin to know nen. Camilla is just a princess, it doesn't make sense for her to have gone through the rigorous training required to learn nen.

He is a prince. He lived a life of luxury.

Camilla learns nen if she wants, plebeian.

I'm just with Bill. Whatever he does.

>Her Hatsu is revival by sucking up other people's nen
I'd let her suck my Nen if you catch my drift

Ben's is a bit bullshit since he has the resources to regularly train loyal soldiers to die for him. The cost doesn't mean much with his political status.

>being this retarded

See this is what happens when we joke around and pretend. We get literal retards who take it seriously