Name a more relatable protagonist

Name a more relatable protagonist.

Shinji Ikari. Don't even have to like anime to relate to him.

sorry, can't relate to normalfags who get free money

>Implying either of those are even slightly relatable

Shinji Matou







we are all super special, that's why we are here to keep ourselves company

He has absolutely no defining personality traits, notable preferences, nor characteristics, and just lamely follows along the plot or situation.

It's like he's not even a person, just like us.


tomoko was absolutely me in high school. A little more cringe, but still.

be my gf



I can't look at this image without thinking "walked her home gently"

real gfs are temporary and a waste of time anyways anonkun. anime girls are forever


yes, i was going to say this. aside from her, op is correct

I can't relate to someone who had a personal relationship with a woman, sorry

>haha i'm such a hikki xd even though i work and go to school every day and i have a gf
>so relatable lmao xd
kill yourself

Are you alright user?



> went after a 3dpd selfish jaibait
Nah, I don't feel like we're similar in any way.

I can't; there isn't one.

Aizen during the SS arc


orewa jackuu

Here, have a transparent version.

Bingo for Sup Forums.

This and OP are on point. Unfortunately.


sorry can’t relate to retards