Is this normal behavior in Ameria?
Is this normal behavior in Ameria?
I don't see anyone getting shot so no
Shes naked in presence of children so she'd probably get a swat team called to shoot her in a moment.
Also beside her child nudity
Swat probably will shout "drop your weapon!" and taser soon as she blinks.
Of course.
I though OP was asking if this was normal in Armenia
It would be normal hehavior if there were guns all over the woman. But apparently this shot is so heavily censored that even the word gundam was reduced to a regular dam in the background.
>normal behavior
In Germany, probably but in America, surely not.
Are there any anime or manga series that focus on nudists?
there are som VNs
Who said anything about America?
I must know
I only found one and that was a oneshot hentai. It was great though.
In San Francisco you see that in the park on hot days. Don't know about the rest of the country.
If you talk about Gundam, i don't remember of any sort of thing like that in it.
No cops beating her up.
She's white. The police only harass inocent black, user
>there will never be a show where cute girls plan school mass shootings
girls sunbath almost naked in beaches and at their homes. Usually like pic related. Never ever in parks or cold states. Only warm ones like Cali or Florida. Never full nude though.
t. burger
And then she gets to play extreme simon says. Yay