Violet Evergarden

Based Yamada saving the show.

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Well congratulations. She got herself caught. Now what's the next step of her masterplan?

PriPri did it better

fma did it better

Violet is so cute

Hello there, Violet.

Doujins when?


Kyoani could do it better


Franxx already got its first doujins and there is literally zero VEG porn. Japan stopped caring.

>Fetish show gets porn
Wow, what an achievement

I like franxx and all but that should be obvious why.

A show about sex has porn? Stop the fucking presses.

>appeared in Newtype rankings this month, both series and Violet-chan
Doesn't mean much, but nice.

Why she killed those dudes out of nowhere

Because she is a killing machine, at least she was.

It's not a reason to randomly stab people here and there

Hi, Yamada desu. I did the storyboard this time around.
If you want to know why she killed those people you'll have to wait for episode 6.

Don't worry. China will deliver us doujins.

It is if you enjoy doing it.

What killed the hype?

maybe you mean, why hype killed it?

But she was supposed to be a delicate and fragile waifu and not a sadistic murderer with shounen villain motivation

She was abused, now she's trying to heal

You were lied to. Children that were abused usually end up as sadists.

“Do you like weapons?”
“Most likely.”
“Do you like hurting people?”
“No… Maybe… Most likely.”
“You’re… wicked, huh?”
Only that question was answered after Violet chewed on her lip. “Most likely.”
Edward could not suppress his grin. “What do I do?” he muttered curtly. “What do I do, Violet?”

Why the fuck did I watch the raw?

I don't even know japanese

Literally no other show airs today and Japan barely talks about it on Twitter. If you had told me that this screened in cinemas, i wouldn't have believed you.

Man that was EDGY.
But will we see the rape scene?

Because your 2 months of anime watching has made you an expert and you "have just enough basics" to get it.

I guess this is the show that I will like from the distance but will never watch.


Cause I am 100% sure it looks much better in my head than it actually is.

Have fun then, retard.

People actually understood that it will go balls-deep into RBWY-tier chuunishit.
>her axe is called Witchcraft

>she also just stabbed the guy on the ship out from nowhere
>add pouring rain and darkness to make this scene 200% more dramatic

You can understand 50% of what is happening, without knowing Japanese.

Does this still qualify as an adaptation? It's more like "based on characters and settings from VEG".

So far?
It's not an adaptation.

>Based Yamada saving the show.
If only.

>But will we see the rape scene?
No one ever raped her though. They tried, countless times. They always failed. And failure means death.

But why?

Even Black Clover doesn't take it this far.



>episode airs
>unlike in the previous weeks, there is no post-air bump in ranking
>***,801位/***,699位 (**1,072 pt) [*,**0予約] 2018/04/04 【限定】ヴァイオレット・エヴァーガーデン 1 (第1巻のみ特典:L版ブロマイド + 全巻購入特典:「LPサイズディスク収納ケース」引換シリアルコード付) [ VIOLET EVERGARDEN ] [Blu-ray]

So basically, the people who would have liked the edgy shit left after 3 soap opera episodes, and the people who stayed wanted more soap opera, not THESE WOUNDS THEY WILL NOT HEUHL!


>Self defense is edgy

But that's all Yamada's fault.
And IIRC wasn't the first episode with battle scenes edgy too?

>killing people as a self defence when they weren't trying to kill you as well
Pretty edgy indeed

What, no. Episode 1 was purely set up for the drama.
10 years old Violet murdering people outside the battlefield, however, is another story.

First Koe no katachi, now this. That Yamada is a pretty incompetent director.

>But that's all Yamada's fault.
No, Yamada actually salvaged what could be salvaged from this and delivered a well directed episode for once. The problem is that it comes too late and does too little for the series.

>wasn't the first episode with battle scenes edgy too?
Yes, and it was followed by 3 episodes of telenovela garbage, so the people who liked that about episode 1 (the "shounenfags" as the VEG fags call them) fucked off.

>this is what Ishidate drones believe

Koe no Katachi is amazing, fuck off nigger.

So is this original or finally novel stuff?

You don't get it. She is the perfect maiden. No one but Gilbert can enter her special place.

Neither. The anime won't ever follow the novel. It's only based on its setting and characters.

Original. The only novel stuff in this episode is the whole boat massacre part at the very end.

Didn't Yamada only storyboard this episode?

I wonder how.
Was she considered to be skilled enough to serve the member of royal family? This is barely believeable.
Also, princess is not educated enough to write a love letter so AMD help was required?

Yes, but that can change many things. Compare the curtsy Violet did this episode with the downright comical curtsy she did in the previous one.

Sasuga EOP-kun thinking he understood the episode.

Shit writing, that's how. Yoshida Reiko should stick to CGDCT.

That's not edgy.

I just wanted a fucking healing story.
To begin with i though that those scenes in pv with her holding a giant axe were her imagination as she writes letters or something.
But jesus fuck, novel spoilers are some of the most disgusting shit i've read in a while.

...when Kyoani makes it?

She was literally writing letters in the latter half of the episode. Get some adderall

Get a new IP.

Same user.

But why she needed the AMD assistance then
And VE is way too autistic to give a good advice anyway

Stop samefagging.

Except Violet did give her a bunch of advice later you dumb ape.

>episode's theme is 'princess'
>setting is european
>princess principal

Kyoani really DO want to be like studio 3HZ.

>KyoAni background qties anime never ever

He's asking why an inexperienced doll like Violet would be sent in the Princess' service in the first place you dolt.


Nice edit.

Thanks, that's what I meant

Why not someone like Cattleya, who is the one to resolve the situation with Damian in the end anyway.
This is overly contrived writing.

Other dolls were busy and Violet is starting to get famous.

So, plot convenience.

My Nips are not that good, however, I think Gilbert said to Violet that she was ready since she took a lot of request before the event of 5th episode.

Yes, how dare a plot about Violet get in the way of your logic.
My God why is the average IQ so damn low on this board.

But user, Gilbert is dead

Fuck, It was meant to be Claudia here

You mean Hodgins but yeah, that's basically it. Little Violet is getting famous.

Princess Principal did it better.

>someone actually believes this
I'm pretty sure the series will end with her having a chuuni fight against him on planet's orbit.

>comparing underwhelming anime of 2017 with underwhelming anime of 2018
What did she mean by this?

More like she will write an ultimate letter that will raise him from the dead
After all these chuuni spoilers everything seems possible

Kill yourself you fucking cretin. You're the dumbest fucker around. The fact that an inexperienced doll like Violet gets sent to service royalty strains credulity. The fact that the other dolls were busy is irrelevant. You can always reschedule other meetings when you're presented with such a great opportunity. Any business not run by an imbecile would do it.

Off-screen development is shit writing. It makes the chore that were episodes 2-4 meaningless. Why not develop her off-screen from the get go and spare us the garbage from those episodes?

There is a difference between giving an in-story excuse and actually portraying what happens in a believable manner.

Comparing comparable things makes perfect sense I guess

>The fact that the other dolls were busy is irrelevant.
Also, Cattleya helps her out anyway, which just shows how contrived this whole thing was. The one to go should have been Cattleya, maybe with Violet in tow as an apprentice.

>muh IQ

So, do you hurt yourself at night?
If your little brain knew a bit of jap you'd understand why Violet ended up going.

Aw, should I just call him stupid then?

For bullshit reasons.

You're a moron who's way too invested in VEG so it doesn't matter what words you use.

The only bullshit I see are your posts. I'm sure you've been told this already by your parents but you're dragging others down.
Please get help.

>starting to get famous.
From what? Just because she has metal arms?

Stop projecting. It's obvious you have a chip on your shoulder and it's getting really sad.