What are some series that you hate with all your heart?
What are some series that you hate with all your heart?
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Hate is too strong feeling, I only despise some.
>toei anime
Well that's a freebie
Yeah it's a gay word.
I fucking hate this shitty show
Wow. They remade it six times. Toei and studio Ghibli sure are influential.
this actual shit fucking disease ridden fetid ball of flesh of a series.
t. DBspic
Kitaro sucks
Gegege hasn't even aired yet. What are you, retarded?
He's just mad that Dragonball got cancelled
The point comes across just fine without the shitty text in the 3rd panel.
YuYuYu. Outside of childrens' shows it's the most blatantly commercial, soulless show I've seen, simply going for maximum broadness of appeal. Basically trying to be everything to every otaku and being a completely pointless piece of shit because of it.
Yuuki Yuuna and Monogatari
>hating on the master's work
this and ttgl
mainly because of the shit fans and also because I thought both were pretty boring
No I'm not shut you retard
OP, you and I are kindred spirits. I've hate Kuntaro since I laid my eyes on the shitty pedobait girl. And it's racist.
Fuck off Juan Dragon Ball Shit is over.
Kyoukai no Kanata
Infinite stratos
Seed destiny
School days
One other but I forgot the name of it
JoJo's Reddit Adventure.
All the yurishit
Dragon ball super and the faggots who keep trying protect this shit.
Kitaro just because it feels like it needs a show every 10 years to retell the same shit, remaking the same ugly characters.
It's a classic, you little faggot.
Yeah, it hasn't even aired yet. The only reason one would chimp out is if they are a Dragonball Spicper fan
So is Mazinger Z and I would refuse to watch a remake of it.
I don't need to be retold the same story over and over again.
Ironical, because it replaces DBS which is just a rehash of plotlines from DB.
Then again, can't expect an ounce of originality nor talent from Toei.
I won't be friends with anyone that liked Nichijou
Honestly? Bakemonogatari and the sequels. Feel free to tell me how I have no soul or whatever.
Blatant fanservice, ADHD dialogue, absolutely godawful camera shots and flashing eye cancer pretending to be animation - who thought it was a good idea to flash frames of text anyway? Its universal success made me lose hope in anime as a medium and realize there's no place for me in the mainstream anime fandom.
People like you are the reason why wars happen.
Why do you have to be so hateful?
Besides, it's better than moeblob fanservice pedo 2deep4u bullshit.
Also, I'm not Hispanic I'm black you asshole.
Shut up asshole
I dislike how they try to make Kitaro more cute and appealing with each show.
>he didn't watch Z-hen
>he did
>it's better than moeblob fanservice pedo 2deep4u bullshit.
Do you feel smart adding as many buzzwords as you can in one sentence? Watch more anime and get the fuck out of here, Dragonball forums or Reddit might be more to your liking.
Why do Mexis like Super so much anyway?
>Mazinger Z
That's a pretty poor example
>literally a hate thread
>wow wtf guys why are you hating on this assholes
I'm sorry Tyrone, Super was complete shit and deserved to be canned.
>replacing a cheap rehash with another cheap rehash
What did Toei mean by this?
And what's with the obsession the animators at Toei have with making hair look metallic?
>implying Toei can do anything else other than cheap rehashes
>DBS babbies hating on Kitaro
Hate Toei, not Kitaro.
this is a very bad thread that endorses hate and insults. i disrespect this thread and it's creator.
I'm glad super got cancelled we don't have see faggots like you on Sup Forums anymore.
I hate both.
Toei for ruining DB with DBS, and Kitaro for overstaying it's welcome.
>implying we're leaving
>implying there won't be a new iteration of DB by 2020
Delusional lmao
It dragon ball AF all over again.
I despise thing more than hate them.
Also anything Fate. I have no reason other than I just don't get it and it's been around forever.
Pretty much everything Okada.
How does Sup Forums feel about his Cameo in the Edgy Youkai Watch movie?
First of all, my name is Marcus, not Tyrone.
Second, I do watch more anime than dragon ball. Its just that I always come back to dragon ball because it's what's started me off. Sure, go ahead and call me a shonenshitter/redditfag all you want. I don't care. Seeing Son Goku's bright smile livens up my day when I feel like shit and I can't obsess over this highschool comedy moe stuff. Shows like darling in the franxx and killing bites are okay I guess but violet sucks fat donkey Kong cock.
Also, the dragon ball chads will survive until 2020 even if we have to read the manga. The English dub is only on the goku black arc and we can just talk about dragon ball from the very beginning.
I hate DBS but respect your opinion, Tyrone.
There was an edgy Youkai Watch movie?
This is so accurate.
The newest one, It's literally called Shadow Side
Sadly our suffering isn't over user, is only a hiatus, the comfirmed the next saga is focused on Gohan and Goten
>english dub
>literally watches DBS for nothing but nostalgia
You couldn't be more cancer even if you tried, Tyrone. You really should go back to /r/Dragonball, people won't make fun of you there.
Source:my ass
Why do you even come to this board, DeMarcus? Surely there are other DB discussion sites out there better suited to those of your IQ level?
Fuck this rehash.
You hate it because it will replace your retarded dragon balls shit? KILL YOURSELF SPIC
I'll be nice to you about this You really need get into something new besides dragon ball or shonen. Watch made in abyss time of eve or death parade .
We need to ban dragon ball off of Sup Forums that will end this problem.
Just a few weeks left, after that their generalshits will be deleted
Shitty writing with shit art and very shitty backgrounds/no backgrounds. The fans can barely understand the story themselves and somehow the shitposters on their threads know the story better than the fans.
At least the Vigilante spinoff is good.
Dragonball Z it's honestly the most overrated anime ever, hell it's almost a religion where I live just because of "m-muh childhood nostalgia".
I irrationally despise HandShakers
don't think I've ever truly hated an anime. or a studio. or even an Sup Forumsnon
just their shit tastes
manga is still on going.
Raildex. The fucking fans are cancer.
Because it worked so well with Naruto.
Things got worse when moot lifted the ban on Naruto.
I don't think I actually hate any anime in particular. I dropped KonoSuba after the second episode because of Aqua, but it's not the anime as a whole that was the problem, just her. Also couldn't watch Saijaku Muhai no Bahamut past episode one due to how laughably clichéd the first episode was, the pubic tattoo was what ended me. As for hating the premise without reading or watching the story itself, the first thing that comes to mind is Girl Saurus. I get that it's a comedy, but the whole "anime characters have to adher to moe-moe standards of cute or they are ugly trash" thing really rubs me the wrong way. Give me my freaky-looking non-standart designs, Ichigo's design looked fucking rad, and the other boring-ass looking students treating her like an abomination felt unjust. I get that it's about her looking ugly in-universe, but the way "ugly" characters are drawn in this manga still serves to show how "boring" seems to be becoming synonymous with "good" in mainstream anime and manga, and how rare (and oftentimes ignored) unique designs are, usually utilized for joke or unappealing characters. I feel the same way about Masao's design in Shiki, but I actually watched the anime, and it wasn't bad enough for me to hate.
By the way, I genuinely like GeGeGe no Kitaro manga, because youkai are my jam, and it has a nice, creepy-cute fairy tale-ish atmosphere. Haven't watched any of the anime, though.
>People like you are the reason why wars happen.
Drama queen alert
>Also, I'm not Hispanic I'm black you asshole.
A nigger...even worse.
Just ban Nu-Dragon Ball
Wan Piss (of shit)
>Dragon Ballin' As Fuck
fund it
Fairy Tail is pretty average though.
Shin Mazinger is one of the greatest remakes in existence you fucking pleb
it has nothing to do with toei's shit either
>Shin Mazinger is one of the greatest remakes in existence
So fucking tonally deaf.
Fuck this show in entirety.
that's right pablo, and no matter how many times you'll deny it, you're still a fucking spic who needs to go back to mexico and take his shit tastes with him
>baby's first iteration of gegege no kitaro
All isekai, fate, BNHA, and whatever hot new CGDCT garbage faggots insist is an artistic masterpiece
Drag on Ball
at least you straight up admit you only hate things if theyre popular