Darling in thethe franxx preview

18 hours to ep 5!

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send help im not gonna make it

I want to pet her horns.

It's a controversial opinion, but I think I might just like 02.

It's not controversial at all.

Claim your Darling before she got in the FranXX!

can I claim the franXX instead?

02 is my sweet honey.

doc get off the internet, you need to implement the 3people cabin

Wakaranai episode when

What happens to the robutts when they switch partners?



It's highly controversial.

Reminder that fatty is still the best

Wonder if there'll be some homo.


am i the only one who sees a heavy cherno alpha inspo?

>not hiro

best jaeger, shame 2 suck in the trailers alone

You are not but it was actually inspired by Monster Hunter.

Is it just me or does the OP sound like a watered down version of the TTGL OP? The chorus mainly.

Hiro got a lot better in last episode, but he still needs to catch up

The single worst thing about this show is music. Important scenes lose a lot of impact because music is lacking. At this point I would prefer another generic Sawano OST.

onimode boner on hiro when?

Where do you see it?
I've saw it'll be out until 02/10

This.. it says two days for me

I'm wondering what scene they're saving the vocal track that we heard in PV2.

Probably have to wait until the second cour.

I made this

Japan loved Cherno Alpha too.
But it's really Monster Hunter.

He's talking about the PV, which comes out tomorrow.

I like it

I don't know if homo can bind in the Franxx

I think they said it doesn't have to be a guy and a girl in the cockpit back during the original interviews about the show.

shhhh keep /u/ and /y/ away

You probably need a girl to merge with the robutt but I don't see why the pilot couldn't be a girl too.

>18 hours to ep 5!

Did I miss something? It's not airing on Saturday?


>Next episode will be a mock battle between Strelitzia and the FranXX of Plantation 13 to make a few more tests between Hiro and 02 compatibilty and to train the rest of Parasites
I can wish.

Hey guys I have a question

Am I supposed to like the OP? It seems kind of generic but I guess I can see the appeal. What do y'all think of it?

Song or visuals?

The good doctor says that positive and negative waves have to overlap, strongly implying that the nature of your wave is tied to your sex.
It's not gonna happen user.

It's the PV.

I didn't like it at first and very much preferred the ED because of the stylish visuals and decent song. After awhile though the OP started to grow on me. The song is synced well to the visuals and song its self gets better the more you listen to it. I think I favor the OP more than the ED now though.

The OP also has a good bit of beautfiul animation, it's simply restricted to the robots.

I really liked the OP from the start, then again I also think the OST is great at some points. (especially the sparring scene between hiro and zorome)

At some points I think I can hear a bit of Zone of the Enders influence in the tracks but im not sure (the video game, not the anime)

But I guess I'm in the minority here.

I liked this song desu

It's good but it was only used once. I think the track that was playing during the klaxxo fight in the last episode was okay too but volume was a bit low, it could hardly be heard over all the shouting and sfx.
I hope they are just holding back with the good stuff since we haven't even heard any insert songs yet. These are giant ass robots, they have to be accompanied by fitting music.

We have had one battle theme sneak peak during the preview times.


Played at the moment the first kyoryu was charging its laser before going back to the BGM and awakening music.

This is GOAT. It plays at the start of episode 1 and when Hiro gets in the franxx later on in the episode. I wonder when they'll use it again.

I like this one too. It reminds me of Nier for some reason.

Not sure what you mean - Sorairo Days was fast and pretty upbeat, like something that would accopmany a rocket launch.

Kiss of death is way slower and has a much more ominous feel.

Guys generate p-waves (Positive pulse), and girls generate n-waves (negative pulse), and the merge of the two is apparently significant in operating the FranXX.

The chorus has a similar melody


can we get a scene outside of the FranXX where he is NOT holding food

that is his only character trait

he eats to run away from his depression because his partner is faking during the sync. her negative pulse is way below his but just pretends it isn't.

I can't wait for her or him to blow up. The show's direction has been awfully removed from those 2. Especially Kokoro.

This scene got me to watching the anime, but I quickly realized the show sucks.

Nicest post

more like no budget in the franxx


I mean it's a typical harem show. I haven't watched one in years though so if I did rewatch it I might think it's shit too.


Harem shit is peak late 00s garbage. How'd it ever get so popular?
Tried watching Index and coildn't. Shame that an otherwise decent series got ruined by it.

>don’t lose your way starts playing

Idolshit replaced haremshit.

I can't wait for the PV. I usually don't get hype about those.

>cute girls
>easy to make
I think it's what jap dudes would want to watch/read.

And yet he still somehow has more characterization than his partner.

Hey, so its already been established that these are the synch screens of the pilots, but wich bar represents wich part? (stamen, pistil)

Cause it's exactly like Nier. Not that that's a bad thing

Ha, I wonder if the others are lifted from MonHun armor too. I don't recognize any but I only played two games.

The bottom one after they cross is the pistil.

Also, chlorophytum is shown to have a better synch than genista, but we are shown Ikuno struggling and not Kokoro, why?

No 02! Honey doesn't come from those!


Cool to see how each duo synchs. thanks btw

because the Genista pair are hiding the fact that they are actually having problems, will no doubt be explored later.

I claim that cum-toilet Miku

So we know glasses is probably struggling because she's a lesbian, but what's with the other girl? Is it because she's stuck with a fatty?

What is this from?

Oh, she found where she can get some very special honey.

made this for an user last thread but it got archived


So who are these people?

The Elite 9(8)

A girl falls in love with a boy.

Unable to pilot, the boy was gifted with a deus sex machina by a naked girl. Never minding the strange horns on her head, he immediately pilots her, and is overjoyed to find out that he can ride with her without dying.

But, the next day, when he recounts the previous day's ride with the girl, she only looks at him with a smug expression. After some investigation, the girl finds out that the boy she rode with is related to her first Darling. In fact, they are genetically related. He is an enhanced version of her former Darling who has fallen in love with her own Oni self, who too is blissfully unaware of his crush.

Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer the truth behind their former selves. While the two fight mechanoid dinosaurs with a robot that symbolizes their faithfulness to each other, DRAMA ensues as the powers-that-be actively try to undermine their relationship and conceal the secrets to harness the POWER of LOVE.

Chlorophytum! That's kind of a shit name actually.

the 9 twinks

Probably not, considering what we see in shes definitely the worst pistil while fatty is maybe below average.

You know, I have just noticed, but they all appear to be guys, maybe the nines are actually just stamen?

Cour 2 antagonists.

The short one to the right could be female.

The gay brigade, to prove homosexuality is wrong

>the mega Franxx is a giant orgy gangbang

the kawarou squad

>18 hours to ep 5!
user I think you got lost

And the triplets in the back could be female too.