So i've had this problem with anime for the longest time ever...

so i've had this problem with anime for the longest time ever. i can't bring myself to watch it without it getting boring and me just constantly alt-tabbing to something else.

nowadays it seems that anime all are written all alike, where they all have a pretentious overpowered stronkest main character that instantly gets all the girls without even trying.

could someone suggest me wat do?

dumb frogposter

OP, please respond to me. If you don't I'm just going to assume this is a shitpost but if I get a reply I'll know that you're seriously posting this unironcally.

based frogposter

go away dumb frog poster

>frogposter thinking his taste matters

>could someone suggest me wat do?
Kill yourself.

I suggest fucking off and getting a hobby you like instead of bothering us about one you don't.

did i make you Sup Forums faggots triggered? continue jerking off to your anime shit


BASED frogposter

i disrespect you

Based frogposter.

Keep jerking to frogs, underagenigger

You're getting dumb, it happens when you frogpost

Frogposter doesn't belong here.

>could someone suggest me wat do?
Anime is fucking trash. You should pick up a few manga

We'll be getting our own manga board soon, and let the seasonalfaggots and DBS Toeipacos enjoy their cesspool

Enjoy your ban retard

>We'll be getting our own manga board soon
Are we, or are you just bullshitting?

Get the fuck out of my board, frognigger.

>Frogs are the newest most hip normalfag meme didn't you hear?

yeah and watching anime makes you smarter

>on Sup Forums
>banning anything non Sup Forums related
wew lad

I'm not triggered, but mods are.

Yes. Just look at these cucks

No, but it doesn't make you seem like a retard
Get the fuck off of Sup Forums and go back to these shit-holes

who did u even think would give a fuck to post this

Even a rock is smarter than your average froposter, don't make it sound like it's an achievement

>newfag can't into proper posting

Check 'em.

Dumb frogposter


Checked, now check MINE


Damn bro sick burn.





I can do better, WATCH THIS

they do it for free





Reminder that when this thread is done and you've finished having your laugh, sooner or later you will, for even one short moment, remember how much of a worthless subhuman piece of garbage you are and thus edge ever closer to ending yourself. Check em'

:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@--................................................ ....................................

Dub this one CHECKED

Mokou thread


can i get dubs

Ironic shitposting is shitposting.Go back to .


Fuck that, lets get some number one here


I suggest you drink the nearest cleaning product


dont redirect quints