Shingeki no Kyojin

new chapter out
>Eren did nothing wrong
>Floch is a terrorist now
>Reiner is still MIA
>Sasha is hot now
>Zeke's 5D chess is getting out of hand
>Nukemin soon


best girl does it again

Sasha is cute, cute!
Endgame right here, brothers.

Rest in Peace Best Girl

I can't believe that it's only been 11 chapters since the warrior's arc started. They all need to die.

>sasha is hot

>Sasha is hot now
>implying she wasn't always hot
she was the best girl from the start

Eren girlfriend

do you think Pieck taught Gabi and Zofia how to chug Marley cock?

fuck isayama

>Don't die, survive
Where wer you when ErwLfujos got even more BTFO?

Even Colt?

Why are we still reading this crap?

LM soon.

>>Reiner is still made in abyss
what do you mean by it

>Eren did nothing wrong

where were you when Sup Forums never cared about fujoshits?

Nothing could BTFO them even more than Erwin simply being dead. The fujos are still salty to the point of bringing a year old dead body #1 in the popularity poll.

Don't know about you, but it's pretty good for me. Went in expecting a shounen, got a shounen.


By not wanting more comrades to die?

So why didn't the WHT just made a giant fly swap ?

What has one thing to do with the other?

>I have come here to throw rocks and kick ass...and I'm all out of rocks

She kinda looks like Frieda

Armin a cute, cute.

That face is saying something along the lines of
>well shit, maybe Eren might've done some things wrong...oh fuck he's done a lot wrong what am I doing with my life

Annie will always remain in my heart. Sweet dreams.


I swear to god, fucking Isayama and his hack writing skills, he doesn't understand about the timing in narrative weight with deaths, Ymir is a prof of that.


Hanji is the female titan
Screencap this


Hitch is the FT.

>sasha isn't goofy no more
isn't it sad

>how many times do we have to teach you this lesson, monkey man

>inherits female titan
>for the first time ever the titan looks like a man

Serious question here, is the series about to end?
This really feels like a final battle arc, warhammer is finally in the wild, secrets are already revealed, all the villains and heroes are in the battlefield. What else could it be after this?


Agreed. But still ;_;

Hey guys what if the cute Trost girl is the female titan?

Either that or maybe Annie ran away idk

Implying she just isn't in the background masturbating in titan from

I'm just waiting for the next chapter to see Zeke job like he always do

Or just flip sides since he knew he would job for two Hackermans this time

An even larger war against all countries

Doesn't the world want to invade Marley and paradise for its natural resources?

the mist type ending with the SL fate


just show her dead and get it done with, this is bs

Best girl with best nose.

>Be Jobber Titan
>Stay on a OPEN FIELD with clear advantage against 3DMG
>Prepare an army of mindless titans to back you
>Fights on distance throwing rocks like a monkey throws shit on people on a zoo
>First opportunity that manlet has to actually get close to you, you get raped and need to be saved by the best girl
>Literally tells everyone you shat in your pants just by thinking about meeting the hackermans again
>Chapters later monkeyspergs still think you could singlehand the most op manlet on the show in the middle of a tight battlefield where your enemy has all the advantages possible

How did this bitch get so overpowered and efficient at fighting while keeping it a secret HOLY FUCK.

uh there are pressing matters at hand.

secrets of Ymir

Yes but in like 25 chapters or something. You still need a conclusion after the battle.

I think Pieck is going to attack Zeke next chapter, she knows he betrayed them

Post nice panels

Someone do the 5'11 6'1

If Armin nukes the town, everyone will die and there won't be shifters. Pieck will probably notice it and will save Porko and Zeke just like Armin saved his friends in Shiganshina when he notices Bertolt.

Lol nice balding comb-over you got going on there Jean.

The Tieber family controls Marley, I'm sure they have a rape cave somewhere like the Reiss did.

>cute Trost girl

Only Paradis, but everything points to this just being restorationist propaganda. Marley's endgame have already been spelled out more than once by Magath and Vili.

continued memory transference, since apparently family relation between titan shifters makes memories easier to access, even memories from predecessors from further ago.
also maybe the Tybur Compound has a secret training facility, who knows.

Since when does she have Armong's nose? Wasn't her face much older and more like Jean's last chapter?

They look so tired here

Why are people saying Annie is dead?

I like that idea, maybe after she realizes he's throwing the fight with Levi.

>Takes the enemy's bait hook, line, and sinker.
>Does the enemy a favor by killing off their incompetent high command, which is exactly what they wanted.
>Blows any chance of rebutting Willy and trying to negotiate with the rest of the world, which is also exactly what they wanted.
>Repeatedly almost gets himself killed, which would blow Paradis's only real trump card/bargaining tool against the world.
>Alienates and sows conflict in his allies by indiscriminately slaughtering civilians.

But remember, GRIM REMINDER takes priority over all else.

>LMfag is a Hanji hater

Literally what I was thinking. His hair looks like it's thinning. Also he looks like Erwin in the bottom left panel.

She is dead user, get over it. The sooner you accept it, the easier it is

Because this place makes you retarded.

"She" is actually Armin, don't worry it's all part of his plan.

>you realize its implied that eren can eat someone even if theyre hardened.

>eren eats rock annie.

Cute, perfect and straight couple.

>years of memory of how to use her powers
but she still lacks battle experience that's why she gets fucked by sudden changes in battlefield

Their only hope is having a depressed Levi who cares about nothing but revenge. Everything else is worhtless for him, and he'll die at the hands of Zeke. That's what they desire with all their fat hearts.
So having manlet openly care about the well being others is a direct blow to their sunken ship that they, delusional as ever, still think it has a chance.

>Gabi BTFO
>Porco BTFO
>Magath BTFO
>Marley BTFO
>/snk/ redditors BTFO
>Pieck getting BTFO next chapter

This was a good chapter

>The battle continues in the April issue
So no chapter next month?

Eren did nothing wrong

>Blows any chance of rebutting Willy and trying to negotiate with the rest of the world, which is also exactly what they wanted.
0% chance of that. Taybar/Marley were committed to war.

Yes. Can you imagine the face Colt will make when he is betrayed by Zeke, his big brother figure?
Just imagin him and Zeke cornering Eren, just to find out that blood actually is thicker than water.

Would this further his character or is Isayama only shitting on him?

well he just nearly got his ass whooped.
she's tired because of the specifics of her Titan, and she has been doing it for a long time; she's got 2 years left (pending she doesn't get betrayed next chapter)

Looks like this monkey is going to be no trouble.

I'm not gonna bite I'm not gonna bite I'm not gonna bite I'm not gonna bite I'm not gonna bite I'm not gonna bite

Why is fukuslut even here though?


Unless we all decide to skip a month of out lives, yes.

Eren didn’t eat Annie, or else his titan form would have tits.


Be nice to Eren's wife please

Because Eren tried to eat the WH's crystallized shifter. But it could just be because he wanted to capture her, not try to consume her.

is not just the uncertainty, is the narrative weight character have during story arcs. Ymir should have died during at the end of the tower Udgard arc and Annie should have died at the end of her arc, but no and now the weight of their deaths becomes just an easy escape for the author to not deal with their character, this is terrible writing.

Well, 3dmg is a relatively new phenomenon, so her ancestors probably have zero experience against them. Whereas given the past of the Eldians she has a shitload of memories about fighting shifters.

Killed innocents, became the grim reminder

>/snk/ redditors BTFO
But LAME is doing fine.

Willy was a traitor to begin with, the eldians in marley were imprisoned and nationless under marley rule.

Once willy talked all that shit on broadcast, the world wanted paradis and its demons destroyed.

They literally asked for this.

Im more concerned about who is gonna die first. Jean, connie, sasha, mikasa.

Probably mikasa toweards the end.

If only Porco wasn't that retard. Pieck should just run away, they are their objectives after all