What does Sup Forums think of Super Lovers?

What does Sup Forums think of Super Lovers?

Are there any other Shonen Ai animes worth checking out? Maybe focussing more only on the bromance part and dealing with a relationship which is not that complicated but more light hearted?

inb4 Boku no Pico

looks gay

Love Stage

looks super gay

Unironically yuri on ice

100% heterosexual anime

>Liking shonen ai
What are you, straight?

>Love Stage
Looks a bit campy but I will check it out, thanks user.

The character design looks damn nice judging the stills. Thanks for the rec.

I am just asking for a friend, cough....

the animation and character designs are really good, the main bromance is about a skater and his skating coach

The reviews also sound really good. Thanks again.

Super Lover animation was also pretty good and I really enjoyed the first half of the season but in the second half Haru, the oldest brother, acted pretty often just like a pervert and I missed the heart warming and cozy feel from the first episodes. Some of the internal monolgues and psychologcial reflection in the second half of the 1st season were pretty amazing though.

theres plenty of personal monologues from characters in yuri on ice

you will be sad when its over so know theres a movie sequel to look forward to

Is this the one where they frot through their pants until the bottom cums?

Huh. So even fujos have pedos in their ranks.

How new are you?
It's like you've never heard of shotacon.

Like other anons said, Yuri on ice is the most recent series with BL undertones done correctly, it's gay but not in a shonen ai way, like they don't explicitly make out or discuss their love and the focus is the sport.
And if you don't mind movies, try Doukyuusei.

Actually it was the moment it really began to go pedo when I didn't enjoy it anymore. It started off more heart wearming, with of course homo erotic undertones but the feelings were more complex than just straight in your face sexual. The tone changed during the season sadly.

Fuck off.

Hell, of course I don't mind movies at all. Thanks for the great rec. Just watched the trailer in it looked damn interesting. Really interesting character design.

Yeah sure, because the stuff they post on /y/ is totally that what I am looking for. Did you even read my OP or the responses?

Looks totally gay

Sup Forums isn't a recommendation board. Fuck off back to google. MAL

Well I also tried to start a discussion about the style and tone of the series and the genre in general. I am glad that anons psoted some recs, becuase I trust in Sup Forums's taste generally but I didn't beg for it. So before derayling this thread, contribute anything interesting please.


The dying fujo in me picked it up but I couldn't really get into it because wolf kid was way too autistic to be this guy's lover. It was like watching someone talk a literal retard into having sex. Shit was weird.