

>Sakura needed a huge movie project to get first place for a month
>Saber immediately passes her with a 15 minute short of her just eating.

Is Beatless popular?

>People still take this fucking magazine seriously.

Only newfags



>Sakura gets a big budget movies series for her route
>Saber still ends up being most popular
I have to give it to Type-Moon, they've managed to create a character whose core purpose appears to be for bullying.


Shirou takes both 2nd and 4th spots
It's not fair.

I'm surprised that Lucia is there.

Sakura > Sakura

Stupid saberfags


Was Aniplex behind 9/11?

Popular with the mechautists of Newtype apparently

>no FranXX even in normalfag polls

Apparently not paying hard enough

Newtype polls are alwasy rigged. They include some legitimately popular characters to look "credible".

So you're saying that Beatless is popular?

It was actually mentioned very high up in some trashy 2chan polls at the start of the season

it's just for fun bro, take it easy

It was actually two months in a row, so it's all good.

The next movie has more of her in it, so she'll jump back to 1 again.

That and since she is consistently in the top 10 amongst hundreds of TM characters, proper promotion will just solidify it now.

Us Sakurabros will just sip tea through all the shitposting. It's humorous.

Not surprising. Saber is the most popular heroine of the three, and when UBW was airing, Rin was never able to take first place. No matter how much Rin/Sakura are liked, their popularity will never reach Saber level.

What's the list on the bottom right?

>7. Ohma Shu -- Guilty Crown

>Fate vs SAO: The Magazine

Shit magazine like this is like entry level for grade school toddler.

>implying they're not just rigging it to placate Takeuchi during the off months between the movies

It's not surprising that Saber is at the top, that's why the Sakurafags and Rinfags are the ones who fight each other. If anything, laugh at Rin, since she isn't even in top 10.

Why are there Guilty crown characters in the top 10 now?

NewType had to ban Jesus and Lacus from polling.

Rin didn't even get first when UBW was airing.

It'll be really fun once both upcoming SAO shows start airing.

Where is 02?

Not there. Even Violet shows up there, sorry user.

People need something to shitpost about, I suppose.

Good, now UFOtable has an incentive and they can excise all this W O R M S L U T BS from the trilogy and make it a Seiba Alter Route we need.

But Saber being #1 is to be expected. The fact that she had her position threatened even temporarily shows just how loved Sakura is nowadays.

Why is the better Sakura at 4?

At least neither of them is as terrible as the Naruto one

How long until he gets banned like Jesus Yamato?

He got new season coming soon™