The great debate

The great debate.

master shifu would win

I'm pretty sure Saitama would win somehow, since that is his thing. Don't devolve to the "DBZ fan" level, please.

El Gohan Blanco wins.

Trying to understand saitama's power would kill him.

Too late


>The great debate
>newfags don't even know who the right guy is

a nobody

Please turn me into a cute anime girl, Powerman.

But can shiki kill servants?

He can rape servants (maids).

Tsukihime is a pretty cool guy. Eh kills vampires and doesn't afraid of anything.

Saitama doesn't stand a ghost of a chance against Shiki.


Saitama isn't from the nasuverse, so as a being from another reality, he doesn't have the lines to cut that nasuverse entities have.

True, but his routine of doing pushups and becoming stronger than god also wouldn't fly in the Nasuverse reality, so he would lose his power.

Saitama isn't a servant so Shiki can't kill him.

the one on the right looks gay


>read left to right for accurate portrayal

Manga is read from right to left silly man.

>gets access to second magic because he REALLY wanted to cut a swallow
Saitama's shit isn't anything unusual for Nasuverse.

Shiki could only win if he is the only one who knows what the opponent can do, and only if saitamas has lines and point to cut in first place and foolishly lets Shiki get the first and only strike he needs. If neither of them knows what the other can do, saitama would casually send him blowing into a wall with a generic punch after shiki does his anime moves while if both of them knows what the other can do, saitama would be quick to incapacitate him as there's no margin of error with somebody who can kill existences via bullshit powers.

>implying Saitama’s daily routine wasn’t a ritual to reach the root

So long Shiki can hit lines with eye hax first, he'll win. Otherwise, he's dead really.

It really is. Being able to make two simultaneous cuts isn't nearly as impressive as being strong enough to easily punch the planet apart.

Uh no you read it spiraling outwards clockwise from the center

>basic I’m more powerful than you power
Garbage, not even better than battle shounen mcs.

Saitama tries to tank the knife as he is Saitama and promptly kicks the bucket. Thats all there is to it really, Shikis eyes are tied to omnipotence after all and are capable of killing people stronger than Saitama

Punching planets apart isnt even high tier in typemoon, not that Saitama is capable of it anyways.

That said anime only secondaries dont know that grails wars are just normal albeit outlandish magic rituals that arent regarded as that big things. Even though theyre essentially competing for (almost) omnipotent wishfulfilling device

Fate and Tsuki in general are usually at the lower end of scale

We all know who would actually win

Serious answer: so far Saitama hasn't let himself be hit by bladed weapons, for some reason he chooses not to tank them, so it would probably end with him disarming Shiki and scolding him, potentially telling on him with Akiha and the maids. Could Shiki actually kill Saitama if he chose to tank the hit? Probably, that's just how hax the power is and we have no indication that Saitama can nosell Entropy.

REAL answer: if you make Saitama lose then you take his gag and most of his character away from him, and it becomes a pointless interaction where nothing is gained and no one is saved. A wholeheartedly worthless thought exercise and a waste of time.

Shiki is ridiculously good looking.


What was wrong with Ciel's hair before? I like the new one as well, but still.


Arc needs her grandma skirt. The miniskirt takes away from the feeling that she's not quite fitting in with everyone else and doesn't get modern stuff.

I'm looking forward to Nanaya in the remake. Only thirty-seven more years to go.

Considering that there's some beings that are immune to the eyes of edgemaster just because nasu says so, Saitama would be immune to it because he was made to always suceed unless a gag involves his defeat.

>Considering that there's some beings that are immune to the eyes of edgemaster just because nasu says so
It's never "because Nasu says so". To lack the quality of death is always restricted to something that cannot die. TATARI could not die, anymore than "weather" can die. Aristoteles cannot die because they are perfect, they will exist for eternity. Tiamat could not die because she is intrinsically linked to life, so long as life exists she doesn't have death.

Saitama is a human. He breathes and he ages. He has lines.

Tohno's eyes are limited in that if something does not possess the concept of death, it cannot be killed, and he also can only perceive the death of things created from our planet. One would assume Saitama has a death, but his world doesn't really appear to be Earth, so this argument is fucking dumb on account of lack of concrete information.

That's nice and all, except that there's deus ex machinas like guns that can somehow temporally induce the concept of death in those beings who for retarded reasons are asspulled into not knowing the concept of death. So yeah, it is just retarded shit nasu invented because it sounded cool

>Lights you on fire with a look

And Jupiter is 317.8 times more massive than Earth. Why are we bringing up completely unrelated facts? Conceptual weapons having nothing to do with this.

Could Hyde beat him up?