Shingeki no Kyojin

This is the manliest man in the series.

New chapter:


Rest in Peace Best Girl

home from work, just read it. Holy shit. What was Sup Forums's thoughts on the chapter?

Sasha is sexy af

What went wrong?


I hope the eldian restoration helps the SC

zeke is so fucking dead. he got anihilated by levi alone, whats he supposed to do vs two ackermann? monkey stew soon.

Help them by betraying Marley.

>Sasha is sexy af
you have no idea

Left or right, Sup Forums?

why did we all have the same idea for OP pic?

b-bros, why is /ourgirl/ on the front lines?

I think it's fucking amazing.
Seems like there's really going to be some kind of genocide though. Paradis don't look like they will stop anytime soon, and now the rest of the world probably wants them dead too.

Those lights ARE meant for Armin, right?

left is going to win guaranteed so who cares

Left obviously

That's not Historia dumbass, it's that one chick that follows that old guy in charge of the one regiment that drinks rum all the time.


any suggestions?

>The battle continues in the April issue
So next chapter is flashbacks?

try some jojo characters

>Saved Reiner, Zeke, Porco, and even Maid
>Couldn't save Annie or Bert, but that was beyond her control/orders
Best Girl did it again. I hope her death is the least painful it can be

I think he's talking about Historia but it looks more like evil Armin with a mole than anything else.

Probably. For what exactly though? I mean, what's the point of nuking the place if the survey corps are destroying it already?
I think there's another surprise coming.


Someone should ask Isayama if he knows Morcock's books.

So Zeke's plan is to fucking die?
what a fucking waste, where is the master ruse
Are they going to kill them all except Zeke? is Zeke sending the other shifters to their deaths as part of a plan?

>No Hanji
Right. Left is cancer.

he's playing 63D chess user, don't ask

That's Armong.

Zeke will go forward against the SC and in the middle of the run will just turn around and say "nope" and smack Piggy's brains on the wall with an epic punch

What if his plan is to smart to succeed and he just ends up geting DP'd by Ackerhax?

Left because Connie.

Found the newfag. No, this chapter was March's issue. Next chapter is April's issue.

no it isn't, you think a major character wouldn't get his own dialogue?

Hanji is carrying Armong on an airplane flying over Liberio rn, silly user

>Just coming to the SL
Now Eren may just touch him, fucking idiot.

LM soon.

Hell no. He's playing 6969D chess.

No but seriously he's obviously working with Eren. Pieck already suspects it.

This mango's plot became incomprehensible ever since the Attack on Juden timeskip but I'm enjoying it anyway

I'd hate to see your reaction to a CLAMP manga then, if you consider this most linear and obvious plot ever to be difficult to understand.

>Pieck already suspects it
Piecke made an odd face when Zeke appeared indeed.
Porco looked like he just saw his hero, while Piecke was probably thinking why he wasn't in the pit with them.

Why is Pieck so perfect bros?


>Zeke and Eren will pretend they're fighting
>Zeke will scream out and hundreds if not thousands of mindless titans will appear
>he poisoned the water supply
>Eren will scream in return and the titans will come to their aid
>begin rampage

>>he poisoned the water supply
OH FUCK, what if that's how Gabi will kill Eren? She'll eat him?

I wonder if something like this happens, if she'll try to stop him from doing it. Like realize what he's about to do and throw herself at his mouth.

>he thinks Gabi will survive
I give her a 10% chance at best. 2% of eating him. 1% of being allowed to live past that.

God, my dick is hard as diamond by the thought of it


I don't think that the founding titan needs to inject someone with spinal fluid to transform them.
That would have been really inconvenient for the Fritz family during their wars. Who knows though

I get that not everyone here likes Annie (especially cause the association with pedofag) but is it bad writing to say after 68 (ALMOST 6 years) just to say "Annie kill" rather than just kill her when he wasn't gonna use her anyway.

Eren did nothing wrong

I didn't mean the founding titan, I meant Zeke. He has royal blood and anyone who consumes or is injected with his spinal fluid can be turned into a titan by him screaming. Zeke would be the one transforming them, not Eren. He'd be commanding them.

serum evaporates when exposed to air

>Jean and Mikasa "please don't slaughter civilians" status: BTFO
And the devil (of the earth) laughs.

>I give her a 10% chance at best. 2% of eating him.
Cool, I'll take those chances

CLAMP went full bullshit during and after Tsubasa Resevoir Chronicle, anything before was quite streamlined and simple.

But I mean, Eren probably doesn't need anyone to create titans for him. He could just touch Zeke and create titans out of everyone in the internment zone. I guess that would be risky to not transform his buddies from the survey corps though.

>All those dead fodders
Oh if ONLY someone never left those two alone

she will die in a flashback, which is more than Ymir got

Isayama did that already with Ymir to test the waters, so with new FT showing up or Eren eating her he can do the same with Annie.

good god, what did you do to joseph?

But why?

please god let exactly this happen

its bad writing and people are going to defend it because they like to bash on characters.

Leddit have been begging for that every chapter, and look where we are.

Makes me remember this.

>especially cause the association with pedofag
no my newfriends, that retard is a newfag, anniefags existed form years and still do, he ain't doing anything to us. There was a samefagging retard who tried to remove anniefags for shipping reasons. We are still here

It was excellent, good fight choreography, actual tension and an air of unpredictability, things go from bad to worse and it had me on the edge of my seat reading it.

Being monthly is a gift an a curse.

But TRC is the easiest one to understand. Just your typical Grandfather Paradox, but this time with clones. I will admit it makes less sense the more you think about it,
but even then you can still figure it out with a tiny bit of brain work.

SL deserve a completely dominant victory, with no lives lost of any of the minor characters.

>Zeke helping Eren destroy his hometown and turn his folks into titan forever.
There's psychopathy and then there's the Yeager family.

How did she manage to go from that to THAT?

>I get that not everyone here likes Annie
you assume too much, we're just not that optimistic about her compared to how we were few months ago, when pic related happened we had one of the best threads in a while

But nobody liked that


>tfw Isayama will never be this kino
petition for user to write the story instead when?

>The protagonist are going to win in the end who cares?
99% of all media involving action, if it makes you feel any better eren and armin are confirmed dead either way.

you know mass titanization isn't possible like that speedreader kun

>Zeke turned in his father and Eldian Restorationist only because he wanted to be the one to restore Eldia a decade later
Does his 5D chess know no limits?

Zeke poisoned the water with his spinalfluid to make Connie's village turn all into titans, speedreader-kun

I never, EVER, cared about Sasha but now I think she's hot. She might be the most attractive female in snk so far.

Armin is shit.

This is the stupidest shit idea ever
>poison the water supply
Kill yourself.

>5D chess
None of that, just senseless cruelty.

>mass titanization like that isn't possible
>calls me the speedreader
I'm not even going to explain to you how fucking retarded you are, because you clearly can't even read.

>Zeke poisoned the water with his spinalfluid to make Connie's village turn all into titans
source needed speedreader kun

Left but kill manlet.

It's not bad writing because annie is not dead, in fact Annie might actually be in love with eren, He's the only man in her life to ever bring her some kind of happiness. Even her and her father have a toxic relationship. Yet this cute oblivious boy she met brought her joy and help shift her world view, with his ignorant yet passionate ideals.

His enthusiasm and dedication for getting stronger as well as going against the current ,against all odds had a great impression on annie.
She thought it was especially cute how excited he was when learning a new move, it made her smile
She had wished she could be like him but admits she's a weak person at heart, scared to oppose the marley empire, yet she wishes for the courage to do so.

When she wakes up next chapter, she'll learn that eren possess the founding titan and humanity now has the colossal titan under their control. Meaning opposing marley is now a viable option and not just stupid optimism. She'll then join eren and the walldians to help save the eldians and destroy the marley she hates so much. So that the eldians stuck in marley, weak people forced along the current, can be considered people too.

Fuck Porco

I'm talking about the serum mixed in water supply, not them touching each other

Fuck me, this pasta is making me laugh every time.

>tried to remove anniefags for shipping reasons
i remember one of those attempts, it was pathetic all the way through.

>t. brainlet who couldn't think of something so kino
for the record, zeke mass titanized people in the air ship, speedreaderbrainlet-kun

shitty copy pasta again

>All those
>2 red shirts
>Everyone else easily avoid the highly in accurate single volley

painzur unit is dead meat, their gonna catch a bamboo branch to the throat next chapter.

He's right, the outcome will aways be the same, nothing can't stand protagonism power, like in 99% of all media involving action, so why even bother pick sides if there's no tension.

There is absolutely nothing in the manga that says poisoning the water supply with his spinal fluid will not titanize them. Nowhere.

Sasha will fire a bamboo bomb inside their windows using a motherfucking bow.
Then Piecke will have to smell the panzer unit screaming and frying like bacon while they're attached to her.

I bet you were samefagging your own posts too, this is an anonymous board you know? I can just say in the next thread that I was the one who wrote that, seriously we are talking about the plot here you retard and zeke transformed those that had his serum in them speedreader kun, go read chapter 93 and 94 again