Saiki Kusuo

tfw there is really fast Indonesian sub, but no English sub yet.

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Why Indonesian?

God, I love her face in this pic

We need to teach those dudes some english so that they sub for us

It's a great fansubber scene country.

Found the problem.


Netflix drops Saiki on Friday, and apparently subbers are waiting for those raws


I think I've watched enough anime to read the Indonesian subs.

nice garbage cleaning competition.

SEAmonkeys love anime

Next week Teruhashi-san.

Next week smug Cat.

Still no english subs?


I can translate it to English in about 2 hours after Indonesian release (some hours after raw), but there seem to be no point of doing that when Davinci is going to sub it anyway with higher typesetting effort.

so are Kaidou and Chiyo going out now?

Aren't they going out since season 1?

Yeah but they're going to wait until fucking friday or saturday. If you can do it in 2 fucking hours get to it please.

nevermind, they are hard-subbed lol


Why does god hate western fans of Saiki?

Use the raws


I despise making timing more than anything.

No Teruhashi this week kills me.

user you either sub a hero or avoid subbing long enough to become Tractor-kun.
It's your choice.

How long do we have until the anime passes the English scans

Not long, probably not even the end of cour 1.
That's our deadline.

What is easier to learn? Moonrunes or Cowrunes?

The right question is "which one is more useful?"

You know, whenever someone says "moonrunes" i forget for a second that it's a way of saying japanese and I can't help but think of Little Witch Academia and the literal moonrunes.

is this suposed to be chink language?

It's obviously indonesian. You know, sacred cows and all that

That's Indian.

i don't deserve this punishment

i bought the blurays, why didn't they do a simulcast

Indon, it uses latin alphabet so the pronunciation is easier, and no pictograph meaning scribbles bullshit.Easy to google too with english keyboard (assuming you use one).


What's with the fujobait cards in this?

I don't really mind them, but why are they still the exact same oens 3 episodes in? Haven't watched the newest one, pls confirm

It was brought up in the WSJ ToC thread, but last week's chapter may have been a hint that the manga's ending in April. What do you guys hope happens before Saiki ends?

Was wondering about that too. To be honest it's kinda funny having those for no reason but I can see why a lot of people are complaining about it. iirc it's the same 5 always

When's best girl (after teruhashi san) episode?

How many god's do they have ?

I dont think so. They're was valentines day chapter in the raws. Cant read nip but I thought chiyo confessed

>What do you guys hope happens before Saiki ends?

The great offuing of course.

And I guess Saiki finding peace in never being able to share his real self with most of the cast. He's already come to terms with it, but it's obvious from the latest time travel arc that it still bothers him

Why doesn't he just use mind control to implant "Saiki Kusuo having psychic powers is not unusual"

Then everyone should keep treating him normally but they know now

1. Not being unusual doesn't mean people won't come to him for favors

2. Remember what happened when Saiki used mind control to implant "Saiki's hair color isn't unusual"? Now thing about your idea again and imagine the result.

If we’re monkeys then you’re bunch of chimpanzees and gorillas

>Indonesian sub

How does that go even

>Masha’allah it’s Teruhashi-san
>OFFU she’s not wearing bur’qa absolutely HARAM but Allah wills it!

Yeah but he also used mind control to make people ignore his controllers, and we don't see anybody else walking around with antennae. He could probably focus it well enough to not cause any unintended consequences. You're right on the favors, though. They'e always asking him for dumb shit even when they don't know anything he can do

There's a difference?

>and we don't see anybody else walking around with antennae

I take it you haven't gotten to twintails lesbian yet. Saiki implanted the antenna as being just extravagant hairpins turned average.

Really? From my limited understanding, it only mentions the volcano will erupt 4/10 and that it's already 4/9 in universe.
Also, from the chapter before that one. Can't tell if they are trying to reassure us if the series isn't ending?

I hope the series ends. Not because I don't like it, but because I want it to have a closed storyline. Even if it's comedy it has a clear timeline and even more important, it has a narrative.
Subtle, yes, but narrative nontheless. And I don't want it to become a stretched-out show that looses all meaning.

>It's a great fansubber scene country.
Active, maybe. I really can't recall any good experiences while watching something with Indonesian subs. So many idioms translated literally, redundant vocabularies, and forced memes in it that I generally stick to English subs for years.

Wait, so you are indonesian?

[Davinci] Saiki Kusuo no Psi-nan 2 - 04 [720p][4RT5I90C].mkv

dont need to be saiki to know its not there

You're an asshole and I hope you die

Is the user editing the subs as Leonardo still doing it?

Almost there!

Aaprt from anything else, the Davinci release audio desyncs on my toaster and the Leonardos don't.

There's nothing in particular that I want, but I do hope that Saiki doesn't lose his powers.

Davinci already made an alt sub track for the immersive experience.

I just want Saiki to find teruhashi likeable. not like her, but recognize that she can be cute as hell and a good person when she wants to. After all, even if everything is fake, when you fake for so much time, it just becomes reality.

Im still not a little girl though.

I totally forgot about S2 airing.

you just have to try harder

Ah, I wasn't sure cause I'm not totally caught up but that makes sense. I'm torn between being alright with it continuing and it coming to an end, sine I do think wrapping up in a fitting end will ensure Saiki as one of Jump's finest for years to come.

I will never trust tractors again

Don't let it die

Indonfag here.
Indonesian fast subs are not even good, they often use translation machine such as google and it's pretty bad. People only download it because they compress the video so low that you'd get eyecancer at the artifacts because their audience are poorfag who can't afford cable internet and relies on cellular data plan.

And the funny thing is, the same people doesn't mind being ripped off by having to download releases behind ad ridden shortlinks layer because they believes these fast subs actually doing much work.

At least they're getting the subs

Hairo was the only character I didn't like at all but he suddenly got really funny in the second cour of season 1, hopefully there's more of him this season

what the fuck user

>so the pronunciation is easier
Absolute bullshit. Japanese is the easiest language to learn how to speak because there are no exceptions of how to pronounce a kana. For example, a か will always be pronounced the same way no matter what. What's hard about Japanese is writing and reading, pronunciation and grammar is actual child's play.

>Indonesia is in the middle east

He's not wrong though

Well shit, I stand corrected.

It's you, go read up on Indonesia a bit.

Is anime halal?

The "H" in "anime" stands for that

I don't want to learn japanese because I hate their fucking idiom.
Why do you need 2 separate writing systems. Why are your "letters" so convoluted.
Holy shit it's time you all modernized a little and started using a latin alphabet like the rest of the world, jesus fuck.

>see "Y" but its actually "ma"
no thanks, kana isnt even close to challenging anyway. cyrillic is just as hard


To be fair, both the indonesian and japanese pronounciation is pretty straightforward. Indonesian is generally easier due to the fact that there is only one writing system. Japanese is a cooler language though.

Indon? Isn't it the mudslime country filled with "legal" terrorist? Bunch of them even toppled the previous Jakarta governor.
As long as you ae Islam in Indonesia, you can kill people and get away with it, so I heard.

subs later

Kana isn't challenging at all, it's something you can easily learn in a day or two, but kanji is a completely different beast. If kana was the only thing you needed to learn, Japanese wouldn't be a problem at all.

You're confusing it with Malaysia.

You should try watching this one at "anitoki", he translated from raw > indo, unlike others who translate from english > indo after the english release.

yeah that's really annoying.

No. He is right. Shit country overrun by slanderer, murderer and rapist that hides themselves with a mask of Islamic religion.

t. Malaysia dog

I just realized the volcano in the opening. Isn't it early for that? At least for first cour, second cour I wouldn't think much about it

don't think too much about OP animation

Oh yeah... forgot that was a thing. Well shit

>Bunch of them even toppled the previous Jakarta governor.
That chink got it coming for him.

I'm not even religious, but I know when some globalist faggots are trying to make inroads, and I'm supporting anyone who kick them out.
