shhhh! cute witches are sleeping

Other urls found in this thread:


cute witches and also lotte




I got bento's art book in the mail, thanks mr bento.

Are any of the manga good?

Kill yourself

They all have their pluses.

I think the current on-going one is my favorite though, since it feels like the most fun.



Alice > Akko

>Pioneers Isekai
>10 years before SAO
I have a number of complaints.

That was an actual mecha show, though.


Someone needs to draw Diana as Kazumi.



Very good then.

LWA is the successor to Gunbuster we deserve. In my head cannon the key talent responsible for Gunbuster are the ones who left Gainax to found Trigger.

>Akko wearing panties
She's a slut who goes commando all day, ere day.

You have no idea what you've unleashed. Repent mother fucker!


>I have a number of complaints.

I don't have a photo of Rayearth, but if I did, that's what I'd post next.






hannah being pals with a gal!


>screenshot with subs
How do you fuck up this hard?

This thread needs more Ursula!!

Glad someone finally drew some kabedon.


I didn't make it, retard. And the subs are barely that invasive.

This is a wonderful picture



Nice autism, kiddo.



Is anyone else excited for the game?

I'm excited for more LWA at least. Gameplay looks meh at best, but I just want to see more cute witches interacting with one another. I'm hoping that the side quests that shed light on the background witches will be as delightful as some rumors circulating seem to indicate.







oh baby


No. The only appropriate place for Akko to sleep is in Diana's bed!

Akko has cute PJs.


I dunno. Did you see her bed in episode 19? Looked kinda stiff. Though the one in her dorm room seems comfier.

>Time for rape

Sucy is for swaglord


Well she did need something that could contain her fat ass.


>Ursula in a sleeping bag.
I wish this manga could be longer than just three volumes.



great picture

>She usually sleeps in the couch
>She's now downgraded to a sleeping back
This is hilarious and sad. What did she do now?


Remember how Ursula and Akko got in trouble for the fish thing resulting in Finn and Ursula having to watch them for a week? This is what we didn't see. Those glasses really aren't for show, she truly needs them

>I managed to mess up the order of the pics.

I remember someone in a Trigger Night said that the glasses are real as well.

Please, continue the dumping.

No wonder that she kept jobbing to Croix, she always took off her glasses before fighting.

The new animations, that is.

So does this mean Croix wears contact lenses as an adult now?

Probably, or she just got surgery.

That's just a preview.

>Finneran wakes up before her alarm clock
What kind of monster...

>Still no raws of the manga because someone is still salty about Andrew

I really want to secretly impregnate them in their sleep.



>Kiss them user~


you might be gay




>Needs the help from the whole world
That's not necesarilly bad, if we are being honest here. However, I do hope that someday Akko is able to stand by herself. I did felt Diana was sort of shehorned at the end, even if it did fit with the conclusion of her own character arc.

>Japs will never understand the joy of Gunposting

Witches are for the stake!


I want to give Sucy my mushroom!

I REALLY hope they get more in depth with this in the future. Like, revealing there were witch hunts in the past and all that stuff along with the lore.

user, I...

Don't tell me I missed something you didn't?

The entire plot of Enchanted Parade is based on the characters doing a parade based on the witch hunts of old.

>revealing there were witch hunts in the past and all that stuff along with the lore.
Why do you think there's only one witch from the US, user.

Forgive 3D

I have to admit I completely forgot about it, since I have yet to watch EP, but I did see it mentioned it around here.

kek part of my funzine submission was about what beatrix does to wouldbe witch hunters

I don't get it.