Post best girls of this season

Post best girls of this season.


There are non. This season is 100% shit. The Diabetes anime doesn't count.


She has perfect breasts here. I hate it when they make it bigger in some shots.

My new wife 02.


My cute friend Hæzuki is cute

Why the fuck is this bitch trying to get naked in front of every girl she meets?

this man gets it
a close second

You pösted it.

Not even the best in her own show.

I want her to ride me hard.

Pick one.



There are a lot of high quality girls this season.

This cute _boy.

I shit through my pepis


what show?

The Art of Streaking by Häzúkï.



She is really cute, I like her dance in the ED.

Don't bother, the show managed to be even more gay than Citrus somehow.

I wish this show had a self-insert. I want a boy to make Häzuki straight.

>he doesn't self insert as the girl

fuck this piece of shit and the beta faggot who wont rape her

>mfw the next episode going to focus on her

cùtè! cùtè! CÙTÈ!!!

I hope the Colors get some shota boyfriends.

Fuck those two losers. It's all about Char

I'd rather see them with guys 2-3x their age.

>D-Don't forget me guys


Into the trash with ye, blue-haired cuckold


This one, and maybe the shut-in from slow start.

Is that supposed to make me not want to see it?


Asuka is easily the best girl this season

If only she was a loli.

Akira is best girl of the season.

Remove the dumb loli


Rin is making me consider replacing my waifu

Märchen Mädchen

Post some examples? I can't think of any instances where her breast size fluctuates much.


They're too big in some shots.

just wish she had some more screen time
maybe tomorrow

Those are nice, but I really hope the animators throw us a bone and give us a scene here and there where Hazuki is this size.

No. Hazuki is supposed to have small breasts.

cold seems to be her and her doggos weakness i'm worried about them camping with the other girls

Yuzuki is GotS. Prove me wrong.

Remove anyone(except Akira) and add Ratel, otherwise your list is wrong.

lol calm down

>not even the best yuzu of the season

Small budding breasts look best on her.

Hazuki isn't even the best girl from her show.

Why is America a loli?


who do you think the demographic for that show is?

Why did her power didn't included making walls?

American lolis?

She focuses on beating up chinks because the mexicans have already been exterminated.

Works for me

Do you have a blank version of this template?



>implying she wouldn't consent
For real though, don't misuse words.

Citrus at least is real yuri.
