Just thinking...Do you guys tell your best/close friends that you actually likes traps?
Traps Thread
I dont have friends
They dont care
I don't like traps.
why the fuck would you do that
No one will ever save that embarrassing pic you autistic ESL.
To think that someone actually spent their time making this list
My friends got me into traps lmao
My friends are traps
Good list user. This goes without saying, but don't listen to the dumb fags.
tfw cute 3d cosplaying trap gf to erp cuddling with
God I wish Astolfo was my friend
what do traps smell like?
traps actively peruse the modern feminine ideal, any females that do it nowadays are often called traps on Sup Forums; even when they're obviously not
not to mention the large amounts of asexual fetish connotations that come along with them; which is obviously alluring to the 21st century male. there is alot of subconscious undertones automatically present with a trap gf
traps are good for relationships also, because it is much more a symbiotic relationship than with femoids; both the trap and the male want the same things out of it.
my prediction for the future: either irl girls start to become more like anime girls or traps in the near future; or mating and relationships continues to center on some kind of pareto distribution with traps becoming more and more normalized and popular
me on the left
I was at a social gathering recently and overheard two people talking about traps and how cute Felix was. It had to be one of the most surreal moments of my life. Is this a normal thing in nerd circles now?
lol Kafkaesque
Maybe they're just talking about the black cat.
>facebook filename
Facebook is not all that bad,depends on what pages or groups you are into
Saiki best trap.